Wednesday, July 8, 2020

cooking brisket?

Andrew Sinatra: fat side should be up...that way when the fat melts the meat fibers will absorb some of it back and the brisket will be tender and juicy.

Patricia Bolduc: Frozen Brisket... 1) Defrost 2) Steam or boil in some type of flavorful liquid.

Tyrone Disanti: down.It is

Gennie Shauer: if your brisket is small... oh, girl.. go for crockpotting it... it will fall apart just to look at it. I vote fat side on top.. but I also drink caffeinated coffee, and think we should return to natural foods/ cooking. No dr in the world would agree with me, though.

Malissa Porth: Brisket?? Fat Side??All the brisket I have cooked (and it's the best tasting joint when done properly) has been rolled and there is fat most of the way round.Anyway - sit it on its bottom so that you are looking down on the circle, blast it very hot with no lid for about 20 mins to half an hour, roughly chop a medium sized onion, throw it in, put a lid on ! the roasting tin/casserole dish, turn the heat down to about Reg 3(Gas), 100 (fan) 200 (elec) and forget about it for at least one and a half to two hours depending on the size of the joint.This way the brisket makes its own wonderful gravy.Enjoy, however you cook it!...Show more

Oda Mauson: For sure UP.

Benita Nancy: I usually put the fat side down, but it really doesn't make a difference. Just remember slow cooking, take your time and if you want it really tender the magic number is 185 degrees. That is where the meat starts to break down and get really tender. I usually marinade mine then smoke it for 8-12 hours and pull it out when it reaches a temp of 190 in the thickest part of the meat.

Tobie Oshea: always fat up it bastes its self as it cooks

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