Tuesday, June 30, 2020

If u can choose the day of ur death, which day will u choose...ur birthday, marriage day, any other special...

Patricia Dornbos: I chose this day........ I am anxious to know the truth

Alphonso Brake: I'm not sure, death is always so inconvenient.

Mayola Sylva: Marriage. You always die on marriage.

Cómo obtener cabello de menta

Cómo obtener cabello de menta

Diferentes personas tienen diferentes interpretaciones del color menta. Para algunos, es más azul, mientras que para otros es más verde. Una cosa que parece ser consistente en todo momento es que es un tono muy pálido, lo que es difícil cuando se trata de teñir el cabello. Si quieres un tono claro de cabello, primero tienes que decolorarlo. Esto a menudo le deja con tonos cobrizos, que pueden opacar tonos fríos como el azul y el verde. Sin embargo, con los pasos preparatorios adecuados, puedes teñirte el cabello de un hermoso tono de verde menta.

Compra tu tinte. Diferentes personas tienen diferentes ideas de lo que es «menta». Para algunas personas, es más verde, para otras, es más azul. Si tienes mucho amarillo en tu cabello, compra un tinte azul; el amarillo de tu cabello se mezclará con el tinte y creará verde. Si tienes el pelo blanco o plateado, pue! des conseguir algo que sea más verde.

Proteja su ropa y su espacio de trabajo. Cubra su mostrador con un periódico o un mantel plástico barato. Póngase una camisa vieja o póngase una capa para teñirse el pelo alrededor de los hombros; también puede usar una toalla vieja. Por último, póngase un par de guantes desechables de plástico.

Deje reposar el tinte durante el tiempo recomendado en el paquete. Cada marca será diferente, así que revise el paquete. En general, la mayoría de los tintes premezclados se pueden dejar en el cabello hasta por 3 horas. Los tintes que se mezclan con un revelador por lo general sólo se pueden dejar durante unos 20 minutos.

Aplicar la lejía sobre el cabello seco, empezando por las puntas. Esto es muy importante, ya que sus raíces se blanquearán mucho más rápido. Si se aplica primero el blanqueador en las raíces, se corre el riesgo de irritar el cuero cabelludo.

Determine si su cabello necesita tonificaci! ón. El cabello de cada persona se decolora de manera diferent! e, así que mire su cabello ahora. Si notas algún tono de bronceado o naranja en él, necesitas tonificarlo. Si no lo haces, el naranja se mezclará con el verde y te dará un color pardusco en su lugar.

Preparar el tinte según las instrucciones del envase. Si está usando un tinte puro, considere mezclarlo con un acondicionador de color blanco. Use suficiente acondicionador para cubrir su cabello. La cantidad de tinte que utilice depende de usted; cuanto más tinte añada, más oscuro será el color.

Mezcle el blanqueador de acuerdo con las instrucciones del paquete. Mezcle el blanqueador en un recipiente de vidrio o plástico que no vaya a utilizar para comer de nuevo. Puedes conseguir un tazón especial para teñir en una tienda de belleza.

Compra un champú tonificante. Por lo general se etiquetan como «Champú Púrpura» o algo similar. Se pueden encontrar en salones de belleza y tiendas de artículos de belleza. Alternativamente, puede utilizar un! kit de tonificación a base de amoníaco. Tenga en cuenta que estos son mucho más duros en su cabello; lo mejor sería esperar de 2 a 3 días después de la decoloración. El Champú Púrpura es más suave y se puede usar de inmediato.

Proteja su superficie de trabajo y su ropa. Si usted está haciendo esto el mismo día que se tiñó el cabello, probablemente tenga todo listo. Si se tomó un descanso, tómese un momento para volver a cubrir sus mostradores y su ropa. ¡Recuerda los guantes de plástico desechables!

Aplica el tinte en el cabello, empezando por las raíces. Puede hacerlo con las manos o con un cepillo aplicador de tinte. Asegúrese de aplicar el tinte de manera uniforme en todo el cabello, incluyendo la nuca, alrededor de las orejas y la línea del cabello. Si tienes el cabello muy grueso, considera dividirlo en cuatro secciones antes de aplicar los tintes:

Compre un kit de blanqueamiento. Consigue al menos un kit de 20 volúmenes. En gen! eral, cuanto más oscuro sea tu cabello, más veces tendrás que teñir! lo. Sin embargo, debido a la cantidad de luz que se usará para teñir el cabello, también es necesario que lo decolores más claro. He aquí algunas sugerencias:

Enjuague el champú y seque el cabello. Tu cabello ya no debería tener nada de naranja, lo que es bueno. Idealmente, debería ser más plateado o gris, pero está bien si se ve un poco amarillo; el amarillo es uno de los tonos que componen la menta.

Aplica el champú tonificante en tu cabello. Métete en la ducha y métete en el pelo. Si acabas de terminar de teñirte el pelo, ya tienes esa parte cubierta. Aplica el champú tonificante en el cabello, como si fuera un champú normal.

Deje el champú tonificante puesto para la púa recomendada en la botella. Cada marca será un poco diferente, pero en la mayoría de los casos, es de 10 a 15 minutos. Durante este tiempo, el champú teñirá tu cabello y equilibrará los tonos cobrizos, dejándote un color más neutro.

Deje reposar la lejía ! durante el tiempo recomendado. Cada marca será diferente, así que lea las instrucciones que vienen con su blanqueador. En general, sin embargo, cuanto mayor sea el volumen de la lejía, más rápidamente funcionará. En la mayoría de los casos, serán de 25 a 35 minutos.

Enjuaga la decoloración y deja que el cabello se seque. Enjuague el blanqueador primero con agua y luego con champú.

Lave el tinte. Enjuague el tinte con agua fría hasta que el agua salga clara. Aplica un acondicionador hidratante de buena calidad que sea adecuado para el cabello teñido, déjalo reposar durante unos minutos y luego enjuágalo. No use champú.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Christian marriage ceremony?

Bethanie Menden: The white wedding dress is not traditional. It only became popular in 1840 when Queen Victoria chose a white dress for her wedding. After that all brides in the Western world wanted to look like her and it's now become a symbol of first marriages. While these days we think it has something do to with purity, in actual fact it has nothing to do with this at all. It was simply the fashion in Victorian times. You absolutely right in saying that the bride is handed over by her father to the new owner - her husband. For centuries women have been treated as goods to be sold to the highest bidder, love had nothing to do with marriage. But these days, it's just a tradition and no-one believes that woman is a chattel. While many Christian ceremonies still include the words "obey" in the woman's vows, this is optional and it's up to the bride whether or not she uses the words. Marriage now is also optional, with more people happily living in de facto relationships,! and getting married only when the time is right for them. And very few people view the marriage ceremony as sexist as so many things about it have now changed. There is no "ownership" by the husband, and very few wives would stand for this anyway. BTW Civil ceremonies are very similar to Christial ceremonies....Show more

Violette Vanek: The ceremony itself does not help unless the man and woman being married are committed to the Lord and to each other. Marriage is something that needs to be worked on throughout the years the couple are together. It doesn't just happen. But if both of them have Christ at the centre of their lives it becomes easier (but not easy) because they are both on the same track. During the ceremony, they both make vows to each other before God. If they love God they should be willing to do whatever it takes to ensure they do not break those vows. The marriage makes the two people one. It is a profound mystery how this happens but if the ! man and woman do not put the effort into their marriage it can! easily fall to pieces....Show more

Ambrose Mumma: It depends on how you believe, what support your faith..

