Friday, July 31, 2020

what baseball stadiums did the Phillie's at?

Mel Crapo: are you sure what about the our parks listed

Leticia Laiben: Citizens Bank Park (2004-Present)Veterans Stadium (1971-2003)Connie Mack Stadium (1938-1970)Baker Bowl (1887-1936)Recreation Park (1883-1886)Good Luck!EDIT: I Wasn't Done! The Only One You Missed Was Connie Mack Stadium!...Show more

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Do you do math for recreation and fun?

Alberto Kozub: What do you think I doing this for then, answering peoples math questions? I like math, so I try to help as well as entertain myself.

Collin Barter: Yes. I used to think of mathematics as the language of science, but now I think of it as a vast work of art. I read mathematics like I read novels.I am a nerd. I know.

Reyes Brunell: yes, and for a job

Leann Villalta: Yes, Maths is a really good subject to explore and play with,I have done my gradiuation in Maths and seen how it can be used in real life!

Aron Ramu: No. Why would I do math when I could do other things like sports.

Alise Rutgers: Sometimes for fun, sometimes not (to get the point in exam). Sometimes just to beat the asker.

Freddy Shutler: yeah it works your mind and push it into the limit which is good for some reason

Moira Woodrow: For fun I guess, coz since I was a kid I love math coz I enjoy solving math problem....It's enjoying but at the same time it! 's challenging!!!

Stormy Beliard: Yes, it makes my brain feel good.

Erica Bottaro: Yeah! I love learning new things and math is a great thing to learn, if you learn a bit in your spare time it will help you understand a lot of other things and may even save you time in the future when you have to learn it. I hope this made sense! :P

Manie Labat: no, but a friend of mine does .................................

Neely Youngblut: Yes. I love maths for it really makes my brain work hard. And I think that nobody could avoid using maths in everyday's routine.

Kandi Lough: I think everyone knowingly and unknowingly does math for recreation and fun. If Shopping is fun for some, calculating the total cost of all your expenditure is math. If sports is fun, tallying the final score is math. If brain teasers are your thing, Sudoku involves math. If travelling is your hobby, finding the fasted route to your destination involves adding up transit time, in-flig! ht time, checking-in time. If Algebra is your thing, then it w! ould involve a bit more complicated form of maths. So really, we all do math everyday...whether we think its fun or not!...Show more

Hye Caulley: Yeah, and yet, I wonder why I damn myself to hell.

Comment devenir plombier

Comment devenir plombier

p>Malgré l’image d’un homme en pantalon d’immeuble bas, être plombier exige une formation spécialisée. Les plombiers installent et réparent les appareils fixes et les appareils électroménagers qui sont raccordés au réseau d’alimentation en eau d’une maison ou d’une entreprise. Pour être plombier, il faut savoir lire les plans, connaître les tuyaux et les matériaux de construction et connaître les techniques de conservation de l’eau.

Obtenez une licence. Une fois que vous aurez constitué votre dossier de candidature et rempli toutes les conditions requises par votre Etat, vous serez prêt à passer l’examen. L’obtention d’un permis de plombier est nécessaire pour travailler de façon indépendante comme plombier.

Faites une demande de licence. Une fois que vous avez consulté le sit! e Web de votre État, vérifiez toutes les exigences et assurez-vous de les respecter. Certains États ont leurs demandes en ligne tandis que d’autres exigent que vous les remplissiez à la main.

Faites des recherches et faites une demande auprès des entreprises locales de plomberie. Certaines entreprises privées offrent des programmes d’apprentissage aux personnes désireuses d’apprendre. Faites votre curriculum vitae et essayez d’énumérer les compétences et les emplois pertinents que vous conservez pour devenir plombier. Ce n’est pas grave si vous n’avez jamais eu de travail de plomberie, mais un emploi au service à la clientèle aura l’air bien. Incluez votre diplôme en plomberie si vous en avez reçu un.

Travaillez avec un pro. Une partie du programme d’apprentissage consiste à travailler au jour le jour avec quelqu’un qui a déjà franchi les étapes que vous traversez. Certains programmes d’apprentissage vous assignent un mentor! avec qui travailler, tandis que d’autres offrent un groupe ! de soutien rotatif composé de plombiers expérimentés. Retirez autant de ces chiffres parce que vous ne les aurez pas toujours au travail.

Obtenez votre diplôme d’études secondaires ou GED. Vous devez terminer vos études secondaires ou obtenir votre diplôme d’études secondaires pour vous inscrire à une formation professionnelle ou à un programme d’apprentissage. Les personnes qui travaillent dans le centre d’orientation professionnelle de votre école peuvent avoir des relations et des programmes disponibles pour vous.

Etudiez pour l’examen. Une fois que vous aurez présenté votre demande de permis, vous recevrez une trousse d’examens pratiques. Préparez-vous en prenant le temps d’examiner le matériel de pratique et passez autant de temps qu’il le faut jusqu’à ce que vous compreniez tout.

S’inscrire à une formation professionnelle. Une fois que vous aurez trouvé un programme de plomberie dans une école de métiers, un co! llège technique ou communautaire, vous devrez vous inscrire à des cours. Vous obtiendrez un certificat qui couvre les systèmes d’approvisionnement en eau et de drainage, ainsi que l’équipement de tuyauterie. Il n’est pas nécessaire d’obtenir un diplôme en plomberie, mais de nombreuses entreprises et organismes publics le préfèrent.

Terminer un programme d’apprentissage. Les programmes d’apprentissage offrent généralement la formation la plus complète pour devenir plombier. Ils sont habituellement administrés conjointement par les syndicats de plombiers ou par des organisations d’entrepreneurs non syndiqués. Soyez prêt à faire le travail tout en envisageant un apprentissage.

Prenez les programmes spécialisés. Selon l’école que vous choisirez, vous pourrez peut-être suivre des cours spécialisés dans des domaines d’études spécialisés. Il y a un virage majeur vers la conservation de l’eau aujourd’hui et beaucoup d’entr! eprises veulent des plombiers qui se spécialisent dans ce domaine.


Renseignez-vous sur les exigences de votre État. Les permis de plomberie ne sont pas délivrés par le gouvernement fédéral. Chaque État administre une demande différente pour l’obtention d’une licence. Vous devrez savoir quelle entité gouvernementale délivre la licence. Ensuite, vous devrez déterminer quelles études et quelle expérience de travail sont requises.

Comprendre les factions des licences. Différents états et gouvernements locaux exigeront différents niveaux de permis de plomberie. Pour la plupart des régions métropolitaines, vous devrez détenir le niveau le plus élevé. Ce sont là quelques-uns des degrés de licences :

Effectuer des recherches sur l’enseignement supérieur. Faites un sondage auprès des collèges communautaires disponibles dans votre région. Selon l’école, vous pouvez fréquenter n’importe quel collège communautaire d’État. Choisissez une école qui offre un programme spécialisé en plomberie. Ce! rtaines écoles offrent un diplôme professionnel d’un an tandis que d’autres offrent un diplôme d’associé de deux ans.

Faites une demande auprès d’un syndicat de plombiers. Il peut être difficile d’adhérer à un syndicat en tant qu’apprenti, mais la formation et l’expérience seront bénéfiques. Faites des recherches sur les syndicats locaux, puis songez à l’Association unie (AU). UA est un syndicat reconnu depuis longtemps qui s’étend au-delà de la plomberie. Il existe des possibilités pour un syndicat d’offrir des cours et même des possibilités d’obtenir un diplôme d’associé ou de bachelier.

Suivez les cours appropriés. Même au secondaire, tu peux suivre certains cours qui te préparent à la plomberie. Un certain nombre d’écoles secondaires offrent une formation professionnelle aux élèves des classes supérieures. Idéalement, les cours devraient porter sur la plomberie et le chauffage. Vous pouvez toujours vous p! réparer en vous inscrivant à des cours de mathématiques, de physique! et d’informatique.

Travailler en classe. Tous les programmes d’apprentissage exigent une certaine quantité de travail en classe. Les matières peuvent porter sur les mathématiques commerciales, la lecture de plans techniques, le dessin mécanique, l’informatique, l’approvisionnement en eau, le drainage, l’interprétation de codes, et plus encore. Certains programmes vous enverront dans des collèges communautaires locaux et auront un membre de l’American Council of Education pour évaluer vos progrès.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Online PreSchool games?

Shad Bushweller: These Out!...Show more

Andre Winegar: Well, this is one of the best sites you can find that fit all your criteria really... it helps :)

Maynard Reevers: Here are some good products for kids to learn counting, numbers and animals.Numbers & Counting Books, Game, DVD and Cards For Kids and Color Books, DVD and Game for Preschool Kids Board Book, DVD and Game for PreschoolersThis fun set includes the DVD, board book and flashcards on all things animals in one convenient value pack! Includes: 45-minute DVD, 16-page board book and 36-piece flashcard set. Learning while playing, best interac! tive learning package for preschool kids! if you only want some only games, here is a good one. online games that will give preschool children hours of fun learning time and help them understand and practice the key concepts from the targeted story book....Show more

Does anyone have any information or recommendations for dental implants in Mexico?  

Does anyone have any information or recommendations for dental implants in Mexico?  

answers 0:I have a Ca. periodontist that wants about $4500/tooth....and I unfortunately need about 6 - 7answers 1:you MUST try dental Maya in CancunI saved a lot of money there, had a great time. They are very professional and english spoken. Dont go to tijuana, Juarez etc.. kinda dangerous.GL

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Video Games in Dubai...?

Lou Rought: There is no GameStop or EB Games, only Virgin Megastore and some other shops. A lot of shops are in Abu Dhabi, where you can find a lot of copied as well as original games.There are video game stores, such as Virgin Megastore and Carrefourre. The MAIN video game stores, however, are in Abu Dhabi, where you can find tons of copied games as well as original. You can plug them in and use them, you just need an adapater. The USA voltage is 110/120, the UAE voltage is 220/240. You need to check if your console is NTSC or PAL. Dubai sells both types of games. And once again, an answer to your secondary question, you have to check what type of games you have (Pal or NTSC), and check what video game system you will buy in Dubai (Pal or NTSC)....Show more

Cómo obtener un poder notarial duradero

Cómo obtener un poder notarial duradero

Entienda que su director puede revocar su autoridad en cualquier momento. Si la condición de su director mejora, o si decide que ya no quiere un POA, puede revocarlo cuando quiera, siempre y cuando sea mentalmente competente.

