Friday, April 24, 2020

Can you program a computer by Unix?

Rosie Travino: There are many languages installed in the UNIX/Linux operating system that are great to use and learn. With gcc/g++ you can program C/C++, there's python, pearl, php, and numerous others. You won't be able to use Microsoft Visual Studios I don't think, unless you can find a good emulator but otherwise it can be done. I program off a Linux based server myselfPS. There is shell scripting also, which is more UNIX/Linux based programming, and if you can do it well you can make a lot of money!...Show more

Melvina Bieri: Unix is not a programming language.

Malcom Fenoff: Unix is an operating system the same as Mac OS, Microsoft Windows, old and obsolete DOS, and Linux. You can write programs on ANY operating system, but you need to choose a programming language to use. And programs written for one system will not run on the other. If you use a standard language like C or one of its' derivatives you can write for one OS and link in libraries that a! re used in that OS. The program can then be "ported" to another OS by modifying it to link to that set of libraries in stead....Show more

Barton Morfee: Your question is not straight forward.Anyway, if you want to learn programming in UnixKernigham and PikeRichie book on CRichards Stevens, Advanced Unix Programming

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