What "collar" do medical / dental workers fall under?  

What "collar" do medical / dental workers fall under?  

answers 0:White collar = middle to upper class office jobs; blus collar = lower to upper middle class manual labor jobs; green collar = enviromental jobs. Then what are medical and dental people who make middle class salaries? Red collar maybe?answers 1:white collar.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

My family reunion?

Kate Baune: do an online search for tshirt cafe or reunion king. both have really nice t's for families as well as tote bags and other accessories.

Sharee Doak: i'm not sure by what u mean of the family tree thing but what we did is our family picture on the t-shirts, also way is by t-shirt color only and last name...hope this helps or gives u an ideal..

Penelope Armond: Why don't you think of something more personal?Or you could do something cute, like use a baseball jersey outline and then on the back have your first names and on the front have your last name really little on the side like its the 'team'.

Sol Allphin: Have a look at Tees for your Family for some family reunion t-shirt ideas: http://www.teesforyourfamily.com/family_reunion.ht...

Ollie Desalvo: hi shane...ill just mail you if something comes up..hehehe..did you join the reunion last april 12?

Comment envoyer un courriel à l’aide de Gmail

Comment envoyer un courriel à l’aide de Gmail

p>Ce wiki vous apprend comment envoyer un email en utilisant Gmail. Vous pouvez utiliser le site Web Gmail pour envoyer des e-mails à partir d’un ordinateur ou utiliser l’application mobile Gmail pour envoyer des e-mails à partir d’un smartphone ou d’une tablette.

Cliquez sur + Compose. Il se trouve dans le coin supérieur gauche de votre boîte de réception Gmail. Une fenêtre « Nouveau message » s’ouvre dans le coin inférieur droit de la page.

Tapez sur le bouton « Envoyer ».

Ajoutez des fichiers ou des photos si nécessaire. Si vous souhaitez placer un fichier ou une photo dans votre e-mail, procédez comme suit :

Ajouter un sujet. Cliquez sur le champ de texte « Sujet », puis tapez ce que vous voulez que le sujet du courriel soit.

Entrez l’a! dresse e-mail de l’autre personne. Cliquez sur la zone de texte « À » ou « Destinataires » en haut de la fenêtre Nouveau message, puis saisissez l’adresse e-mail de la personne à laquelle vous souhaitez envoyer votre e-mail.

Entrez le message de votre courriel. Tapez sur la zone de texte « Composer un e-mail », puis tapez ce que vous voulez utiliser pour votre e-mail.

Ouvrez Gmail. Rendez-vous sur https://www.gmail.com/ dans le navigateur Web de votre ordinateur. Cela ouvrira votre boîte de réception Gmail si vous êtes connecté.

Entrez votre courriel. Dans la grande zone de texte située sous la zone de texte « Objet », tapez ce que vous voulez pour votre message électronique.

Joignez un fichier si vous le souhaitez. Pour ajouter un fichier depuis votre ordinateur, cliquez sur le bouton « Pièces jointes ».

Saisissez un sujet. Tapez sur la zone de texte « Sujet », puis entrez le sujet que vous souhaitez utili! ser.

Entrez une adresse e-mail. Tapez sur la zone de tex! te « A », puis tapez l’adresse e-mail de la personne à qui vous souhaitez envoyer un e-mail.

Cliquez sur Envoyer. C’est un bouton bleu dans le coin inférieur droit de la fenêtre de courriel. De cette façon, vous enverrez votre courriel à l’adresse ou aux adresses de courriel spécifiées.

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Saturday, June 27, 2020


Michel Mccaulley: One way to do this is to paint a lush picture in their heads of the environment that you will be talking about. Try using a bunch of descriptive words so the audience feels as though they are there

Darren Heling: Show that we are trying to cure environmental problems due to global warming. We have already reduced hydrocarbons as well as preventing the deforestation of our forests. We are also trying to create alternative energy sources I.e. wind turbines and solar energy. Show the positive side of environments.

Mitzie Clough: Go to the list of recently extinct animals (http://listverse.com/2009/07/25/10-recently-extinc... read out the list. Ask your audience what they all have in common. Then oncentrating on the ones whose habitat has been destroyed rather than the ones hunted to extinction, consider whether we are destroying our own habitat and may join them on the list.For instance "The golden toad, Javan tigers and Baiji River d! olphins all have something in common. They are three species of animal that have become extinct in recent times as the result of man's intervention in their habitat. Their habitats have each been destroyed. There are many more animals which have been hunted out of existence in recent times."From there you could go on to discuss what we are doing around the world to destroy habitat and whether it is time to start giving back instead of always taking from the environment. You could develop this theme, by discussing forestry, mining, land clearing for building, pollutants such as coal fired electricity generation etc etc. For your summary you could say if we don't start caring for the environment we ourselves might end up on the list with the golden toad, the Baiji River dolphins and the Javan tigers. It is time to make that decision....Show more

Dental School and the US army?  

Dental School and the US army?  

answers 0:Ok so I'm going to an in state college for pre-medical and ROTC and my plan after my four year college I would apply for a dental school. I was wondering what do dental schools require for admissions. If I get accepted I would join the US Army and they would pay for it and serve my country as a dentist after dental school. Would that work if anyone could help me thanks everyone 🙂answers 1:For admission to a Dental School you will have to take the DAT.The credit requirements vary with schools. So, it will be better to get in touch with the schools of choice individually.Yes, when you start dental school, US Army will send Recruiters to go over the procedure as to how it works. In fact, many dental students do sign up for the Army as soon as they get started at the dental school....answers 2:hi Angus, Is your sister an authorized Dentist? if so, ask her to email me and s! upply me her particular suggestion approximately what she feels is a actual requirement that she won't meet. My email is: larrysmile at yahoo dot com ideal needs, Larry Smith Senior grasp Sergeant, USAF (Ret.) First Sergeant

Friday, June 26, 2020

My wife has a Green Card, but currently lives abroad. What must she do to maintain her Green Card status?

Derrick Kloke: She should give up her green card. Returning once a year will not guarantee that she will keep it. The INS people have been know to confiscate green cards on entry to the US if they think you are living abroad. Once she has been out for over two years, that is pretty much it - she loses permanent residency here.