Encuentre los formularios de Poder Notarial Duradero. Es posible que su director no pueda buscar estos formularios, llenarlos o escribirlos a máquina por sí mismo. Los formularios preimpresos están disponibles en organizaciones sin fines de lucro, instituciones financieras o de atención médica y tiendas de artículos de oficina. Todo lo que tiene que hacer es rellenar los espacios en blanco del formulario con los datos personales de su director.

Identificar un posible agente sucesor. Dependiendo de su edad o estado de salud, es posible que desee ayudar a su director a seleccionar a un agente suc! esor para que lo sustituya en caso de que usted no esté disponible o quede incapacitado.

Notifique al tutor de su director y al agente que lo suceda. Si su director es incompetente o incapacitado, notifique a su tutor, así como a cualquier persona que ella designe como agente sucesor, que usted ya no desea llevar a cabo sus deberes como su agente.

Hable con su director sobre cómo convertirse en su apoderado legal. En algunos casos, es posible que su director ya tenga problemas de salud o de movilidad y no pueda hacer muchas cosas por sí solo.

Complete el formulario o redacte su propio documento. Si tiene un formulario en blanco, proporcione la información necesaria para completar el formulario, pero no lo firme todavía.

Revise su acuerdo de POA y vea si incluye un procedimiento para la renuncia. Algunos acuerdos incluyen una cláusula que describe cómo debe renunciar. Si su acuerdo tiene una cláusula de este tipo, debe seguir ese procedimient! o.

Avise al director de su escuela que desea renunciar a! sus obligaciones. Si su principal sigue siendo competente y usted ha decidido que no tiene tiempo o interés en continuar con su papel como agente, hágale saber que usted ya no quiere hacerlo.

Comprender el significado de un poder notarial duradero. Cuando alguien le otorga un poder notarial duradero, le da permiso para tomar una serie de decisiones médicas y financieras importantes en su nombre.

Piense cuidadosamente antes de aceptar ser el agente de alguien. Usted tendrá la capacidad de tomar decisiones que pueden alterar su vida en nombre de su director, así que esto no es algo para tomar a la ligera.

Distribuya copias de su documento de poder notarial según sea necesario. Tanto usted como su director deben tener copias personales de la orden de protección duradera, y deben guardar esas copias en un lugar seguro. Por lo general, no es necesario presentar el documento ante un tribunal u otra agencia gubernamental.

Firme el documento ante un ! notario. Cada estado requiere que usted y su director firmen el POA duradero en presencia de un notario. Si no está seguro de dónde encontrar un notario, puede utilizar el Localizador de Notarios que proporciona la Sociedad Estadounidense de Notarios (American Society of Notaries).

Monday, July 27, 2020

my baby bros toy says porn?

Jacques Vaquera: So what do you want to know?Where to get more toys like this?Why a toy you bought at a sex shop would do this?Why your bro isn't getting wood?...Show more


Comment améliorer votre freinage

Comment améliorer votre freinage

Dirigez-vous vers la ligne à un rythme soutenu. Arrêtez de pédaler et roulez avec les deux pieds à niveau. Serrez les deux leviers de frein et essayez de vous arrêter avec votre roue avant parfaitement sur la ligne (centre de la roue entre les cônes). Si l’une ou l’autre des roues patine, relâchez la pression sur le levier de frein approprié. Répétez l’opération plusieurs fois pour augmenter la vitesse. Vous devriez avoir une bonne idée de l’endroit où vous devez commencer à freiner pour vous arrêter sur la ligne.

Pompez avec les jambes dans les pédales pour augmenter la force sur la roue arrière.

Placez deux pierres, deux cônes ou deux bouteilles d’eau à 4 pieds (1,2 m) l’un de l’autre près d’une extrémité de la zone. Ces derniers font votre ligne d’arrêt cible. Vous devriez avoir suffisamment d! ’espace pour rouler en ligne droite à l’écart entre eux pour augmenter la vitesse, et vous devriez avoir beaucoup d’espace de l’autre côté d’eux au cas où vous ne vous arrêtez pas directement sur la ligne.

Pompez vos bras vers le bas rapidement et avec force juste au moment où vous commencez à freiner. La motion ressemble beaucoup à un push-up très rapide. Cela augmente momentanément la force sur votre pneu avant, ce qui lui donne plus d’adhérence. Avec plus d’adhérence, vous pouvez freiner plus fort sans bloquer vos pneus.

Passez à utiliser uniquement votre frein arrière. Vous aurez besoin de plus de distance d’arrêt, alors revenez à votre vitesse d’origine. Entraînez-vous jusqu’à ce que vous puissiez vous arrêter sur la ligne en n’utilisant que votre frein arrière.

Commencez par trouver un espace ouvert de niveau approprié pour pratiquer. Un terrain de stationnement en terre battue ou un court champ d’herbe e! st idéal.

Passez à utiliser uniquement votre frein ava! nt. Encore une fois, commencez lentement et travaillez. Il est très important de ne pas bloquer (déraper) votre roue avant. Pratiquez ceci jusqu’à ce que vous puissiez vous arrêter régulièrement sur la ligne.

Reprendre l’utilisation simultanée des deux freins. Vous constaterez que vous pouvez vous arrêter d’une manière beaucoup plus contrôlée qu’auparavant.

Comparez votre distance d’arrêt et le contrôle de votre freinage au moment où vous avez commencé, vous devriez maintenant être en mesure d’arrêter sur une distance beaucoup plus courte.

En gardant vos pédales à niveau, laissez tomber vos talons de façon à ce que vos pieds pointent vers le haut de 30 degrés pendant le freinage. Cela permet à vos jambes de prendre beaucoup de force au lieu de vos bras. Cela vous permettra de rouler plus longtemps sans vous fatiguer et vous donnera un meilleur contrôle de la moto lors du freinage.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

I am 26 years old. Where can I take arts and crafts lessons?

Bo Perham: Contact your local crafts supplies store. They often have some classes and know about others. Some towns have Community School classes, which are exactly what you're talking about. Find them through your public library or Parks & Recreation department. Check the phone book.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Craft or game using envelopes?

Veta Slicker: Art: project requires very little set up or clean up. Total craft time is about 30 minutes. You'll Need:envelopescrayonsmarkersgluepaperWhat to do:First you'll need to seal the envelope. Draw a nose, whiskers or other features. Cut construction paper ears, hat, or hair.envelope puppets, scroll down to #21....... more

will FMLA apply to this?  

will FMLA apply to this?  

answers 0:If my daughter gets her vaccinations for thr 18 months and get very sick (fever) does FMLA cover it?answers 1:FMLA usually covers personal and family (extended illness) and also a specific amt. of time for leave regarding the birth of a child. I do not think they cover any short term illness.answers 2:Yes, it covers any sickness that she has, as long as meet all the other qualifications (have worked for more than a year, company has more than 50 people etc)answers 3:This is if i have to miss workanswers 4:It will only count under FMLA if it is a serious health condition which the Department of Labor describes as:"Serious health condition means an illness, injury, impairment or physical or mental condition that involves inpatient care as defined in Sec. 825.114 or continuing treatment by a health care provider as defined in Sec. 825.115. Conditio! ns for which cosmetic treatments are administered (such as most treatments for acne or plastic surgery) are not "serious health conditions" unless inpatient hospital care is required or unless complications develop. Restorative dental or plastic surgery after an injury or removal of cancerous growths are serious health conditions provided all the other conditions of this regulation are met. Mental illness or allergies may be serious health conditions, but only if all the conditions of Sec. 825.113 are met."So unless your daughter needs inpatient care or continuing medical treatment, I believe that you're out of luck. Sorry....

Friday, July 24, 2020

Teens: What's your hobby?

Nilda Bafia: what how does this work

Carter Edstrom: Agreeed with kisses of the sunholy cow. im soo annoyed.

Rena Pepe: Yes.

Cody Shimko: I'm a specialist in men's suits. I'm also half-way through becoming a bespoke suits tailor, and a designer.

Mercedez Trabue: I think he likes you

Rivka Killmer: yes

Charissa Bichsel: It really depends on the position. When my gf and I are doggystyle on the bed, we like to get a nice rhythm going before I start to tap it. I'll spank her *** a few times and pull on her hair. not hard though. Then when we really get to the bouncing, she loves for me to just spank her repeatedly. If we're on the couch she'll be on top facing front and I'll get a few slaps in here and there. But then she'll tease and tell me I either get to slap or grab her **** when we're doggystyle. She tells me I can't have my cake and eat it too. And it could also depend on the size of your butt, lol. My girl is 115 but she does have ! a lot to slap, lol....Show more

Eli Trapeni: Tennis & Painting..More tennis though because painting is expensive, so I take summer classes.

Adam Momaya: Juggling is on of my hobbies. It is fun to find new things to juggle.

Dick Baumgarten: Dancing and drawing. I've been dancing for half my life, and I love it. I've been a ballet and jazz dancer for 9 years, a hip hop dancer for 12 years, and a contemporary dancer for 5 years. I quit ballet and jazz though because I hate it; I LOVE hip hop and contemporary.Drawing is another passion of mine; it's my only talent (besides dance), and it comforts me.

Spencer Heidtbrink: I think it's kind of tacky and painful to be honest but my boyfriend really enjoys it for some reason.. Haha. To each their own.

Timmy Bustard: I'm sure he finds you attractive or he wouldn't have asked for your phone number. I think you should try calling him or ask him to call you....maybe you taking some initiative will help thin! gs along a bit? Maybe ask him out for coffee to talk and get t! o know each other...

Hermina Ketring: My hobby is bland. Just read articles all day about politics. That is what I enjoy doing for some inexplicable reason, I'm just interested in the subject.

Kip Ockenfels: Reading, music, and painting.

Fritz Sisomphou: Music, reading, and writing.

Catheryn Barringer: of course

Sharri Scalley: what do you think?

Maryland Gareau: Archery and reading. I'm terribly good at both ^^ I also find them very enjoyable. I'm not a sport person, but I want to get outside more, and finding something I liked was really hard. I always found archery appealing though and when I first tried it, I was a natural. I might compete one day, but I'm not much for competition. I'll probably just do it for sport. Reading I've been doing since I could talk, and it's such a passion of mine, I'd like to become a librarian after I retire from other work. I love books more than anything, except family and my boyfriend....Show more

Fannie Collingwood: I've done that. It can be quite a turn-on.

Asley Quickle: Hunting

Kalyn Proietto: just go on top of the person and click on add to contacts...i added you :)

Carmelina Enoch: its up to you. ( what defines normal anyway ) i personally don't, but i will hold nothing against anyone that likes too be. that is not weird in my opinion.

