Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Dentists? Dental pumice?  

Dentists? Dental pumice?  

answers 0:I'm looking for some type of tooth paste with pumice in it used by professional dentists to remove stains from teeth. My Mom use to work as a dental assistant and brought home a tin jar of this was purplish in color, thick, with pumice (little sand particles in it). We'd put it on our toothbrushes and it did wonders for our teeth. Does anyone know what this stuff is called and/or where I can get some of it at?...Show moreanswers 1:what you should use is Crest Prohealth toothpaste if you likea gritty feeling. It is designed to help remove surface stains on teeth.answers 2:I don't think you can get pumice unless you are dental professional. The reason is, pumice removes a small amount of enamel. Overuse would be bad to your enamel.My suggestion is: go to the dentist and have your teeth cleaned. That is what the hygienist will use whrn they polish your teeth. They may als! o use an ultrasonic scaler to help remove stain.Hope this helps!...answers 3:It is prophy paste, and you have to get it through a dental supply company. It is doubtful that they would sell that to you directly, nor would most dentists give it to you. You shouldn't be using that stuff as a substitute for toothpaste. It is way to abrasive to use daily. You will damage your teeth if you do that over a long period of time.answers 4:Dental Pumiceanswers 5:7

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