Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Is my dog in labor?? please tell me!?  

Is my dog in labor?? please tell me!?  

answers 0:I dont know when she was bred, All i know is she is really close to being due.2 days ago sh showed signs of being in labor.Well today, about 2 hourse ago she dug a whole in the yard and tried to lay in it, She has never done that. I brought her in and she tore up her blanket and was fixing it. Could this be a sign she is in labor? also about 2 days ago her temp was 100.2 and today its 98.8answers 1:Yes! She is in labor! Her temp dropped, and shes nesting! She should be able to deliver by herself, but just sit by her, dont touch her, and make sure she doesnt need help.answers 2:She is for sure in labor. Only take her out on a lead now and always bring a towel in case she has a pup outside. She may be confused and think she has to go potty when she really has to deliver so let her out to potty and once she has gone keep her in! the whelping/birthing area if you are sure she doesn't have to really go. The next step will be nesting for a while and then the panting will increase. You will start seeing her push and she should have a puppy within 2 hours of starting to push hard. It usually happens sooner. The temperature has to be around 85 degrees for puppies to survive also so put her in a small room or bathtub and keep blankets in there. She may not know how to break the first sack, most moms don't the first time, and so be ready to break the sack open with your hands and use a butter knife to cut the cord. Saw back and fourth a bit and if the bleeding of the cord doesn't stop in a few minutes tie it off with a piece of non-flavored dental floss. Mint is OK but the mom will keep licking it. They usually have pups every half hour to 2 hours but some times they will take a nap in the middle of having a litter and that is normal. I do not let my girls eat the placenta because if they eat too many (3! -4?) they can get sick. I make sure the puppy is delivered and! toss the placenta. If there is a placenta that has not delivered then take note of that. If they have delivered all placentas and they are still producing black or dark green then this means the pup they are about to have is in distress and needs to be delivered soon. The dark discharge is a sign the placenta is detaching so if there is one inside from the last pup then it is hard to tell if there is a problem but generally not. If it is a toy breed then be on alert for a c-section. If you see them pushing hard and they have not had a puppy in two hours (I only wait a half hour) then you can check to see where the puppy is. Reach up (move fingers in and toward the base of the tail) and fee for feet or a head. If you don't feel one then you are OK for a bit longer. When she is having a pup you will see her push and then between her tail and vulva it will get large as the puppy is moving down to be born. She may cry the first puppy and this is normal. Just reassure her and w! ait. They usually deliver during the night or early morning so you will be up all night if you want to make sure the pups are alive and OK. If you go to bed then you are risking a litter of dead puppies. Put blankets under her and towels and change them was they get too wet. Take her for a walk after she has a few pups and then after a few more. Her milk will come in in 4-12 hours after delivery and this is normal but the pups will be fine. They have colostrum that will help them build immunity that is produced before the milk. If they are crying a lot and bunching together they are cold and cold pups can't digest food and they will stop eating and die. If they are moving apart and crying then they are too hot. Pups only cry when they are too hot or too cold once they have settled in. She may move around a lot when delivering so I keep a pop bottle full of hot water in a box covered by a towel and remove the pups while she is having the next one if you need to. Then put the! m back in after the new one is clean. Wipe it off with a towel also and! try to dry it off as much as you can. New wet pups can make everyone else wet and cause a problem....answers 3:Get her in the house and clean her up, she is ready to give birth.Do you have a whelping box ready and clean towels and string to tie cords of with, and something to cut cords with.answers 4:Yes, she is nesting which is a sign that the pups will be coming soon. Make sure she has a calm, quiet, secluded area where she can go when she is ready. She is in hard labor when she starts panting heavily, shaking, and licking her genital area constantly. All dogs are different; you know your dog best so you will know when she is ready. Don't leave her outside alone and make sure to supervise the delivery in case she gets tired and has a difficult time cleaning the puppies off. Have plenty of towels and sheets. Another important factor is that the pups need to be in a warm room..at such a young age they can't regulate their body temperature. Lastly, get your dog spayed asap.! .you are adding to the already extremely overpopulated world....answers 5:gosh, i think for someone to understand any kind of labor you had to go through it. your dog will be very lethargic a day or less before the intense labor increases. Also she most likely wont want to eat at meal times. Another clue will be that she will constantly want to lay down and be panting a lot. Some dogs want to be close to their care takers, more then ever and some just dont want anything to do with you. Also when the dog goes into that intense labor, she will start to trail some discharge or blood. Is your dog producing milk? because that is a sure sign the pups are on the way....answers 6:Ya she's in labor. Congrats! Idk how long, just stay by her.answers 7:and how long will it be before she goes into labor?

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