Clement Viscarro: Running and Video Games. Running I started in October of last year (joined track) and it's so much fun, and it's something you can always get better at! Video games I've been playing since 1st grade and there's always some new game you can play or learn about... It's fun too.

Penelope Armond: playing golf and ummmm u know the other one

Lucrecia Laurito: I love being slapped anywhere during sex I also love being chocked maybe I just really get into it but being slapped and chocked make me want it more

Stephnie Patout: Fashion Design/Journalism

Nedra Oltz: *raises! hand* i'm a teen!and scrol over people and click on add to contacts

Dulcie Edis: i added uim 16 so im a teen

Spencer Heidtbrink: how do you add people i'm confuzzled.. add me but how do you do that?

Arden Strachn: We met at this club. And he kinda noticed me.. And well, he pointed at me to his friends and then followed me up to the toilets where he "made out" to going to the toilet. Just because me and my friend we're going up there. Later that evening we sat down and he came to the same table and spoke to us.. And kept smiling at me and looking at me and then asked for my number at the end of the night. Well we normally speak in text, and I like talking to him a lot. His called me interesting to talk too, and has said I am hot and stuff. He hardly texts back much because his phone is broken but when he does speak to me I like it. I want him to get out more so we can talk.. But do you think he might like me.. He hasn't told me and the not speaking to me by text much makes me wonder.....Show more

Nancy Mansell: wait my ! bud mark told me about polls and surveys what

Dominic Sciancalepore: you just add them to your contacts i just added you

Colby Millberg: uh i think were in for another dylan....

Damion Oleksa: My boyfriend seems to think that most people don't enjoy being spanked during sex. He thinks it's not normal. I enjoy it very much. And want him to understand it's normal. If it is? Is it?

Roland Stampley: Playing music and reading/writing.I suck at sports and I am naturally good at music and writing. I actually won an award for my reading and writing skills last year.c:

Elfreda Grossen: This is the adolescent section. I've never had sex before, im only 15, but i dont like being spanked ever, so im pretty sure i wouldnt like it during sex.

German Thal: Now not a lot 'events,' as 'routine.' In publish-battle London in the late 1940's, all of the children within the neighbourhood used to head to either the youth clubs or, to some thing which s! eems to have disappeared this present day, 'youth actions.' We had a ad! olescence core very virtually the place I lived and all of us used to move there two or thrice a week. It was as a substitute just like the Boy Scouts, when you consider that we did a lot of climbing and tenting (weekend camps and summer camps) and discussion companies and the youth Leaders have been very Left Wing, so there used to be an interminable argument about the variations between Socialism, Communism and The Labour movement. We labored on our scout-craft to get skillability badges. It was an awfully huge deal to get the motion shirt and a fair bigger deal to be awarded with the yellow neckerchief and leather-based toggle. At summer time Camp it was a first-class sight to see eighty children, all lined up of their uniforms as we raised the flag. We didn't possess dozing bags (they were to come back later) and took a blanket roll to camp with us and slept in bell or ridge tents, eight kids per tent and that was normally mayhem every night time..! However these have b! een good time. We had been all going to change the arena and make it a better position....Although, watching back, that was something we didn't particularly reach doing.......Show more

Stormy Beliard: No, now, if I was doing it, yeah, then I would love it

Arnulfo Seegars: duhhh dummy

Connie Dickirson: My hobby is part of my life hah, i horse ride 7 days a week, and study horse care at college, for the next 3 years i will be trained to teach and be able to manage my own yard.

Tyrone Disanti: Yahoo, then arte and fashion, then exercising

Gaston Edgcomb: I horseback ride as well but I consider that more a sport. :-)

Codi Manchel: Yeah, sure, it couldn't hurt...Why is this posted in adolescents?

Doreatha Kjellsen: Yes.EDIT: But I don't think guys do.

Is it legal for a dental office to require a front desk person to be right-handed?  

Is it legal for a dental office to require a front desk person to be right-handed?  

answers 0:Saw a job posting in a dental office in a town next door to ours; I happen to be left-handed. Thought it was kinda' strange that they can discriminate towards left handers but are OTHERWISE an EQUAL opportunity employer. It doesn't seem right.answers 1:First, you need to realize that not all discrimination is illegal! There are many sorts of discrimination that are perfectly lawful -- such as a pharmacy chain not hiring people with visible tattoos (yes, that's true -- the HR manager is a friend of mine). Further there is the legal discrimination which may appear illegal but is not -- an airline requiring pilots to be at least 5'10" tall, which clearly results in their refusal to hire almost all women no matter what their qualifications. The airline issu! e went to court, and the airline was able to prove that the minimum height was required for a person to physically reach everything necessary for safe flight, so the height requirement was an "essential element" of the job. The airline won. Why an office would choose to discriminate on whether a person was right-handed or left-handed I do not know, but can tell you that is NOT one of the catagories that would fall into the area of illegal discrimination under statutes....answers 2:That is discrimination and is illegal.answers 3:excuse my mispell, in your words, juvenile.answers 4:Completely legal. Being left handed isn't a protected class.answers 5:EVERYONE should be in a protected class FYI.. As far as the airlines, a woman can wear high heals and meet the height requirement, yes? My husband works at a software co. where the owner does not hire smokers. He says it is because smokers are unhealthy and costs him more in healthcare, yet his healthcare covers nothing to date! seeing the deductibles are in the thousands! Bully employers ! should be punished. No one wants to work for someone that discriminates. Why is it that it's only the minorities and gays that are protected?...answers 6:as it would discriminating --> then i think its illegal (should challenge the employer lol)they have not right to do so unless its an appropriate explanation --> which i cant think of!answers 7:Choosing to not hire a left-handed person is obviously not discrimination. As long as they have a legit reason why they want a right-handed employee, it's perfectly legal. Maybe the office is set up in such a way that it hinders the work of a left-handed person and they do not have the means to reorganize their office.What you are choosing to ignore is the fact that business owners do have a right to choose which individuals are a good fit for their company. They are the individuals putting their name out there to pay you a paycheck. That has nothing to do with bullying and everything to do with they are the business owner and t! hey have free reign to *gasp* run their own business. Nothing in this world says that it has to be liked by you or anyone else.Everyone discriminates. You might want to hop off that judgmental pedestal and re-read everything you wrote. This is nothing but a discriminatory rant against business owners that choose to run their companies the way they see fit and because YOU don't agree with it, they are bullies?To compare your left-handedness to the struggles of protected classes is petty. I don't see hate crimes against left-handers, or lynchings. I don't see statistics that prove left handers are discriminated against on a daily basis. You failed to mentioned the truly handicapped as they are protected too. Are you trying to say that left handers are more deserving of protection than individuals that struggle with deformities and physical disabilities? Very juvenile in my opinion....answers 8:If someone is willing to work then they should not be discriminated against! whether left-handed, right-handed, overweight, skinny, blonde, brunett! e, have tattoos, earrings, are gay, straight, different colors, etc., so don't talk stupid. I am old enough to be your Mom and know discrimination. Prorky, you have a lot to say yet probably no friends by how you say things to people you do not even know. I do not smoke but do not think that people that do should be shunned. Many people that smoke are hard workers. You must believe that people's rights should be taken from them in this country. That is a wrong way of thinking and well, in your works, juvenile....answers 9:It isn't right! I am right handed but it should not matter wether or not i use my left arm more than the right.....i think as long as a person can write neatly it shouldnt matter...

Thursday, July 23, 2020

isn't gambling really dancing with the devil?

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TB test or vaccine or whatever?  

TB test or vaccine or whatever?  

answers 0:hey you guys!i'm going to be working in the dental field in 2 weeks as an extern for one month then start working full time as a dental assistant.I made an appointment for a TB test. I am also going to get the series of 3 shots for Hep B since my immunity is not high anymore, but i'm going to wait til the dentist offers this when i get offered a, these are the shots i have had...1. DTP (i have 6 on my immunization record) 2. TD (tetanus/diphtheria adult)3. MMR (2 on my record)4. OPV (polio, i have 4 on my record.)5. HepB (i did the 3 series, but i am no longer immune.)Skin testsPPD (?) (2 on my record.)I am 21 and the most recent of all these shots was on 1999. The earliest was 2 months after i was born in 1987.are there any other shots i need to work in healthcare? i just want to make sure that i am prepared going out there. and someone, please exp! lain what TB is. is it going to be a vaccine? or is it that little bubble thing?thank you so much....Show moreanswers 1:You will need another Td, or preferably a Tdap- that has pertussis (whooping cough) in it. It is recommended for healthcare workers. Not sure what you mean when you say you are not immune to Hep b anymore. If you were tested soon after vaccination and were immune, then you are still immune. If you were never tested after vaccination because you were immunized as part of routine childhood vaccination, then testing at this point is not recommended as measurable antibody levels tend to fall with time even with continued protection. However if you do choose to get another series of three shots, make sure you get tested 1-2 months after the series is complete.You will also need a recent TB skin test (there is no vaccination)....answers 2:You might need Hep A.TB is the little bubble thing, its just a test to see if you have it and working in health care, yo! u'll be tested once a year. there is no vaccine for TB. TB is! tuberculosis which is a highly contagious and sometimes dangerous respiratory illness....answers 3:i'm undecided what sort of vaccine you acquire. i presumed you had to get an chest x-ray after a favorable attempt and then initiate antibiotics. show your mum and dad. you're able to call or see the well being practitioner back if that's been 3 weeks and nonetheless crimson and painful. frequently vaccine web content are basically painful for some days at maximum.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Are there any one-player card games other than Solitaire?

Buster Exline: The various forms of solitaire are the only ones I know of, but there are quite a few of those. Check here.

Comment créer des liens avec votre nounours

Comment créer des liens avec votre nounours

p>Vous venez d’acheter un nouvel animal en peluche ou un ours en peluche ? Ou peut-être même une poupée ? Votre petit ami peut être un peu timide et effrayé, du moins dans votre imagination des sentiments de l’ours. Voici quelques étapes pour que votre ours vous aime le plus possible.

Emmenez votre ours à des endroits sociaux, comme un match de basket-ball à votre école ou une visite au centre commercial. Vous pouvez même regarder des films ensemble, mais n’oubliez pas de regarder quelque chose que votre compagnon pourrait aimer.

Lance-le et attrape-le. Ne le laissez pas tomber ou il se salira et vous pourriez avoir à le laver !