Jannette Kotz: Permanent residents who leave the United States for extended periods, or who cannot show their intent to live permanently in the U.S., may lose their permanent resident status. If you think you will be out of the U.S. for more than 12 months, you should apply for a re-entry permit before leaving the country. You should file Form I-131, Application for a Travel Document. A re-entry permit is valid for up to 2 years and shows that you are returning from a temporary visit abroad. You may show the re-entry permit at a port of entry.Form I-131 and instructions are available at http://uscis.gov/graphics/formsfee/forms/i-131.htm or ! by calling the USCIS Forms Line at 1-800-870-3676. You must pay a fee to file Form I-131.If you are not able to return to the U.S. before your re-entry permit expires or you did not apply for a re-entry permit before leaving the U.S. and have been outside the U.S. for more than 12 months, you may be able to get a special immigrant Returning Resident (SB-1) visa overseas from the Department of State. There are special requirements for this visa. Visit http://www.state.gov or your nearest Department of State Consular Office overseas for more information. File Tax ReturnsAs a permanent resident, you must file income tax returns and report your income to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and your state, city, or local tax department, if required. If you do not file income tax returns while living outside of the U.S. for any length of time, or if you say that you are a “non-immigrant” on your tax returns, the U.S. government may decide that you have given up your permanent ! resident status....Show more

Dawn Saha: She must enter t! he United States at least every 11 months and 28 days. If she is out of the US more than 1year but less than 2 unless an excellent reason exists then she looses it. If 2 years or more then it has been lost.

Comment faire pousser des concombres à cornichons

Comment faire pousser des concombres à cornichons

Arrosez votre concombre au moins une fois par semaine. Les concombres ont besoin d’au moins 1 à 2 pouces (2,5 à 5,1 cm) d’eau par semaine pour pousser. Selon votre climat, vous devrez peut-être arroser plus d’une fois par semaine. Enfoncez votre doigt dans le sol pour vérifier s’il est humide. Si le sol est sec, arrosez vos plantes.

Cultivez vos concombres en pots comme alternative. Dans les climats froids, vous pouvez cultiver des concombres en pot à l’intérieur ou dans une serre. Remplissez un grand pot bien drainé de terre et installez un treillis pour que les vignes de votre plante puissent grimper. Placez votre pot dans un endroit où il peut recevoir la lumière directe du soleil tous les jours, et n’oubliez pas de l’arroser une fois par semaine.

Surveillez les ravageurs et le! s mauvaises herbes. Les chrysomèles du concombre, les vers de saumure et les tétranyques sont des ravageurs courants du concombre. Couvrez vos semis avec des filets ou pulvérisez des pesticides sans danger pour les légumes afin de tenir les insectes nuisibles à l’écart. Une à deux fois par semaine, vérifiez s’il y a des mauvaises herbes dans votre jardin et arrachez-les au fur et à mesure qu’elles sont tachetées.

Poursuivre la cueillette tous les 2 à 3 jours. Tous vos concombres ne parviendront pas à maturité en même temps. Si certains fruits n’ont pas encore atteint la longueur idéale, ne les cueillez pas avant d’être prêts. Essayez de cueillir vos concombres en groupes tous les plusieurs jours.

Cultivez des concombres de la foire du comté pour un goût plus sucré. County Fair variétés goût plus doux que d’autres variétés, plus amères. En comparaison, ces plantes produisent des concombres faciles à digérer et presque sans ! pépins. Ils poussent bien dans les jardins familiaux en raiso! n de leurs vignes vigoureuses.

Portez une paire épaisse de gants de jardinage pendant la récolte. Ne cueillez pas les concombres à mains nues. Bien que certains cépages aient des vignes lisses, la plupart sont piquants. Trouvez une paire de gants d’étude à porter pendant que vous travaillez.

Coupez vos concombres de la vigne avec un couteau tranchant. L’arrachage des concombres de la vigne peut endommager la plante et couper la croissance des autres concombres. Utilisez une paire de sécateurs tranchants ou un couteau pour couper la vigne environ ⁄4-⁄2 pouce (0,64-1,27 cm) au-dessus du fruit.

Surveillez vos concombres pour des signes de maturité. Les concombres prennent habituellement entre 55 et 60 jours après la plantation pour la récolte. Vos concombres sont prêts à être récoltés lorsqu’ils atteignent la taille recommandée pour leur variété. Si vos concombres jaunissent au fond, ils sont trop mûrs et doivent être récoltés ! immédiatement.

Semer ou repiquer les semis plusieurs semaines après la dernière date de gel. La plupart des variétés de concombres sont sensibles au froid. Attendez au moins 2 semaines après le dernier gel avant de planter vos concombres. Enfoncer les graines dans le sol à environ 2 pouces (5,1 cm) de profondeur pour les graines ou 1 pouce (2,5 cm) pour les semis.

Achetez des concombres Regal pour une culture résistante aux maladies. Les concombres majestueux sont moins sujets aux maladies que la plupart des variétés. Leur forme est plus longue que celle des autres variétés de concombres, avec un noyau fin. Ces concombres récoltent tôt et produisent des rendements élevés tout au long de la saison.

Installez un treillis pour votre plante. Les concombres poussent mieux verticalement car leurs vignes ont besoin d’un endroit pour grimper. Construisez ou achetez un treillis et plantez vos concombres directement en dessous. Une fois que les vig! nes commencent à pousser, entraînez vos concombres à pousser sur le ! treillis. Si nécessaire, vous pouvez utiliser des sangles velcro ou de la ficelle pour attacher les vignes au treillis.

Déchiqueter votre plante pour retenir l’humidité. Le paillis peut garder vos concombres au frais à l’approche des mois chauds de l’été. Attendre que la température atteigne 21 °C (70 °F) pour appliquer le paillis. Le paillis de feuilles ou de paille de pin est le meilleur moyen d’éloigner les ravageurs.

Conservez vos concombres à température ambiante. Les concombres ne se conservent pas bien à moins de 10 °C (50 °F), ce qui les rend vulnérables au gel. Rangez vos concombres sur les comptoirs de votre cuisine ou à l’avant de votre réfrigérateur, où les températures sont les plus chaudes.

Choisissez des concombres Kirby pour une peau plus épaisse. Les concombres saumurés idéaux ont une peau qui peut résister au vinaigre ou à la saumure salée. Les concombres Kirby poussent avec une peau épaisse qui peut ! rester croquante après des jours ou des semaines dans un pot.

Plantez vos concombres dans un sol organique bien drainé. Trouvez un endroit ensoleillé dans votre jardin avec un sol riche en matière organique. Si votre sol contient peu d’éléments nutritifs organiques, ajoutez du compost à la zone avant ou pendant la plantation. Ajoutez une couche de compost de 10 à 15 cm (4 à 6 pouces) à votre sol.

Planter des concombres nationaux pour un rendement élevé. Cette variété est prolifique pour sa grande et abondante récolte. Les concombres nationaux sont plus volumineux que les autres variétés, avec une peau vert foncé caractéristique. Habituellement, ces concombres poussent jusqu’à environ 5-7 pouces (13-18 cm).

Thursday, June 25, 2020

I have decided to live a greener life...How should I start?

Loriann Carrigan: i need to evaluate different types of energy systems.. anyone know some ?

Dick Maisenbacher: I started with the light bulbs(fluorescent) and instead of water bottlesbought a Britta water filter pitcher.I also make sure to take a reusable bag everywhere instead of using all those plastic bagsI put a brick in the back of both toilets to conserve water and walk whenever possible instead of drive.

