Friday, July 10, 2020

How to entertain 1 year old while I am cooking?

Rheba Cockman: In order for him to require attention all the time you must have picked him up everytime he grunted or whined, rather than let him settle himself and eventually learn how to entertain himself. So now it's going to be that much harder on the both of you. Put him in a playpen/crib and get ready for all hell to break loose. He is going to throw a fit and will continue to do so until he gets used to having to do for himself for awhile. Or take advantage of the times he takes naps and do some of the prep work while he is asleep....Show more

Tory Clapper: Have you tried putting him in his high chair where he can see you but is a safe distance from the stove or anything hot? Then you can give him lots of different things to keep him busy. You can also turn music on while your cooking and the two of you can sing and you can dance....just a few things to try. I hope it works!Good luck...Show more

Lu Snide: pUT ON A MOVIE:)

Betsey Copp: I used ! to put mine in the high chair while I cooked. That locked her up, kept her safe and with me at the same time. I sang her songs and did silly dances while I cooked. GIve some cheerios or something to play with, but if he screams, he will scream, don't worry too much about it. If the TV works for an hour, I wouldn't worry about it. It is better that he be safe in front of the TV than you burning him with water, or cutting yourself with a knife. The kitchen is way more dangerous than Baby Einstein....Show more

Babette Deloe: Make the baby take a mini-nap. If you can handle the crying maybe dinner will be easier to make.

George Dingeldein: My 14 month old sits in her booster seat at the table and colors with crayons while I cook. This is harder if your child isn't out of the "put everything in my mouth" stage yet.We also have a play kitchen in our kitchen that she loves to play with. Here's the one we have: tha! t keeps her entertained.Another option is to try to do all the! prep work for meals during his naps. You can cut all the vegetables and get everything ready to be cooked ahead of time usually. Potatoes can be cut and will not brown if covered completely with cold water. Then it at least doesn't take as long to cook at dinner time, even if you do have to put him in front of the tv....Show more

Donte Hamme: my 4 soon to be 5 year old is like that too, i put him in a highchair and i got him a small playmat from babiesrusi also give him some cheerios to snack on and play his favourite song-lazytown bing bang and he laughs while the music plays and i sing along with the song :) or if my husband is home (rarely) i have my son play with him my other kids don't wanna play with my 4 soon to be 5 year old. Well not very much and he's a little mommy's boy...Show more

Dorine Nurre: My last kid was like yours. He wanted nothing to do with the highchair for that long. I also used videos sometimes. Sometimes I let him play at the co! mputer. Google toddler games. The fisher-price link has some good ones that do things whenever he touches one of the keys. You could also look into slings that go on your back. Sometimes I pulled a chair up to the sink and let him make a mess. He loved that. Another idea is to do some freezer cooking. Take a Saturday afternoon and get a sitter or have daddy or gandparents watch him. Make several items that freeze well. That way you just pull it out and put it in the oven when you want to eat it. Google once a month cooking (OAMC) or freezer cooking. There are lots of recipes available for lunch (single serving) or dinner....Show more

Lupe Sancen: The next "GREAT CHEF!"Give him flour and water for "tomorrows pizza!"Let him butter the bread!Let him stir "SUMPIN", in that bowl!You may be surprised!God bless & good luck!...Show more

Curt Broadhead: I agree with the high chair idea, I have 6 kids and I have done it many times....they like to see what's goi! ng on and know that you can see them too. Maybe give him something sma! ll to snack on while he is sitting there.

Jefferson Sarson: My oldest son was just like this. I kept a special box of toys up where he couldn't get them and I would give them to him when I needed a little time, like for me it was when I need to be on the phone for 20 or 30 minutes without interruption, but the theory is the same. I would go to the Goodwill or another thrift store and buy a bunch of smaller toys (ones that were safe for him), and this way I could afford to get new toys for the bucket ( or rotate sets of toys that he hadn't seen for a while) without spending too much money. The other thing that I did was to wear him in my baby backpack. He was safe and behind me, and couldn't reach any of the pan's or hot things, but he was high enough that he could see everything that was going on and was being "held", and I could talk to him and had both hands free. This also worked well for other housework, especially vacuuming!Good luck!...Show more

Autumn Vac! io: perdsgul is right. They get bored when they are alone. Put him in his high chair and even play music of his choice and sing along. He'll be so entertained.Give him interesting toys whilst you are stirring your pots. Leave him alone for a few minutes sometimes so he learns to be independent. Play hide and seek with him also so that he knows that even when he doesnt see you, you are around....Show more

Pattie Vold: He is very active and hates being in his high chair even when I am feeding him. Singing and dancing works sometimes, but not when I need to cut vegetables or something.

Abraham Ladick: Try to work his nap around it. Or, you can put him in his playpen where he can play and see you (but be at a safe distance so he won't get burned) and then talk to him throughout the time.

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