Sors manger avec l’ours. Trouvez de nouveaux aliments et trouvez ensemble vos plats préférés.

Emmenez l’ours camper. Quand vous allez camper ou quelque part loin comme un voyage ou un voyage, emmenez! votre ami ! Même leur faire un petit sac. Faites-leur un tour ou un traitement et donnez-leur un costume de l’atelier Construisez un ours !

Chante à ton ours.

Jouez à des jeux avec l’ours. Les jeux de société sont extrêmement amusants. Comme Monopoly, serpents et échelles, dames, etc. Laissez l’ours gagner de temps en temps, ne soyez pas gourmand.

Parlez à votre ours d’un ours en peluche légendaire doté de super pouvoirs.

Racontez à votre ours des histoires sur un ours comme lui.

Apportez votre ours dans une confiserie. Ce n’est pas difficile à croire que les nounours adorent les magasins de bonbons, puisque vous aussi. En effet, un ours aime ce que vous aimez.

Dormez avec votre ours en peluche ou faites-en un lit et placez-le à côté du vôtre. Rentrez votre ours la nuit, tous les soirs.

Allez sur Internet avec votre ours en peluche.

Emmenez votre ours déjeuner après l’école dans votre parc local! , juste vous deux. Vous pourriez trouver ça un peu embarrassa! nt, mais c’est juste jusqu’à ce que votre ours soit installé. Mais d’ici là, tu seras heureux de faire n’importe quoi avec ton ami en peluche.

Fabriquez ou achetez des vêtements pour l’ours pour qu’il ne soit pas nu !

Regardez la télévision ou un film. C’est toujours un bon moment ! Explorez sur YouTube ou Netflix des films ou des émissions de télévision que vous n’avez jamais vus, et trouvez vos favoris ensemble.

Donnez à l’ours beaucoup, beaucoup, beaucoup de câlins et de baisers tous les jours. Vous pouvez imaginer que les ours en peluche adorent les câlins et les bisous.

Organisez une fête avec votre ours. La chose la plus amusante à faire est probablement d’organiser une soirée pyjama ou une soirée pyjama avec votre ours en peluche. Vous pouvez regarder un film, rester debout tard, peut-être même faire des farces à d’autres ours. Si vous voulez, amenez d’autres amis avec leurs ours. Amusez-vous, faites ! des bracelets et mangez des collations.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Most popular card game?

Tyrone Disanti: I think you have asked two different questions - the most popular game in the US may not be the same as the most popular game in the rest of the world, or in various other parts of the world.Actually solitaire and gin rummy are among the most popular card games anywhere.

Tawny Grosskreutz: It is very bad.When you have fewer tricks than your bid, you are subtracted the number of tricks you bidded, multiplied by ten.So it is best that you have at least the number of tricks you bidded because then the same number is added and the goal is to reach 500 points as quickly as possible.It is best that you have exactly the number of tricks you bidded because more tricks is disadvantageous too because these are extra tricks and if you get 10 extra tricks, you are subtracted 100 points in spades.Hope this helps !...Show more

Sammy Kar: If you are including all card games that would be poker, then hearts,blackjack,Magic:the Gathering,Yu-Gi-Oh,Pokemon.

Rufus Plough: I need some answers from some real Texas holdem players. People that really understand the rules. Here is the deal. The cards on the table K K 10 10 5one player has a J 9The other player has a 5 7Who is the winner???...Show more

Rebbecca Sorkin: Where I'm from we play Spades, Pinochle and Euchere

Stanton Villao: poker, magic, pokemon and yugioh.

Derrick Kloke: The iconic game will always be poker.

Porfirio Cahall: defnitaly yugioh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Joel Feagler: You hold both your hands out. Where you have a pack of cars in one hand and you kind of squeeze it and the cards fly in an arc to your other hand. Any ideas ?

Cuc Gire:

Dulcie Edis: The Cascade or Waterfall. It takes lots of practice or an Electric Deck

Edwina Fu: The other player does not win even though he or she has a pair of fives. Both players have two pair kings and tens. i dont know if any of you have a flush since you didnt say the suit b! ut player one would win because their hand would be KK10 10 an! d a jack. the other player has kk 10 10 and a seven.ANYWAY...player one wins...Show more

Roselee Mczeal: the player with J 9 since the best hand he can make will be K K 10 10 J while the other player would only have K K 10 10 7

Jacques Teri: In the world, prolly Texas Hold Em'...In the States, depends on the age group...alot of younger kids play Yu-Gi-Oh...a lot of older kids play Magic The Gathering (and some adults), and again Texas Hold Em' is big in the States as well

Sherri Drakos: YU-GI-OH!It's time to DUEL!!

Ramon Dahlheimer: despite most answers, magic: the gathering is the most popular card game to date. it was the first ever trading card game and was created in 1993. It has had more than 20 million players over the years.

Imogene Neiswander: well in my school, yugioh is the most popular, i think it's dum but that their interests

Adrian Paraz: the one with the J 9. the best hands for each player is still two pair with Kings and ! 10's (even if the 5 7 technically has a three pair heh). the J 9 obviously has the higher kicker (the jack).

Demetrius Coaster: My vote is for Blackjack at casinos, Texas Hold'em and standard poker with the buds, and Cribbage between friends. Any one who doesn't agree can go fish.

Alden Sabio: magic the gathering is played world wide

Jules Ashbach: YUGIOH ROCKS Btw its yugioh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2020

Need help making a board game?

Dallas Bartolini: If you're looking for a high quality game board that folds up on itself and acts like a brief case, I would suggest using laminated 1/8 plywood. (it will have a brown coating on one side and will feel as smooth as a baby's butt). Make your sides of the two peices out of oak, and hide the hinges on the bottom of oak sides. Route a notch on the sides of the oak to lay your plywood in and glue. If your game is big and the playwood feels bounce, run supports across the inside and just glue them in. Apply your paint or picture / or wut ever you are using. After sanding, and staining the sides, seal the entire thing up with 2 to 3 coats of clear ployurthane....Show more

Basil Blasingame: There are a lot of things that make a board game fun. The first thing, and to me, one of the most important things is repeated playability. People want to get a good gaming experience everytime they play, but they don't want to play the same game every time either. T! his is why games come with so many variables (different spaces to land on, so many cards with different sayings on them, dice that can give you multiple outcomes, etc). If a game plays the exact same, with nothing new, people will become bored after the first game and will not be willing to play the game again. Another thing that makes a board game fun is a fun concept. Pick a concept that people are interested in. If it's for a school project, then the subject, like statistics or geometry might not seem like fun to people who are not forced to play the game, so it's up to you to find a way to make the game fun. Using movers that are different shapes, sizes, colors, or characters can help motivate people to want to play to be their favorite piece or color, using a board full of fun graphics can help entice people to keep playing, and a good concept will keep people coming back to your game time and time again....Show more

Comment fertiliser les roses

Comment fertiliser les roses

p>Cultiver de belles roses nécessite des soins et beaucoup d’éléments nutritifs. Vous pouvez faire pousser vos roses avec un équilibre alimentaire riche en azote, en phosphore et en potassium, ainsi qu’en certains nutriments et minéraux secondaires. Les engrais naturels fournissent des nutriments stables au sol à long terme, et il existe de nombreux types d’engrais. Les engrais chimiques agissent rapidement et n’ont besoin que de 1 à 3 applications par an. Beaucoup de rosiéristes préfèrent combiner les deux types d’engrais pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats.

Utilisez des engrais naturels avant la plantation et avant la première floraison de votre rose. Pour les rosiers nouveaux et petits, il est préférable d’utiliser des engrais organiques pour éviter de brûler leurs délicates racines. Ajoutez des éléments nutritifs au sol avant de plante! r votre rosier, et après l’avoir planté pour la première fois, avec des engrais naturels. Attendez qu’ils fleurissent la première fois avant d’utiliser des engrais chimiques.

Renouveler l’application d’un engrais chimique une fois à la mi-juin pour les roses de spécialité. Certaines roses de spécialité, comme les thés hybrides ou les floribundas, bénéficient d’une seconde fertilisation au milieu de l’été. Cela les aide à rester en bonne santé pendant les mois d’été restants.

Pour commencer, essayez un mélange de sel d’Epsom avec de l’os, des graines de coton, du sang et de la farine de poisson. Une recette populaire d’engrais naturel du début du printemps peut être faite en combinant 4 oz (110 g) de sel d’Epsom, 8 oz (230 g) de farine d’os, 8 oz (230 g) de farine de graines de coton, 4 oz (110 g) de farine de sang, et 4 oz (110 g) de farine de poisson. Arrosez d’abord soigneusement votre buisson, répartissez le m! élange autour de la base de la plante en dessous de son péri! mètre extérieur, et travaillez le mélange dans les 2 premiers pouces (5,1 cm) de terre avec un cultivateur jusqu’à ce qu’il soit enterré.

Attendez que les plantes soient bien établies au printemps pour utiliser les engrais chimiques. L’utilisation d’engrais chimiques trop tôt peut brûler des racines de roses nouvelles ou récemment dormantes. Attendez après la toute première floraison de vos roses, et après les avoir taillées au début du printemps et voir de nouvelles pousses, pour utiliser un engrais chimique.

Essayez de faire du thé de compost avec du fumier animal si vous en avez. Utilisez du vieux fumier de poulet, de vache ou de cheval sec et composté pour cette recette. Enveloppez du fumier dans un sac en tissu, une vieille serviette ou un T-shirt et placez-le au fond d’un seau de 5 gallons (19 L). Remplissez le seau jusqu’en haut avec de l’eau et laissez-le reposer à l’ombre pendant 3 jours.

Arrêter toute fertilisati! on 35 à 40 jours avant la première date de gel. L’application d’engrais trop tard dans la saison de croissance peut causer une croissance jeune et molle qui est facilement endommagée par les premières gelées. Pour encourager vos roses à commencer à se préparer à la dormance hivernale, arrêtez de les fertiliser 35 à 40 jours, ou 6 à 8 semaines, avant le premier gel.

Utilisez des granules de luzerne ou du thé pour ajouter de nombreux éléments nutritifs à votre sol. Une autre méthode de fertilisation naturelle utilise des granulés de luzerne. Vous pouvez utiliser des produits de qualité non alimentaire, vendus dans les magasins de jardinage ou des granules de luzerne pour lapin. Répartissez 8-12 oz (230-340 g) de granules sur le sol sous le périmètre extérieur de votre buisson, et enfoncez-les dans les 2 premiers pouces (5,1 cm) de sol.