King Bringle: No I haven't yet but the website looks interesting so I will explore.The best online green guide I have come across is called "Do The Green Thing". It is a light-hearted yet comprehensive website that walks you through every possible green improvement in your life. Each suggestion gives you the opportunity to say how many times you've done it. This gives you a personal score, in kg CO2 abated, and you can compare totals with the rest of the community.They are about to launch version 2 but the current version is great so please join the com! munity and start recording your successes!...Show more

Lou Ravelo: you know you can do anything to help live a greener life you can try to get to know your community a bit better or try to turn off your lights when your done in a room. walk to places more often and go to your local fruit tore and buy fruit there instead of supporting coles or safeway and buy meat from the butcher instead of supporting cows smelling the sent of blood when they die and making them feel agitated for thir death so coles will have some meat in thier shops. also if you drive down to sunbury in o, shanassy street there will be a shop called Just Planet it will help buy organic things and rubbish free sandwich wrapes it is really good it changed my life the staff helped me there....Show more

Shaun Rapkowicz: hello sirif you want to live a green life first of all change your thinking.we generally expect a flat in any society that is surrounded by i think maximum 50 trees and for lots of ! people.first dream about a home having a sourrounding of huge! tree and plants and think what you are using is biodegradable or not try to avoid those thing which are non-biodegradable.that may cost a bit large than non biodigradable.plant plants around you.every man is single in itself if every man think about nature and try to change our own surrounding we can save that world or our mother nature.that is there to serve us only had you seen that she is asking anything to us.think about that and keep it up.bye...Show more

Eli Trapeni: I don't know anything about your question, but i am interested to know , it's very important.

Dominic Sciancalepore: in kWh or joules

Alisa Kaleiwahea: I have actually done just that and converted my whole family and the way we live around that, not only that I am working from home doing this and the income from it has helped me alot. email me if you are interested

Ardell Luy: I took the test today, but haven't read the book yet. Sounds like I would learn a lot about the thinks ! we use in our own homes.http://www.greengoeswitheverything.com/

Ronnie Barcus: Soccer mom mentions some great things that almost everyone can do. Also consider the biggest impact is from three things: how often you fly, how you get to work, and how much animal-based food you eat.

Verena Koop: The best way to live a greener life is by conserving as much energy as possible by turning off appliances when they are not being used and use products that use as little electricity as possible. You can also try recycling in order to reduce the trash in landfills.

Toby Caswell: what information will I need for doing this?and how to calculate the electricity generated?

Rosalyn Olivera: Types of wave energy systems1.Point Absorbers2.Attenuators3.Terminators4.Overtopping Devices5.Wave Energy Facility Size...Show more

Isaias Badgley: There are plenty of small ways in which you can go green.Now then, not to take credit for coming up with the ideas on my own! , I would like to refer you to this site, which is full of ways.http://! www.50waystohelp.com/

Randall Twehous: particularly won't be able to. you may desire good dimensions of each and every turn of twine, the size and components of all the magnetic components, and then an extremely complicated modeling software, if such even exists. plenty much less complicated to degree it.

Frank Gazaway: Deciding to is the best first step... of course it is easier said than done ... and there is always room for improvement...Read green blogs to get ideas... do web searches... take it one step at a time... you don't need to save the whole earth by yourself... look for ways to use the 3Rs in all aspects of your life... Reduce all things you use from energy, to packaging ... Reuse anything you can bags & containers ... Recycle this can be the bottles and cans but can also be taking the stuff you never use anymore to good will or the salvation army....Show more

Maye Delk: well, use energy saving light bulbs, turning off lights when you don't ne! ed them, turning the thermostat 2 to 3 degrees lower when you're not at home, walk or bike to places that are nearby (5 or less minutes away), reuse groccery bags and cardboard boxes.

Curtis Josef: conserve electricity,water,take small steps at a time and you'll end up changing your life(and others lives).Plant a tree feed a homeless dog etc..

Keven Woodington: I think if you have decided to live a greener life. It is better to start from your home, use the least energy, use less garbage bags, use less water, drive less, try to car pool to work and back during the working days, try to take the buses as much as possible, try all your short distance trips by walking, and sign a petition with your neighbors for the goal of greener living and submit to the local politicians.The further steps should boycott any dealers selling unclean fuels, toxic chemicals endangers the environment,even if it is necessary to shut it down by laws.Driving an hybrid engine car if affo! rdable or at least a car with smaller engine and don't forget to shut o! ff the engine while parking.Try to launch an educational program to teach the next generation with the basic rule for protecting our environment is to drive a smaller car and live in a smaller house. Conservation of forestry and wetlands are the natural way to protect our water quality, ecosystems, and the transformation of unwanted carbon dioxide in the air into oxygen by the plants' photosynthesis. Lobby your local government to ban the bunker fuel used by the ferries, to legislate laws to forbidden the use of fossil fuels of coal and diesel like the most polluted city in ths world, Hong Kong.The following billboard letters voiced the many complaints against the toxic air with harmful particulates surrounding city of Hong Kong. http://www.skyscrapercity.com/archive/index.php/in......Show more

Rufus Plough: Start by making simple choices, replace your incandescent bulbs with energy efficient bulbs, use warm/cold water to wash, car pool, in essence make conscious choi! ces.. Find green choices at http://www.greenlineindex.com

What advises would you give to teenagers who are sexually active?  

What advises would you give to teenagers who are sexually active?  

answers 0:What advises would you give to teenagers who are sexually active?answers 1:Condoms!!!answers 2:I imagine that my first advice would be "Don't be sexually active", but I doubt they'd pay the slightest bit of attention to it, so I'll move on to my other pieces of advice:1. Use protection. We have enough teen pregnancies.2. Sex doesn't equal love, so don't assume the guy or girl that's banging you is doing it because he or she is madly in love with you, even if they SAY they love you. The last thing you want is to end up sobbing your eyes out and feeling all cheated when your partner goes looking for someone better in bed....answers 3:be safe - always ask about previous partners - testing and make sure to always use protection - condoms/dental damsanswers 4:While all of us adults would prefer if teenagers waited until they are at least ! 18 we know it's not practical to just scream "DON'T YOU DARE" at teens. I don't have kids but if I did I would take the same approach my parents took with me. I would make sure my teen had very comprehensive sex education. Because I am from a conservative town I did not get that in school; my mom took me to the health department and sat me down with a counselor who armed me with tons of literature, online links, and free condoms. This counselor also performed the battery of HIV and STD testing on me even though I was a virgin. He believed it was important that I know before I started having sex what responsible sexually active people do to take care of themselves and their partners.So, my advice would be not only to make sure you always have condoms (or birth control if you're a girl - both in combination are best, but one is better than none) but that you are armed to the teeth with as much health information as you can possibly get access to. Finally, once you start! having sex it's important to get tested twice per year....ans! wers 5:As ludicrous as this will sound, and teens will turn a deaf ear."Don't" would be my first but of advice,but as a teen once, albeit gay, which this question is out of category, it might depend on the ages of the teens, the forms of protection used, their personal hygiene, moral values set by parents, even if denied, Peer pressure certainly, "Have you done it yet" in wanting to keep up with the crowd. As young teens my GF and I would have never come out, but we did in late teens, and it was accepted. Part of the issue, is we have two babies adopted from 14 year old mothers....answers 6:Try not to be and if you are at the very least use protection? Also girls (if heterosexual) don't just rely on a condom to stop you getting pregnant. Also I would advise been careful who you sleep with. Final bit advice if you are insistent on been sexually active get checked frequently for STD's and STI's.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

in your own words, what is global warming?

