Monday, July 6, 2020

Face book change relationship status help?

Brittney Inabnit: Yes, their relationship status would just say "In a relationship" until they themselves change it to single.

Babette Deloe: Theirs will say "In a relationship" wholes yours say "single" until they change it

Tatiana Evanosky: yea. It just says married or in a relationship.

Stanton Degregorio: If you guys broke up then just tell the truth, hey I'm single, and let everyone see that you are available. Now if you still like her then leave it like that, act like the break up never happened and submerge her page with things like "I still love you, the breakup didn't mean anything, let's just reset everything and try again." Depending on the reason why you guys broke up, that would have to be your choice, if she did it, if you did it. It doesn't matter. Just leave the situation the way it is and see what happens in a couple of days, if you see her messing with someone else, then you take her off the page. And only then. Let's see how she feels ! and what she will ask you when you mention it to her....Show more

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