Faire une troisième application pour les roses à fleurs répétées à la mi-juillet. D’autres rosi! ers encore sont connus pour être à fleurs répétées et bénéficien! t d’une troisième et dernière fertilisation à la mi-juillet. Cela peut aussi être bénéfique si la saison de croissance est particulièrement longue ou si les plantes continuent à fleurir jusqu’en octobre et novembre.

Préparez une solution d’herbe et de rognures de mauvaises herbes pour améliorer votre sol. L’herbe et les mauvaises herbes absorbent les éléments nutritifs du sol qui peuvent être réutilisés comme engrais. Remplissez un seau de 19 litres (5 gallons) d’herbe coupée et de mauvaises herbes comme les orties, la prêle et le mouron des oiseaux et ajoutez de l’eau au seau plein jusqu’à ce qu’il soit plein d’herbe, de mauvaises herbes et d’eau. Laisser reposer le seau au soleil pendant 2 jours.

Choisissez un engrais d’usage général de 10-10-10-10 ou 12-12-12. Les chiffres sur les engrais représentent la teneur en azote, phosphore et potassium. Les engrais d’usage général ont un équilibre des 3 nutriments, et vi! ennent en 10-10-10-10, ou 12-12-12, qui est un peu plus fort. L’un ou l’autre est bon à utiliser pour la plupart des types de roses.

Arrêter toute fertilisation 35 à 40 jours avant la première date de gel. Si vous appliquez les engrais trop tard dans la saison de croissance, vous pourriez obtenir une croissance jeune et molle qui est facilement endommagée par le premier gel. Pour encourager vos roses à commencer à se préparer à la dormance, cessez de les fertiliser 35 à 40 jours, ou 6 à 8 semaines, avant le premier gel.

Essayez un engrais à libération prolongée au lieu d’effectuer plusieurs applications. Si vous préférez faire 1 application d’engrais chimique et en avoir fini avec pour l’année, essayez d’obtenir un engrais à libération prolongée. Ces engrais en gélules libèrent leurs nutriments tout au long de la saison en 4, 6 ou 8 mois.

Enterrez les pelures de banane pour reconstituer le potassium. Pour utiliser des pelu! res de banane, vous pouvez soit les enterrer et les laisser composter a! vant de planter vos roses, soit les enterrer à une profondeur de 10-15 cm (4-6 po) sous le périmètre extérieur de votre rosier. Ils composteront sous terre et fourniront de nouvelles sources de potassium pour vos roses.

Appliquer des engrais naturels toutes les 4 semaines pendant la haute saison de croissance. Pour maintenir une quantité constante d’éléments nutritifs dans le sol de vos roses, utilisez des engrais naturels toutes les 4 semaines du début du printemps jusqu’à 3-4 semaines avant leur dormance. Travaillez l’engrais que vous choisirez dans les niveaux supérieurs du sol.

Essayez le marc de café pour ajouter de l’azote et du potassium. Étendre 48 oz (1 400 g) de marc de café usagé sur une plaque à biscuits tapissée de papier journal. Laissez-les sécher complètement, puis arrosez-les autour du périmètre extérieur de votre rosier puis arrosez-les complètement.

Utilisez de la nourriture sèche pour animaux de compagnie ! pour ajouter des micronutriments et des protéines. Choisissez une nourriture sèche pour chiens ou chats avec une teneur minimale en sodium de 3 %. Saupoudrez-en 16 oz (450 g) sur le sol sous le périmètre extérieur de votre buisson. Travaillez-le à 2 po (5,1 cm) de profondeur dans le sol avec un cultivateur et couvrez-le de carton pendant une semaine pour que les animaux ne le déterrent pas.

Épandre de 110 à 230 g (4 à 8 oz) d’engrais solide en bandes de 6 po (15 cm) à partir de la plante. Pour les engrais granulaires, travaillez cette quantité d’engrais dans les 2 premiers pouces (5,1 cm) de sol entourant votre buisson avec un cultivateur. Arrosez ensuite votre rose à fond.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

What is north sydney's scream worthy attraction?

Jed Mutone: a). I know that baseball field. I didn't know it was haunted. I broke up with a guy there.

Azzie Trembly: I didn't know (a) existed...

Idell Syed: amusement park - 'luna park'

If the U.S. had universal health care that covered "basic health care", what should that entail?  

If the U.S. had universal health care that covered "basic health care", what should that entail?  

answers 0:I'm not trying to start a debate about ObamaCare or anything.All I'm asking is if we WERE taxed a certain percentage of our income for us all to receive "basic health care", what do you believe should be included in that?answers 1:@Portia Fancher: Thank you, republican drone. And before you think I'm some big democrat that supports socialism, I'd like to tell you I'm actually a Libertarian. And I know how weird it is to you consider universal health care, but I'm actually trying to learn about it. And I see some of the positives to it. ObamaCare is terrible, because how it's set up. I'm sorry I'm trying to actually come up with a way that a nation could provide good health for each other without hating everyone. I'm sick of democr! ats that leech off the system just as much as you, but there are ways to make universal health care work. And you need to understand universal health care, is not government run health care. There would still be only private hospitals. Yes, I am fearful that the government could exploit the power that they would receive in this system. That's the hard part in determining what would work or [email protected]: I don't think we would need to raise taxes ...answers 2:That we're becoming a socialist nation so more ppl will quit working and have to rely on governmental funds leading the government to control us.. as they already do.answers 3:Follow the Canadian plan. Everyone gets basic medical care including GP visits, necessary specialist visits, treatment by both. Broken bones, burns, lacerations, trauma and injuries, from any cause, diseases of all kinds whether common or exotic, physical therapy, psychiatric care, addiction counseling, all these are covered. Prosthetics li! ke artifixal limbs are covered completely or partial depending! on circumstances-for example, a special prosthetic leg for running would not be covered (but private charities provide help in such cases}Medical help in Ontario is paid mainly by contributions from employers. Only businesses who have more than a certain number of employers contribute (I'm not sure what the number is) Crutches are provided. If the need is temporary, one is expected to return the crutches to the lending hospital.Some pharmeceuticals are paid completely or partially, and the papient has some choice in what they prefer.Psychiatric treatment is usually covered although some medications may not be.Anyone needing immediate care just needs to get to a hospital. Payment depends on the patient's ability to pay. A typical hospital room has four beds, but in some cases, the patient is put in a two bed or private room.Routine dental care is not covered, but dental injuries from an accident usually are. If your dental condition is impairing your ability to eat, surgery! will be covered.It doesn't provide everything but it is a good system....answers 4:The issue is HEALTH INSURANCE, not HEALTH CARE. HEALTH CARE is the product and in the US 'CARE' is a function of private industry. The issue is how to pay for the services that the HEALTH CARE industry provides. The question then is what should a decent HEALTH INSURANCE policy provide. The 'Obama Care' law has put HEALTH INSURANCE companies on notice that their antics of dropping and refusing to pay, or the various roadblocks they put up to avoid payment is at an end. However, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has nothing to do with CARE. All it does is make it easier and somewhat less expensive to get HEALTH INSURANCE and more to the point to retain it.The flaw in this program is that it still forces people to rely on an insurance venue that is way out of date, costs way too much and still leaves people out. The ONLY real plan would be MEDICARE for ALL. MEDICARE works ! on a 3% overhead. Private insurance works on a 43% overhead. Why pay m! ore for the same insurance? MEDICARE puts the patient first. Private insurance puts profits first.The HEALTH CARE industry cannot exist without payment. Most people without HEALTH INSURANCE avoid any kind of CARE until the situation is serious, and even then they can't pay for that care. The CARE industry to make ends meet and still make the spectacular profits that it does therefore pads bills, over charges and throws non payers out of their hospital beds long before even common decency would allow. Even the industry doesn't deny that happens.Conclusion: MEDICARE FOR ALL could easily be instituted and easily paid for by payroll deductions, small co-pays and deductibles and a small national sales tax. Everyone would be covered and the HEALTH CARE industry would get paid in full and on time with far less paper work. Going forward any flaws in the system could be addressed. So far the GOP/Tea/Fox/Jesus party has prevented even a serious discussion of the advantages o! f a low cost, universal HEALTH INSURANCE system by confusing the issue with the HEALTH CARE side of the equation. MEDICARE for ALL would also eliminate the expense of the MEDICAID system, the Indian Health Service and even a portion of the VA system... a massive savings.The take away...HEALTH CARE is the service. HEALTH INSURANCE pays for the service. Separate issues though related. Don't confuse the two!...answers 5:Americans would not pay higher taxes for basic health care. They would rather get care, not pay the bills, and file bankruptcy. The Obamacare insurance exchanges DO offer basic health care but you have to pay for it unless you are eligible for Medicaid at 138% of federal poverty level in some states. Under Obamacare, you can buy basic health insurance which covers 10 essential benefits, no matter which level of coverage of the four that you choose, not matter where you live....

Saturday, July 18, 2020

throat burns when drinking soft drink?

Manie Labat: Sometimes I get that when there's too much carbonation in the soft drink and i drank it too fast, I just tried switching to juices but every once in a while i crave a soda.

Comment faire pour récupérer votre compte Xbox sur PC ou Mac

Comment faire pour récupérer votre compte Xbox sur PC ou Mac

p>Ce wikiComment vous apprend comment récupérer votre mot de passe Xbox ou nom de compte oublié en utilisant votre ordinateur.

Essayez de vous connecter avec l’adresse e-mail que vous pensez utiliser pour Xbox. Assurez-vous de taper l’adresse e-mail correctement, car une faute de frappe peut vous empêcher d’accéder à votre compte.

Cliquez sur En savoir plus sous « Xbox Live ». C’est sous l’en-tête « More Services ». Ceci vous redirige vers

Cliquez sur Services

Friday, July 17, 2020

Chinese food or Japanese food, which is better? What about Korean food?

Cody Petrulis: It is a matter of taste dear; one person's meat is another person's poison. Chinese, Japanese and Korean cuisine are so different and diverse; and all can be good or bad depending on your preference in taste. I know I cannot eat Japanese food 3 times a day 365 days but I know I've no problem whatsoever with Chinese and Korean food which I can consume on a daily basis forever... and the ocasional sushi, sashimi in a Japanese owned restaurant (i trust no others to prepare Japanese)...Show more

Lita Thammorongsa: I like Japanese food better than the other two.