Merlin Fleischhacker: On this Fourth of July, I'll remember many proponents on here have suggested bans on fireworks, grilling, family size caps, and a slew of other restrictions on my personal freedom. Thanks for the reminder! Our country was founded on the belief man should be free of government oppression!Edit: Actually came back and watched the video link....they had kids paint Mother's Day Murals for a political campaign supporting "Mother Earth" instead of one for their moms??? That's what our country's all about? How do we go about ending it?...Show more

Raven Purl: How can one rantionalize isolated areas in the US and make it reference to anything 'global?' That doesn't make sense. To isolate specifice places in the US that would make it 'local' and not 'global.'

Arnoldo Budzynski: Global warming is a myth perpetrated on an unsophisticated, gullible society by people who are pursuing personal gain.The climate is in a constant state of change. Ev! er hear the saying, "If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes and it will change". You could also say wait five hours, five days, five years, five decades, five centuries...Did you know that Vikings settled in Greenland beginning around 1000AD, and grazed sheep on vast fields of lush green grass (hence the name Greenland). Over the next couple of centuries, the climate changed bringing cooler weather, more snow and eventually ending the sheep grazing business. Archaeologist, studying the bones and remains of the Vikings buried there have confirmed that over the decades that the Vikings inhabited Greenland, their diet gradually changed from the meat and veggies provided by good farming, to seafood. Eventually, the Viking settlers died out or returned to Scandinavia.What's Greenland like today? There still isn't much sheep and cattle grazing going on! The place is mostly ice pack and glacier. It was MUCH warmer a thousand years ago than it is now.Global warming is not! man made, it's not unnatural, and it's not going to stop beca! use you installed fluorescent lights....Show more

May Stands: I enjoyed the video and find comfort in realizing how participating in something like this may have changed the lives of those involved forever.Have a safe and happy 4th of July.http://www.youtube.com/user/1skycampaign...Show more

Theresia Fashaw: I wonder how many barrels of oil it took to do all that pretty painting

Rosio Pasculli: Taxes, biggest hoax ever played on mankind, follow the money trail with these agendas

Alexandria Popik: we use cfc gases which wen once used move upwards in the sky and reach the ozone layer, fight with the ozone molecules and destroy them. this creates holes in ozone layer. many harmful rays of the sun enter the earth which wer otherwise stopped by ozone. this leads 2 a rise in the temperature. b'coz of rising temperature the ice melts which leads 2 rise in water levels.


Rachal Osaki: the arctic is warming the fastest, so my guess is Alaska.

Buster Buchko: Global warming is the ordinary upward thrust within the worldwide traditional temperature. Global cooling is the reverse. Both of those occur as a result of ordinary cycles within the Earth's surroundings.

Neely Youngblut: One specific place is right here in my yard in Oklahoma. We have had record heat for the last three years, with the nighttime temperatures being higher and the winters warmer. My yard has been in the zone classified as severe drought or extreme doubt for most of the last several years and I have only been able to garden a little and then with lots of water. We have lost one oak tree which is probably 150 years old and are in danger of losing a couple of more. People who think that global warming doesn't affect them, ar! e paying attention to what is happening in their own front yards....Show more

Anibal Katayama: I think its a load of old Bollxxks and Miracle s you shouldnt be on here if you are only 12 , this site is for over 13's

Rosalba Lingner: Cranky and Adam: You guys are spoilsports, really! This was a light question, and I thought the video was uplifting! It was obviously a big deal for those involved, & yeah, resources were used! Omigod!Adam, question should have read "America," but I generally ask questions early in the morning while the house is quiet & before the caffeine has kicked in. All I was thinking was, 'how can I ask a 4th of July global warming question?' This was the best I could do at the time, sorry!I love this country dearly, it's not perfect but that's one reason I work to educate people on why our natural resources are precious, why we should preserve them, the risks involved with an inaction policy on global climate change. Yeah, it's a global ! community. The animals knew that long before we did. The boundaries o! f a nation are political. Environmental problems don't stop at the border. I get that. So did the people in the video, who embrace the concept, 'think globally, act locally.'...Show more

Cordia Fivecoat: I think this is a great question.Yes, I think it does help to "remember what our country is all about". Shame that the people on this planet don't all live in the same country, thus have different opinions!You're obviously American so, by that, are you suggesting that we remember that the USA is selfish, uncaring about others and greedy: 5% of the population consuming 25% of the resources and responsible for 25% of the mess...Seriously, this is one of the biggest stumbling blocks in serious GLOBAL warming debates: Some Americans (definitely not all, but enough) are so concerned about keeping things comfortable for 5% of the world, that they are willing to condemn the other 95% to misery and death.I thought your country was founded on equality for all, the moral hig! h ground, being against elitism, fighting against tyrrany (of wealth, power, influence), justice for all, etc....Happy July 4th, indeed!Edit:Hi Amy, my apologies in return, your lack of caffeine is my end of a long day fighting ignorance and rants (cf. rontimmons down below)... tired, now.There is also the added frustration that with all those noble goals, that striving to be moral and just, and the wherewithal to change the world, there is a minority who are just big enough, just loud enough, to prevent America from truly being the great country it could (and perhaps should) be...And now, with all sincerity, might I wish you and your family a wonderful 4th of July - enjoy the fireworks without a shred of guilt!!...Show more

Lionel Tanen: More than 3.4 billion people worldwide are already threatened by natural hazards, most of them in the developing world. Climate change could make matters even worse. Innovative insurance solutions offer these large populations more a! dequate financial tools to help them cope with the growing risks in a c! hanging climate.2 Weathering climate change: Insurance solutions for more resilient communitiesClimate change will continue to expose local communities to the mounting challenges â€" and costs â€" of protecting lives and assets against extreme weather and other climate-related risks. These range from more frequent and severe storms, floods, droughts and other natural disasters to sea level rise, crop failures, and water shortages. Science can give some clues about the changes in climate which will force societies to adapt. But national and local decision-makers will still have to make policyand investment choices under a large degree of uncertainty and cater for a variety of future climate impacts. One of the biggest challenges they face is mobilising the requisite financing for adaptation. Since funds are limited and budgets are tight, efficient allocation of financial resources is essential to manage the growing threats of climate change. Insurance is a powerful tool in t! his endeavour. By putting a price tag on risks, it promotes the right incentives to move societies towards more resiliency. At the same time, investments in physical adaptation measures are important to keep risk transfer premiums affordable and ensure the long-term insurability of climate risks. Innovative insurance solutions often present the most cost-effective way to deal with low-probability, high-severity weather events, providing a mechanism to finance a disaster before it strikes....Show more

Sol Bayn: Here are six of them. Probably the ones you've already found.http://people.cas.sc.edu/carbone/modules/mods4car/...For the other two try the Sun and the moon.For the Sun look up "Milankovitch cycles"The moon gives us daily tides seasonal tides.... also have a look at this.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWXGvlDSYFA

Marquetta Gimm: "I thought your country was founded on equality for all, the moral high ground, being against elitism, fighting against tyrrany (! of wealth, power, influence), justice for all, etc...."Adam - That is e! xactly what the United States is about. I am not going to say anything bad about Americans today, but I'll just say I do understand your point. We would do well to think about the meaning of some of those values more often.Rontimmons - She knows 10 times more about global warming than you do.Happy Independence Day Amy!...Show more

Hope Lundmark: Need at least 3. Please answer this question!