Ruby Martis: Too many to aswer but amoung them are:Steamed Blue crabsSoft crab sandwichOysters, steamed, fried, stuffing and any way I can get themfresh Rock fishBIG old Clam Bake********EDIT*************Why is the under "Ethnic"?

Lonnie Jehle: We ALL have different preferences in food, so there's NO "Standard" Answer to your Question. What's "Best" in Anything- pretty much depends sole! ly on what You happen to like. :)

Malcom Fenoff: Hard to pick the best out of the 3 but the worst is chinese for me. I like korean and japanese food almost equally.

Kandi Lough: Tea is very fussy where it grows, I think there is one state in the US that tea is grown, perhaps partly due to the labor costs of picking it. Better to buy it at an Asian food store. There are different varieties of tea plants, different ways of processing and also additives such as jasmine flowers for flavors.

Alise Rutgers: I like Korean food.

Gabriel Realmuto: Some Americanized Chinese food is very greasy and not very authentic. Dim Sum served on weekends is more typical of traditional Chinese food. Japanese food is more on the order of raw nigiri sushi and fresher foods than chinese or at least less prepared. Korean is my favorite as I love hot peppers for which this cuisine is well known. I think Korean is the best because it is usually served with many banchan-small! dishes of pickles and various veggies etc. Thai food is very ! good too if you like curries. I have never met an Asian food that I don't like. Restaurants vary in quality. If you don't like one cuisine one place, try another to be sure....Show more

Heidy Fujikake: Oysters Rockefeller .... Boiled crawfish ... octopus sashimi

Travis Sherrock: My girlfriend LOVES thai tea, and I thought it would be a great idea to get her a thai tea plant for our 2-and-a-half year anniversary. I have done some reading up and I am confused... I understand that all tea is from the same plant, and that the amount which it is processed leads to whether it will be black, green, or white. If this is true, than wouldn't there only be 1 type of tea plant one can grow or are there different strains? If so, which exact strain of tea is thai tea(if in fact that matters) and since thai tea is black tea, and black tea is the most processed, than does this mean it would be impossible to make anything but white tea (unprocessed) at home? So sorry this ! was so long I am a first time user, any help would be greatly appreciated!

Rose Krouse: chinese: chinese food served in u.s is really fake... it doesn't taste anything like you would eat in chinajapanese:i found the seasoning is little bit offkorean: by far my favorite out of all three... a lot of vegetarian dishes to choose from. not typically deep-fried.......

Ignacio Imbier: Vietnamese food is better than all of them.

Blaine Connett: Abalone - braised dried abalone with oyster sauceor grilled then dip with white wine, garlic sauce & sour cream saucelobster - braised with chicken stock and noodle prawns - various kind of preparationsea cucumbersscallopsfish - various kindsoysters - fine de claire / Kumamoto

Trena Berum: ok well im 13 and have to bring in a food for my project, from thailand, and it ses that they like it sooooooo spicy, what are some really really really really spicy foods!! :]]yup please help thanx

Merna Fauset: Coconut shrim! p.

Cyndy Grimes: im thai and well thats almost true thai ppl do l! ove spicy food. some really spicy food are papuya salad and phat thai. you can try ordering for it at a thai restaruant.

Ronny Dorge: They are all good,different so comparisons are not possible.Try them all and see which you prefer.

Michel Mccaulley:

Joan Stavropoulos: All good, you should choose by your mood.Your comment is partially correct. In general, Chinese food and Korean food is more greasy, but lots of Japanese food is deep fried as well.Some Chinese food actually not that greasy. I go to Korean when i crave for a little spice.How about Vietnamese? I fall in love with vietnamese food, it is the prefer lunch for me. they are not heavy and use a lot of herb and veggies....Show more

Frances Macky: mmmm lobster w/ garlic-butter sauce, and shrimp scampi. also seafood alfredo.

Basil Blasingame: Raw oysters.I like a good fish pie.

Rose Krouse: it's a Green Tea with Food Coloring FD&C Orange of you add Creamer or Milk it be Lite Col! ored Like Coffee

Zelma Casebier: Mmmmm in Barcelona you can get this grilled squid that is out of the world good!Also, love pasta and seafood together!

Lana Uliano: Korean, Japanese and Chinese food are all very different. I really love Japanese food because of the variety of flavours, fresh seasonal ingredients and the wonderful presentation. Korean food has similarities with Japanese but is a lot spicier and has some great flavours.

Manual Burtis: Every food is good and it depends upon personal choice .I like chinese food.

Mercedez Trabue: There are a lot of teas commonly consumed in Thailand; however, what people refer to as Thai Tea is usually a fairly potent black tea brew, often steeped with a few sweet spices thrown in there (try allspice and star anise), that's chilled, sweetened with sugar or sweetened condensed milk and when it's served, it's poured over ice and then has cream poured into it.Growing the tea plant itself is not that big of a! deal if you're in the right climate. The difference between green, in-! between teas like oolong, black teas (what the Chinese call red teas), and very dark teas like the double fermented Pu Ehr (what the Chinese call black teas) are the amount that they're fermented. Most people don't consider growing and fermenting your own tea an 'at-home' kind of activity, but it's definitely doable. has a great article on growing and fermenting your own teas.

Mohamed Szollosi: i prefer chinese food...

Adrian Paraz: Well not every Thai person likes really spicy food. People in Thailand get ulcers too. However, the food is typically spicy yes, so you should bring in some red chili peppers and show your class it's a typical ingredient used in Thai cooking. I don't imagine you're going to order Thai food from a restaurant and take it to school.You can also build on your project by researching why chili peppers are so prevalent in Thai culture, maybe find out how it was introduced to ! the people of Thailand. Good luck.

Particia Thorton: Any pasta & seafoodLobsterSteamed CrabsRaw OystersPaellaBass FishArctic Char (Salmon family better tasting, hard to find from Alaska)TroutAll kinds of fish...

Salvatore Walls: i like:crab legsshrimp (fried, cocktail, grilled, etc)clam stripsclam chowder...this place in sarasota florida has the best!fish (fried, grilled)

Malcom Fenoff: Poached Maine shrimp with garlic butter.

Marvel Mcaulay: Chinese is always good. But Vietnamese is better.

Penelope Armond: Definitely a preference. I have lived in Japan, but would pick Chinese food most days. Japanese food does not have enough spice or variety for me.

Boris Hadsall: definitely korean.. it's the best.. yummy

Jerald Florence: i can`t eat Chinese food altough i lived here for long time.but i like korean food ,i think it is better .

Donnell Mollo: Cook Thai olive fried rice...It is easy and non-spicy. You may need to search ! for the recipe in the Internet.

Monroe Rainey: It depends on pers! onal preference. I have lived in both Japan and Korea. Personally, Korean food is my favorite. Then again, I am half Korean and I love spicy food :).

Comment cuire le camembert au four

Comment cuire le camembert au four

p>Camembert est un fromage à pâte molle crémeux au goût semblable au brie. Assaisonner le camembert avec des herbes et le cuire au four peut lui donner une saveur plus riche. Avec de l’ail, du romarin, de l’huile d’olive et du miel, vous pouvez agrémenter les saveurs du camembert et lui donner un peu plus de douceur. Accompagnez votre camembert avec votre pain, vos fruits et légumes préférés, vos craquelins ou votre vin pour rendre votre repas de camembert cuit au four gourmet.

Accompagnez votre camembert d’un vin mousseux. Le camembert cuit au four se marie bien avec du vin rouge, blanc ou rosé. Le vin mousseux, en particulier le champagne, est idéal pour faire ressortir la saveur du fromage.

Servir le camembert directement après l’avoir cuit. Transférer le camembert dans une assiette décorative ou le servi! r dans la boîte ou le pot dans lequel vous l’avez cuit. Le camembert sera meilleur si vous le servez tout de suite après l’avoir cuit, quand il est encore chaud et tendre.

Placez votre camembert dans une boîte en bois ou dans un plat de cuisson. Bien qu’il soit traditionnel de cuire le camembert dans une boîte en bois, vous pouvez utiliser une casserole en métal à la place. Choisissez un contenant plus haut que le fromage pour éviter que le fromage fondu ne s’étende.

Servir le pain rassis avec le camembert. Arroser d’huile d’olive et de sel de mer les petits morceaux de pain rassis, puis les laisser cuire au four pendant 10 à 15 minutes. Si vous avez gardé vos brins de romarin, enfilez les morceaux de pain sur les brins pour les tremper plus facilement.

Arroser le camembert d’huile d’olive ou de miel. Les deux peuvent donner à votre camembert une douceur subtile. Choisissez l’un ou l’autre, car l’utilisation des deux peut a! ltérer la saveur du fromage.

Marquez le haut de votre r! oue de camembert. Placer le camembert sur une table plate, de préférence sur une planche à découper. Faire des coupes en forme de losange le long du dessus du fromage à environ ⁄2 centimètres (0,20 po) de profondeur.

Faites cuire du pain à l’ail pour accompagner votre camembert. Le pain à l’ail peut faire ressortir les notes d’ail de votre camembert et en faire un excellent pain de trempette. Étendre le beurre à l’ail sur les tranches de pain et les mettre au four pendant 5 à 10 minutes.

Préchauffer le four à 350 °F (177 °C). Selon votre four, le préchauffage devrait prendre de 15 à 20 minutes. Scorez et assaisonnez votre camembert après avoir réglé la température pour qu’il soit prêt à cuire lorsque votre four aura fini de préchauffer.

Plongez des fruits et légumes frais dans votre camembert. Pour une alternative plus saine au pain, essayez d’associer fruits et légumes à votre fromage. Les raisins, le brocoli, les ! bleuets, les tomates, les pommes tranchées et les poivrons ont bon goût lorsqu’ils sont trempés dans le camembert.

Garnir le camembert d’ail frais et de romarin. Hachez votre ail et enlevez les pointes de vos branches de romarin. Étendre uniformément l’ail et le romarin sur le dessus du camembert et garnir d’une pincée de sel de mer.

Mettez votre camembert au four et laissez-le cuire pendant 10-15 minutes. Surveillez bien votre fromage pendant qu’il est au four. Retirez-le après environ 10 à 15 minutes, ou jusqu’à ce que le milieu soit mou et visqueux.

Tester la douceur du camembert à l’aide d’une cuillère. Après avoir sorti le fromage du four, tapoter le dessus du fromage avec une cuillère. Le camembert doit ressembler à un lit à eau : dur à l’extérieur, mais doux et visqueux à l’intérieur.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

describe food web and food chain?

Donny Bankson: Food web - chain -

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

is walgreens green tea dietary supplement vegan?

Luke Kosch: i think all teas are vegan. I can't imagine any animal products used in the tea bags. They're usually paper or some kind nylon bag.

Floyd Labuda: Supplement? If you mean the pill that you swallow rather than regular tea you brew and drink it may not be vegan. Check the ingredients. If it contains gelatin, then no it will not be vegan. Many pills use gelatin.I am not familiar enough with what ingredients are all in it so I cannot say for certain. You may want to just ask someone at Wallgreens. Make sure it is someone in the pharmacy section. I doubt highly that any normal employee would actually know even as much as I have already said....Show more

Comment conserver la goyave

Comment conserver la goyave

La goyave est une collation délicieuse et nutritive qui a de nombreux bienfaits pour la santé et un goût unique. Cependant, c’est un fruit tropical qui a tendance à pourrir rapidement après sa maturation. Pour prolonger la vie de votre goyave, vous pouvez la réfrigérer ou la congeler une fois mûre !

Verser du sirop simple sur la goyave pour préserver le goût du fruit. Le sirop simple est un mélange à parts égales d’eau et de sucre que l’on porte à ébullition pour obtenir un sirop sucré. Verser le sirop refroidi dans le contenant ou le sac jusqu’à ce que les goyaves soient complètement submergées, mais ne pas oublier de laisser suffisamment d’espace de tête dans le contenant.

Placer les moitiés dans un contenant ou un sac hermétique. Une fois la goyave coupée, procurez-vous un sac de congélation ou un contenant herm! étique avec couvercle. Assurez-vous qu’il est assez grand pour contenir tous les fruits avec environ 0,5 à 1 pouce (1,3 à 2,5 cm) d’espace vide au sommet du contenant, appelé espace de tête.

Fermer hermétiquement le contenant et le placer au congélateur. Assurez-vous que le couvercle du contenant est bien fermé ou que le sac est complètement scellé. Étiqueter le contenant ou le sac avec la date et le laisser reposer au congélateur sans le déranger pendant au moins 12 heures avant de le décongeler.

Utilisez ou mangez la goyave dans les 3 à 4 jours suivant sa réfrigération. La réfrigération prolongera légèrement la vie de la goyave, mais assurez-vous de l’utiliser à temps. Après 4 jours au réfrigérateur, la goyave sera mûre et devrait être jetée.

Couper la goyave en deux à l’aide d’un couteau tranchant. Sur une planche à découper, couper la goyave en deux dans la partie la plus large, au milieu du fruit. Vous pouvez c! ouper de nouveau les moitiés pour en faire des morceaux, ou l! es laisser en deux pour les congeler.

Lavez et épluchez la peau de la goyave. Rincer la goyave à l’eau froide et sécher les fruits avec un essuie-tout. Ensuite, utilisez un couteau ou un éplucheur pour enlever soigneusement toute la peau de chaque goyave. Vous pouvez vous débarrasser de la peau ou la placer dans un tas de compost avec d’autres restes de nourriture.

Mettez la goyave mûre dans un sac en plastique ou en papier. Avant de réfrigérer la goyave, placez le fruit entier dans un sac pour le protéger dans le réfrigérateur. D’autres fruits peuvent dégager des gaz qui favorisent la maturation, et le sac permet de s’assurer que la goyave est sans danger.

Utiliser la goyave dans l’année qui suit la congélation. Alors que la goyave peut se conserver longtemps au congélateur, le goût du fruit se détériore après un an. Lorsque vous êtes prêt à l’utiliser, placez la goyave au réfrigérateur pendant 2 à 3 heures pour la dé! congeler avant de la sortir du contenant.

Placez le sac dans le bac à légumes du réfrigérateur. Assurez-vous de régler le bac à légumes à une humidité moyenne pour éviter que la goyave ne devienne trop sèche ou trop humide. Laissez le sac légèrement ouvert sur le dessus pour permettre à l’air de circuler à travers le sac et le tiroir.

Laisser mûrir la goyave sur le comptoir si elle est encore ferme. Vos goyaves devraient être douces au toucher et avoir un parfum fort et capiteux avant de les réfrigérer. Si les goyaves ne sont pas encore mûres, laissez-les reposer sur le comptoir pendant 2 à 3 jours jusqu’à ce que la peau cède lorsque vous appuyez sur les fruits.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

what are types foods vegetarians like to eat?

Chauncey Williama: depends what type of vegetarian.i am a vegetarian and i eat chicken and fich but no red meat.Try some vegetarian lasagnes or some vegetarian keishes.And you cant go wrong with salads.=)...Show more

Vickie Sterbenz: Hi im a vegetarian and I would reccomend a stir fry or a vegetable curry made with chic peas rather than quorn (quorn can get quite repetetive if eaten regulary).Something that I do advise is that you don't make too much dairy-heavy food, and don't use too much garlic. Make tomato based dishes (Healthy and appetising) and bear in mind that vegetarians tastes are usually adapted to make the most of the natural flavors of vegetables, so what usually seems bland to a meat-eater doesn't need overly flavoring.A resturant near my house makes a lovely dish - baked avacado with salsa and a side of salad.The avacado is just sliced then grilled/baked to the point of being warm and is drizzled over with salsa or rattatoulie (sorry about the spelli! ng) A little bit of melted mozzorella is put on top but not too much - you don't want to drown it.....Show more

Cassondra Vanholland: Okay, so someone said that you need meat, and that is not true at all. Even the government said that vegetarian lifestyles work, and can even be preferable. Vegetarian does not mean salad, and you can get very creative with what foods you have. If you are going to be just a vegetarian and not a vegan, then you can eat dairy products and eggs, and that expands your choices a lot. There's also fake meats and tofu and all kinds of other things. Look up vegetarian recipes and you can find tons of types of food. But basically you can eat all vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, and if you just go vegetarian it can include yogurt, cheese, milk, butter, eggs, and stuff like that. I mean you don't need meat to make bread and cakes or anything like that. I'll link to a few interesting sites....Show more

Brock Hladik: That question is too gene! ralized and broad. That's like asking, " what are types of foo! ds non-vegetarians like to eat?" If you're trying to design a luncheon menu with vegetarian options, you can search the web for ideas. Stuffed mushrooms, spring rolls, meatless finger sandwiches, pasta dishes, rice with vegetable stew, seitan prepared several ways, vegetable soups, meatless burritos, tacos, tostadas. The list is endless....Show more

Ulysses Failey: Well on most restaurant menu's there is always a pasta or lasagne - but that can often become boring, so you could be a bit more inventive with additional ingredients for them, but im sure lots of people eat those. Pizza could be good too, depending on the occasion. You can use Quorn products to replace meat in any recipe you think is appropriate. Hope this helps xox

Morris Olexy: a vegetable diet.. of course.non-processed food.

Russell Mckinzie: Vegetarians aren't all the same, they all like different things. It's like non-vegetarians, they don't just eat all of the same things, as not everyone! likes the same things. Possibilities: (obviously as parts of a meal, not a full meal)-Vegetarian Lasagna-Salad-Cheese and Tomato Pizza-Chips-Pasta-Cheese Sandwich-Potato-Any vegetable piesHope that helps! Your obviously looking for things without meat! So any dishes like the above are good!...Show more

Is my dog in labor?? please tell me!?  

Is my dog in labor?? please tell me!?  

answers 0:I dont know when she was bred, All i know is she is really close to being due.2 days ago sh showed signs of being in labor.Well today, about 2 hourse ago she dug a whole in the yard and tried to lay in it, She has never done that. I brought her in and she tore up her blanket and was fixing it. Could this be a sign she is in labor? also about 2 days ago her temp was 100.2 and today its 98.8answers 1:Yes! She is in labor! Her temp dropped, and shes nesting! She should be able to deliver by herself, but just sit by her, dont touch her, and make sure she doesnt need help.answers 2:She is for sure in labor. Only take her out on a lead now and always bring a towel in case she has a pup outside. She may be confused and think she has to go potty when she really has to deliver so let her out to potty and once she has gone keep her in! the whelping/birthing area if you are sure she doesn't have to really go. The next step will be nesting for a while and then the panting will increase. You will start seeing her push and she should have a puppy within 2 hours of starting to push hard. It usually happens sooner. The temperature has to be around 85 degrees for puppies to survive also so put her in a small room or bathtub and keep blankets in there. She may not know how to break the first sack, most moms don't the first time, and so be ready to break the sack open with your hands and use a butter knife to cut the cord. Saw back and fourth a bit and if the bleeding of the cord doesn't stop in a few minutes tie it off with a piece of non-flavored dental floss. Mint is OK but the mom will keep licking it. They usually have pups every half hour to 2 hours but some times they will take a nap in the middle of having a litter and that is normal. I do not let my girls eat the placenta because if they eat too many (3! -4?) they can get sick. I make sure the puppy is delivered and! toss the placenta. If there is a placenta that has not delivered then take note of that. If they have delivered all placentas and they are still producing black or dark green then this means the pup they are about to have is in distress and needs to be delivered soon. The dark discharge is a sign the placenta is detaching so if there is one inside from the last pup then it is hard to tell if there is a problem but generally not. If it is a toy breed then be on alert for a c-section. If you see them pushing hard and they have not had a puppy in two hours (I only wait a half hour) then you can check to see where the puppy is. Reach up (move fingers in and toward the base of the tail) and fee for feet or a head. If you don't feel one then you are OK for a bit longer. When she is having a pup you will see her push and then between her tail and vulva it will get large as the puppy is moving down to be born. She may cry the first puppy and this is normal. Just reassure her and w! ait. They usually deliver during the night or early morning so you will be up all night if you want to make sure the pups are alive and OK. If you go to bed then you are risking a litter of dead puppies. Put blankets under her and towels and change them was they get too wet. Take her for a walk after she has a few pups and then after a few more. Her milk will come in in 4-12 hours after delivery and this is normal but the pups will be fine. They have colostrum that will help them build immunity that is produced before the milk. If they are crying a lot and bunching together they are cold and cold pups can't digest food and they will stop eating and die. If they are moving apart and crying then they are too hot. Pups only cry when they are too hot or too cold once they have settled in. She may move around a lot when delivering so I keep a pop bottle full of hot water in a box covered by a towel and remove the pups while she is having the next one if you need to. Then put the! m back in after the new one is clean. Wipe it off with a towel also and! try to dry it off as much as you can. New wet pups can make everyone else wet and cause a problem....answers 3:Get her in the house and clean her up, she is ready to give birth.Do you have a whelping box ready and clean towels and string to tie cords of with, and something to cut cords with.answers 4:Yes, she is nesting which is a sign that the pups will be coming soon. Make sure she has a calm, quiet, secluded area where she can go when she is ready. She is in hard labor when she starts panting heavily, shaking, and licking her genital area constantly. All dogs are different; you know your dog best so you will know when she is ready. Don't leave her outside alone and make sure to supervise the delivery in case she gets tired and has a difficult time cleaning the puppies off. Have plenty of towels and sheets. Another important factor is that the pups need to be in a warm such a young age they can't regulate their body temperature. Lastly, get your dog spayed asap.! .you are adding to the already extremely overpopulated world....answers 5:gosh, i think for someone to understand any kind of labor you had to go through it. your dog will be very lethargic a day or less before the intense labor increases. Also she most likely wont want to eat at meal times. Another clue will be that she will constantly want to lay down and be panting a lot. Some dogs want to be close to their care takers, more then ever and some just dont want anything to do with you. Also when the dog goes into that intense labor, she will start to trail some discharge or blood. Is your dog producing milk? because that is a sure sign the pups are on the way....answers 6:Ya she's in labor. Congrats! Idk how long, just stay by her.answers 7:and how long will it be before she goes into labor?