Phil Kuarez: when the earht heats up, we can stop it by takeing the acses co2 in the air.

Carter Dewater: koppen classification

Verena Koop: My teacher gave me a study guide that says that we must memorize the 8controls of climate. Ive looked through all my notes and through my book and couldn't find them. I have searched the internet and could only find a list that had 6 but not 8. Thanks.

Derrick Cacioppo: For decades, environmentalism has been the Left's best excuse for increasing government control over our actions in ways both large and small. It's! for Mother Earth! It's for the children! It's for the whales!But until now, the doomsday-scenario environmental scares they've trumped up haven't been large enough to give the sinister prize they want most of all: total control of American politics, economic activity, and even individual behavior.With global warming, however, greenhouse gasbags can argue that auto emissions in Ohio threaten people in Paris, and that only global government can tackle such problems.National sovereignty? Democracy?Forget it: global warming has now brought the Left closer to global government, statism, and the eradication of individual rights than it has ever been before....Show more

Gabriel Realmuto: global warming is global warming.....haha....MY OWN WORDS ---> the other meaning of global warming is actually caused by air pollution. I not really sure cuz im only 12 yrs old.....this just what i know....and is also greenhouse effect. Alas..I not sure....

Bettye Arre: America is a g! reat place Amy, no matter how bad any one thinks it is here it's 10 tim! es better than the second best place. And regardless of what the rest of the world thinks about us, they need us, whether they know it or not.

Cletus Makler: What is GW; A lie, a myth, a propogated falisy pushed on us by anti-capitalist swine.What's that threat of GW; morons being recognized as experts, industry being regulated to death.What can we do to stop GW; Put the idiots that believe in this junk on an island where they can't bother me anymore....Show more

Leontine Kreitz: Geez some of the deniers are such grumpy crotchity old men.I liked the video. I was nice to see people making that kind of effort - to go see the politicians in DC and take this important message to them. The good part about living in a democracy is that we can have that kind of say, to be able to directly contact our government representatives and make our opinions and priorities known. Good for 1 sky....Show more

Joaquin Dronko: You also (Amy)...is Democracy still a safe word! to use? It would be a shame to let it go to the wayside.

Linwood Mccory: A MYTH!!!!!!!It's natural for the year to change!!!Millions of years ago England was a tropical rain forest then it turned into tundra!!!GLOBAL WARMING IS A MYTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Florencia Manolakis: A natural cycle of warming and cooling that has occurred since our planet came into being.The real threat of global warming is more government control over each and every life to the point that they determine who lives or dies.Not a single thing that man can do can speed up or slow down this natural cycle....Show more

Isaias Badgley: Global warming is a natural phenomenon and this warming period we are experiencing started when the last glaciation period ended. It's not a constant upward trend, just like the stock market it has many upward and downward trends. We just experienced one such upward trend and we are now starting to cool off again.

Donny Bankson: At! mospheric pressureHumidityAltitudeLatitude and longitudeLand formations! / land barioursOcean currents/ Ocean temperatureRadiation input/ outputRainfall maybe the other one not sure, it's been a while since I did the unit at university :)...Show more

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Cómo encontrar un Sr. Darcy de hoy en día

Cómo encontrar un Sr. Darcy de hoy en día

Busca a un tipo que sea increíblemente rico. El ficticio Sr. Darcy es un rico terrateniente con un enorme patrimonio y muchos sirvientes. Un Sr. Darcy moderno no necesita ser un terrateniente, y no necesariamente tiene que tener una plétora de sirvientes, pero definitivamente debe ser rico. En el caso del Sr. Darcy, su riqueza fue heredada y transmitida a través de sus antepasados. Un Sr. Darcy de hoy en día debe provenir de una buena familia, pero podría haber ganado su riqueza por su cuenta.

Dale una oportunidad si sabe amar a una mujer. El ficticio Sr. Darcy sabe que ama a Lizzy, pero le cuesta mucho entenderlo y explicárselo. La pasa tan mal que la caga al principio. Pero se da cuenta rápidamente de que haría cualquier cosa por Lizzy y por amor. Un Sr. Darcy moderno necesita entender que el ! amor triunfa sobre todo y puede superar las diferencias de opinión. Tiene que estar dispuesto a trabajar para que el amor funcione. Y necesita estar dispuesto a hacer todo lo posible para demostrar su amor (por ti).

Encuentra a un tipo que sepa toda la etiqueta y tenga modales excepcionales. El ficticio Sr. Darcy es un perfecto caballero. Sabe lo que significa ser un caballero (en la Inglaterra del siglo XIX) y se esfuerza al máximo para cumplir con esa norma, y se avergüenza de sí mismo cuando no la cumple. Un Sr. Darcy moderno debe saber lo que significa ser un caballero en la era moderna, y también trabajar para estar a la altura de ese estándar â€" aunque muchos tipos de modales apropiados no han cambiado tanto.

Considere sólo a los hombres que son clásicamente guapos. El ficticio Sr. Darcy es guapo y sexy, para algunos. No es súper modelo, pero no es feo. Tiene un aspecto sofisticado y sexy que algunas (pero no todas) las mujeres encontrarán atrac! tivo. Un Sr. Darcy de hoy en día no puede ser alguien con una! apariencia que siempre vuelve la cabeza y se hace notar. No puede ser considerado guapo y sexy. Es alguien a quien no se puede mirar dos veces cuando se le conoce por primera vez, pero con el tiempo se le va cogiendo cariño.

No busques al Sr. Perfecto. El Sr. Darcy ficticio no es un Sr. Perfecto. De hecho, aprendemos desde el principio que el Sr. Darcy es más bien un Sr. Equivocado. Tiene mal genio, es extremadamente crítico (y prejuicioso, como Lizzy), es grosero, engreído, vanidoso y no siempre hace lo correcto en el momento adecuado. Y hay veces en que el Sr. Darcy puede tratar de ser un caballero, pero fracasa miserablemente debido a su orgullo. Un Sr. Darcy moderno no debería ser un hombre perfecto. Necesita tener defectos. Necesita cometer errores. Necesita aprender de la experiencia y usar esos errores para cambiar su comportamiento.

Busca a un tipo con orgullo (o prejuicio). El ficticio Sr. Darcy tiene mucho orgullo. Principalmente porque así es c! omo fue criado para pensar y comportarse, así que de alguna manera, no conoce nada mejor. Puede ser crítico a veces y condescendiente cuando no está pensando. Pero su orgullo no termina definiéndolo. En cambio, trabaja para cambiar su manera de pensar y actuar, y se mejora a sí mismo por amor. Un Sr. Darcy moderno debe estar orgulloso de quién es y de dónde viene, pero no debe usar su orgullo como un medio para compararse con los demás.

Encuentra a un tipo que sea alto. El ficticio Sr. Darcy es alto. El libro menciona esto por la forma en que otros hablan de él y lo describen. De hecho, el libro se esfuerza por hacer que uno de los hombres menos deseables de la historia sea muy corto y rechoncho (Sr. Collins). Un moderno Sr. Darcy debe ser alto. Su altura es lo que le da confianza y le permite pensar que está por encima de otras personas. También es algo que puede hacer que se sienta un poco incómodo porque lo hace destacar entre la multitud, cuando no qui! ere llamar la atención.

Considere a un tipo que es tímido en al! gunos casos. El ficticio Sr. Darcy es tímido. Puede que no lo admita, pero es verdad. No es muy extrovertido. No inicia conversaciones con extraños. No se siente a gusto en una fiesta como sus amigos. Un Sr. Darcy moderno no debería ser perfecto en todas las situaciones sociales. Debe haber situaciones que lo hagan sentir incómodo y que lo pongan de pie en la esquina. No debería ser el alma de la fiesta, y no debería ser el que siempre se ríe.

Busca a un tipo que haga lo que sea para arreglar las cosas. El ficticio Sr. Darcy mete la pata masivamente. No sólo su orgullo se interpone en el camino de su habilidad para socializar con ciertas personas, sino que bombardea completa y totalmente su primer intento de proponerle matrimonio a Lizzy. Sin embargo, el Sr. Darcy se entera de que ha cometido estos errores y se da cuenta de que sus acciones no fueron apropiadas â€" y lo compensa. Un moderno Sr. Darcy comete errores, pero los corrige. Admite cuando se equivoca ! y compensa cualquier maldad.

Encuentra a un tipo que le gusta, e incluso es envidiado, por los demás. El ficticio Sr. Darcy es querido y envidiado por mucha gente a su alrededor, por diferentes razones. Algunas personas están celosas de su riqueza. Otros desean tener sus propiedades y herencia. Lo importante, sin embargo, es que el Sr. Darcy no busque esta atención. De hecho, lo odia. Un Sr. Darcy moderno debería ser igual. Debe ser alguien que sea admirado y querido por los que lo rodean, pero desde la distancia. También debe sentirse incómodo con esa admiración y desear que desaparezca. También debe ser alguien a quien otros envidian y desean serlo.

Busque a alguien bien educado. El ficticio Sr. Darcy fue criado adecuadamente por los padres de la clase alta. Era un hijo primogénito, lo que significa que tenían grandes expectativas de él desde el momento en que nació. Pero al mismo tiempo, era un malcriado. Se le enseñó que siempre tenía razón y! que no necesitaba responder a los demás. Un Sr. Darcy de hoy en día ! debería ser alguien que fue criado en una buena familia que lo amaba, pero que tal vez le dio demasiada libertad. No debería estar podrido, pero definitivamente tuvo una educación agradable.

Señale a un tipo que trata a la familia y a los amigos íntimos con el mayor respeto y reverencia. Además de ser un perfecto caballero, el ficticio Sr. Darcy tiene un lugar especial en su corazón para sus amigos cercanos (Sr. Bingley, sirvientes devotos, inquilinos) y su familia (específicamente su hermana, pero no su tía!). El moderno Sr. Darcy debe ser alguien que trata a los miembros de su querida familia con el más alto nivel de respeto, pero que sabe cuando un miembro de la familia no está a la altura de sus estándares. También debe ser alguien que asuma la responsabilidad familiar cuando sea necesario.

Monday, June 22, 2020

How many of you are familiar with conservation easements & what they entail?

Kirk Coolbeth: I learned 2 things from these articles.1. People need to read the terms of agreements before they sign them.2. There are plenty of organizations willing to disseminate inaccurate and unreliable information to further their own interests, including FreedomAdvocates.EDIT: I'm saying that I myself have been involved in conservation easements, have written several, have worked with state and federal agencies as well as several legitimate nonprofit organizations such as The Conservation Fund and National Wild Turkey Federation working within eased properties as well as conducting pre-agreement floral, faunal, and land use surveys, and am well qualified to call bullshit when I see it. FreedomAdvocates acts as if landowners have no say in the process when in fact they have most of it.My family owns 130+ acres of land with easements that I will inherit without any restriction as to what I can do on the property. Drill for oil/gas? Check. Harvest timber? Check. Cons! truction? Check. Divert a stream? Check. Hunt, fish, burn, hulla-hoop naked under a full moon, check. Everything's spelled out in the terms of the agreement, and my liberties and property rights are not infringed. Similar terms and conditions have been worked out with a variety of stakeholders and property owners, and are quite common.Although the onus is on the organizational proprietor to explain clearly the terms of the agreement, if someone signs a document without understanding the terms and/or without explaining those terms to their children who want to sell everything off as soon as mom and dad croak, the consequences are their responsibility....Show more

Leticia Laiben: 37 (which answers the question you asked.. The rest was garnish)

Kaylee Schmittou: Are you claiming that someone who has sold certain rights (or donated them) and has reaped the tax benefits has the right to change his mind without paying back what he had gained?

Ezekiel Kadner:! So habitat Dr, you're saying protecting your liberties and pr! operty rights and sites like freedom advocates are only pursuing their ideals and thats not right? Do you own your home? If so are you ready to give it up? Once you make your comment, can you answer again?

Toya Braskett: you have to be very careful with around of your envrioment.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

PLEASE proofread my essay!!?

Vern Serratos: While our society is trying to help the environment and abate the damage we have caused by embracing the use of biofuels, we will only cause more destruction because deforestation emits more greenhouse gases than fossil fuels. In fact, deforestation, not the burning of fossil fuels, is the main cause of global warming (Howden). CBS News has reported that the elevated demand for biofuels has led to the clearing of tropical forests in several countries, which releases a perilous amount of carbon into our atmosphere. As a result, the use of biofuels will cause more damage to our environment, rather than help to reverse the damage we have inflicted. In addition to destroying the atmosphere, deforestation also destroys many habitats. By demolishing habitats around the world, we will ultimately drive many species to extinction. Therefore, the use of biofuels will endanger both our atmosphere and fellow species....Show more

Morris Olexy: In addition to being! responsible for deforestation and food shortages, biofuels will also be responsible for the expeditious increase of food prices. As biofuels become more attractive as an alternative fuel to government officials and the general public, who are unaware of the consequences they will bring, food prices will rapidly proliferate as our food supply is used up to make these fuels. Farmers will digress from growing crops for food in order to grow crops for biofuels because they will be getting paid more per acre. As farmers are rewarded to sever our food supply, consumers will suffer due to the shortened supply. Worldwide, people will not be able to afford to provide for themselves and their family, which will ultimately cause many people to become distraught and deranged....Show more