Monday, July 13, 2020

Carnival Club 02 on the splendor, review?

Georgia Dees: -is it hard to make friends? It depends what kind of person you are. I thought it was going to be easy for me but then I realized I'm really shy in these kinds of situations. However, the people there were very friendly and I did make many friends-is it going to be awkward? ---I'm an only childNot at all. in fact, I'm sure some of the people in our O2 group are only children as well. no one asks if you are and most people don't have siblings old enough to be with them in the same club-what are the activities like?-- are they fun?Depends what you like. There's lots of dances, lots of board games, lots of video games, A couple sports activities here and there, and some other things like gender challenges and scavenger hunts. the activities you do may be different from what I did since the director is free to change the schedule whenever he/she pleases- the non-alcoholic drinks, do they cost?Well water is free (obviously, you're surrounded by it) While soda doe! s cost you, on some nights, they had big pitchers of soda and soda cans sitting on the bar and you were free to drink as much as you please. because CocaCola sponsors O2, they allow them to give free soda. Otherwise, it's $1.95 per soda-- can you give me a general # of how many kids would be there?I'd say around 100. in May they had about 40 and it slowly rose and when I sailed we had nearly 200 people (even tho only like 120 actually came to O2) so it'll probably be a high number through Summer and start dipping around mid August when school starts...Show more

Marti Declue: It's incredibly easy to make friends there. If you join on the first night, you'll find it's even easier because everyone's new so you won't be the only outsider. Most people there won't already have friends with them.You might feel awkward at first if you're shy, but no worries. Join in on some of the games and activities just to loosen up. If you're not good at talking to new people, ask everyon! e where they're from. It usually works really well as a conver! sation starter.The activities themself aren't memorable, but they're alright. The most fun part is hanging out with new people. They have movies, music, video games, board games, dances, parties, contests, etc. One of their contests was "Battle of the Sexes" which was a bunch of contests which are between the guys and girls. They also had a huge water balloon launcher on the pool deck (not sure about the Splendor) so we had a water balloon fight, and one of the ship's dancers gave us a hip hop lesson. If the club director is doing their job right, you shouldn't feel like you're being babysat. Juice is free, but soda definitely will cost you. If you drink a lot, get a Fountain Fun Card - it gives you unlimited soft drinks for the entire cruise. It's 5 or 6 dollars a day I think, plus a gratuity is added automatically. During August, most schools are out I think so you'll probably have a lot of people there. I had probably a total of 20 people, but they weren't always in the! club at the same time. You'll probably have more.Overall, I thought it was a great experience. Club 02 looks like a really modern lounge, which it pretty much is. It was a lot of fun because it made meeting people a lot easier and more convenient.Have fun!...Show more

Ron Keliipio: omg i have the same problem! im going end of july but i will be on carnival valor! i hope i can meet people and have fun :/.i think i will just go up to someone who looks alone and be like "hi, are you with any friends? i don't know anyone"idk im scared! ahahhaagood luck! haha...Show more

Comment installer une alarme de voiture

Comment installer une alarme de voiture

p>Les alarmes de voiture sont un moyen efficace d’assurer votre investissement et de vous donner la tranquillité d’esprit. Alors que de nombreuses voitures sont équipées en série d’un système d’alarme, d’autres ne le sont pas. Il n’est pas surprenant que de nombreuses personnes souhaitent installer un système d’alarme du marché secondaire, soit parce qu’elles n’en ont pas, soit parce qu’elles estiment qu’elles ont besoin d’une amélioration. L’installation d’une alarme de voiture peut sembler une tâche difficile, mais avec un peu de préparation et d’information, elle ne devient rien de plus qu’une série de petites tâches.

Retirez les panneaux nécessaires. Cela vous permettra d’accéder aux fils nécessaires pour brancher l’alarme de votre voiture. Il vous donn! era également accès à des endroits sous le tableau de bord où vous pouvez installer l’alarme si vous le souhaitez. Il s’agit généralement de panneaux situés près du centre du tableau de bord, du côté du conducteur. Ces panneaux seront différents pour chaque voiture, mais vous pouvez vous référer au manuel d’entretien de votre voiture pour trouver les bons panneaux.

Remplacez les panneaux de votre véhicule. Assurez-vous de les remplacer dans le bon ordre pour que tous les panneaux s’emboîtent correctement. Il est conseillé de consulter votre manuel d’entretien pour cette étape également.

Connectez la sirène. La sirène doit avoir deux fils, un négatif et un positif. La plupart des alarmes de voiture émettent une sirène positive, alors connectez l’unité d’alarme au fil positif de la sirène et connectez l’autre fil de la sirène à une masse.

Vérifiez chacune de vos portes. Vous voulez vous assurer qu’ils déclenchen! t l’indicateur « porte entrouverte » sur le tableau de b! ord. Si une porte ne se déclenche pas, l’alarme ne se déclenchera pas lorsque la porte est trafiquée. Si une porte ne déclenche pas l’alarme, votre alarme ne sera pas efficace.

Percer le pare-feu. Vous pouvez éviter cette étape si vous faites passer un fil de l’alarme de la voiture à la sirène par un trou déjà existant dans le pare-feu. Il fonctionne souvent bien pour faire passer le fil le long des tuyaux de l’âme du radiateur, d’un fil d’alimentation d’ampère, d’une source d’alimentation d’allumage, ou de tout autre fil allant de l’autre côté du pare-feu. S’il n’y en a pas, vous devrez en faire un. Si vous devez faire un nouveau trou, assurez-vous de regarder des deux côtés du pare-feu pour vous assurer que l’endroit que vous voulez forer est sûr. Tant que la perceuse n’atteindra pas d’autres pièces, il devrait être possible d’y percer.

Consultez un manuel d’entretien pour trouver les schémas de câblage.! Notez les panneaux qui devront être enlevés et les outils dont vous aurez besoin pour les enlever. Apprenez le plan de câblage de votre véhicule et faites un croquis de l’endroit où vous brancherez votre alarme de voiture.

Élaborer un plan d’installation. Planifier à l’avance peut vous faire gagner des heures sur le temps d’installation. En particulier, rassemblez des documents et des manuels décrivant les couleurs, les emplacements et les polarités du câblage de votre voiture.

Lancez l’interrupteur du voiturier. Ce sera un câble du module d’alarme de la voiture. Cet interrupteur vous permet de désactiver les fonctions d’alarme lorsqu’il est activé. Cela facilitera les choses lorsque quelqu’un d’autre aura votre voiture, comme lorsque vous la laisserez à un mécanicien.

Montez la sirène. Vous pouvez choisir un endroit sur le pare-feu ou ailleurs dans la baie moteur qui a assez de place. Il est important de monter la sirÃ! ¨ne face vers le bas pour éviter l’accumulation d’eau dans la bobi! ne mobile.

Passez un fil à travers le pare-feu. Ce fil connectera l’alarme de la voiture à la sirène.

Montez l’alarme de la voiture. Essayez d’installer l’alarme dans un endroit caché. Certaines personnes le monteront à l’intérieur du tableau de bord s’il y a de la place, ou sous un siège. N’oubliez pas que si l’alarme est visible, un voleur pourrait la trafiquer. Plus il est difficile de trouver votre alarme, plus elle sera efficace. Installez le support avec les vis et les accessoires fournis avec l’alarme de voiture.

Allumez le voyant LED. Le voyant DEL de l’alarme de la voiture indique que l’alarme est activée. Ce voyant est généralement monté sur le tableau de bord en perçant un petit trou dans le tableau de bord et en passant le fil jusqu’au module d’alarme de la voiture. La lumière est ensuite montée sur le tableau de bord avec de la superglue pour la maintenir en place. Assurez-vous de regarder des deux côtÃ! ©s du tableau de bord et assurez-vous que votre perceuse ne heurtera aucune autre pièce. Il n’est pas nécessaire d’enlever le tableau de bord pour cette étape tant que vous pouvez trouver un endroit sûr pour faire votre trou.

Faites fonctionner l’antenne externe. Si vous avez une antenne externe, elle étend la portée de votre télécommande sans fil ou de votre clavier en recevant le signal de l’extérieur de la voiture et en le transmettant au module d’alarme de la voiture. La plupart des antennes externes sont des antennes en verre. Cela signifie que vous monterez un récepteur à l’extérieur de votre verre et un répéteur à l’intérieur du même verre. Le signal sera transmis à travers la vitre sans qu’il soit nécessaire de percer des trous et les fils du répéteur directement sur le fil d’antenne de votre module d’alarme.

Connecter les capteurs d’alarme. Les capteurs sont chargés de signaler que quelque chose ne va pas et l! a sirène doit retentir. Vous connecterez les fils des capteurs de l’! alarme de la voiture aux fils qui signalent l’ouverture de votre porte ou les lumières du dôme. Vous pouvez également les raccorder aux capteurs de position du coffre et du capot ainsi qu’au contacteur d’allumage, selon les caractéristiques disponibles avec votre système d’alarme.

Branchez le câble d’alimentation. Vous devriez brancher le fil d’alimentation de votre module d’alarme à la batterie ou à une autre source d’alimentation constante. Ceci assurera que l’alarme est activée même lorsque la voiture est à l’arrêt. Votre alarme est maintenant sous tension et active.