Jefferson Sarson: Another concern researchers and scientists have is that the expanded use of biofuels will threaten our food security, which will exacerbate hunger worldwide. The large scale us! e of biofuels will ultimately drive farmers to produce more cr! ops for fuel, rather than for food. Our society cannot permit people to starve in order to fuel our vehicles. As of the year 2003, there was an estimated 824 million people in the developing world afflicted with chronic hunger (Gidley). This number is anticipated to rise if biofuels continue to be promoted as a commendable alternative fuel. Biofuels not only harm our environment and the habitats of numerous species, but will also harm the human population through the diversion of food supplies....Show more


Shad Bushweller: However, they fail to inform the public of the many warnings researchers and scientists are announcing, which state that biofuels may have numerous inadvertent consequences. Professor Sir Peter Crane, director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, states, “The world should wake up to the dangers of the mass production of biofuels, which are increasingly ! seen as a major solution to global warming” (McCarthy). Therefore, it is imperative that the government not empower the use of biofuels because of the undeniable dangers, such as, deforestation at a global level, shortages of food, and the rapid inflation of food prices. One of the main concerns researchers have about the government mandating the use of biofuels is that it will cause an acceleration of deforestation throughout the world. As the demand increases, the rate of deforestation will rapidly grow to clear land for sugar cane and corn fields....Show more

Curt Broadhead: Today our society is concerned about the current condition of our environment as a result of our exorbitant dependence on fossil fuels. The majority of citizens are demanding that our government promote the use of alternative fuels, SUCH AS biofuels, to assist in solving current environmental problems, specifically global warming. Many politicians and government officials, including Pre! sident George W. Bush, have promised to support the adoption of biofuel! s. They affirm to citizens that biofuels have countless benefits, SUCH AS, being an environment-friendly source of energy and providing a new source of revenue for farmers. (INSTEAD OF STATING THESE THE SAME WAY AND USING "SUCH AS" TWICE CHOOSE ANOTHER PHRASE MAYBE for example, OR for instance.){However, they fail to inform the public of the many warnings researchers and scientists are announcing, which state that biofuels may have numerous inadvertent consequences.} [DONT START A SENTENCE WITH HOWEVER ] Professor Sir Peter Crane, director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, states, “The world should wake up to the dangers of the mass production of biofuels, which are increasingly seen as a major solution to global warming” (McCarthy). THEREFORE, it is imperative that the government not empower the use of biofuels because of the undeniable dangers, SUCH AS, deforestation at a global level, shortages of food, and the rapid inflation of food prices. (THEREFORE IS NOT REALLY NE! EDED HERE. JUST START THE SENTENCE WITH IT. SUCH AS SEEMS UNNECESSARY ALSO.)One of the main concerns researchers have about the government mandating the use of biofuels is that it will cause an acceleration of deforestation throughout the world. As the demand increases, the rate of deforestation will rapidly grow to clear land for sugar cane and corn fields.While our society is trying to help the environment and abate the damage we have caused by embracing the use of biofuels, we will only cause more destruction because deforestation emits more greenhouse gases than fossil fuels. In fact, deforestation, not the burning of fossil fuels, is the main cause of global warming (Howden). CBS News has reported that the elevated demand for biofuels has led to the clearing of tropical forests in several countries, which releases a perilous amount of carbon into our atmosphere. As a result, { AS A RESULT OF WHAT?} the use of biofuels will cause more damage to our environment, rather ! than help to reverse the damage we have inflicted. In addition to destr! oying the atmosphere, deforestation also destroys many habitats. By demolishing habitats around the world, we will ultimately drive many species to extinction. THEREFORE, the use of biofuels will endanger both our atmosphere and fellow species.(THEREFORE IS NOT NEEDED. YOU ARE NOT CONNECTING THE ABOVE THOUGHT. NEVER START A SENTECE WITH THEREFORE. i MIGHT WOULD SAY. The use of biofuels will demolish our atmosphere and habitats around the world and will ultimately drive many species to extinction. SEE HOW I COMBINED THE TWO SENTENCES.)Another concern researchers and scientists have is that the expanded use of biofuels will threaten our food security, which will exacerbate hunger worldwide. The large scale use of biofuels will ultimately drive farmers to produce more crops for fuel, rather than for food. Our society cannot permit people to starve in order to fuel our vehicles. As of the year 2003, there was an estimated 824 million people in the developing world afflicted ! with chronic hunger (Gidley). This number is anticipated to rise if biofuels continue to be promoted as a commendable alternative fuel. Biofuels not only harm our environment and the habitats of numerous species, but will also harm the human population through the diversion of food supplies.In addition to being responsible for deforestation and food shortages, biofuels will also be responsible for the expeditious increase of food prices. {As biofuels become more attractive as an alternative fuel to government officials and the general public, who are unaware of the consequences they will bring, food prices will rapidly proliferate as our food supply is used up to make these fuels. } ODD WORDING IN THAT SENTENCE NOT SURE WHY? Farmers will digress from growing crops for food in order to grow crops for biofuels because they will be getting paid more per acre. As farmers are rewarded to sever our food supply, consumers will suffer due to the shortened supply. Worldwide, peop! le will not be able to afford to provide for themselves and their famil! y, WHICH will ultimately cause many people to become distraught and deranged.(I WOULD REARRANGE THE SENTENCE. Worldwide, people will not be able to afford to provide for themselves and their family ultimately causing many people to become distraught and deranged. WHICH is not needed)I HOPE THIS HELPS!...Show more

Are there any toothpastes with no taste?  

Are there any toothpastes with no taste?  

answers 0:I'm very sensitive when it comes to toothpastes. All of them taste horrible to me, some to the point where I feel as if I might vomit if I actually continue to use them. Therefore, I'm wondering, are there toothpastes that have little to no taste? If not, what toothpastes are best in your opinion? I cannot stand any minty tasting toothpastes, just so you know.answers 1:idk, go eatr icecreamanswers 2:Try colgate tartor controll, but still, theres no guarentee...........answers 3:Media and song being courting love and drama obsessed, people over become conscious of their problems with this manner of song, is somebody truly shifting on whilst their listening to song approximately their subject concerns? interior the 80's and ninety's song substitute into approximately taking section in existence and ! living the 2nd, now majority of it particularly is the different and song has a huge consequence on people and cultures.answers 4:Yes pretend toothpaste or you can buy fruity toothpaste tooanswers 5:This Site Might Help You.RE:Are there any toothpastes with no taste?I

Saturday, June 20, 2020

How do I get in to tv entertainment?

Sook Hershkowitz: What You Need to Know to Get Started in Acting at Any Level of TheaterFrom acting schools to auditioning tips, find out what you need to know to get started in acting. Whether it's ... Entertainment. Theater. Getting Started ...theater.about.com/od/gettingstartedinacting/... - Cached * Have a Good Day * ~ Don ~...Show more

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Une fois la vidéo terminée, appuyez sur « stop » sur l’enregistreur mp3. Cliquez sur play et écoutez votre enregistrement autant de fois que vous le souhaitez. Une fois que vous êtes satisfait de ce que vous entendez, cliquez sur « enregistrer en mp3 ». Nommez le nouveau fichier.

Connectez votre lecteur mp3 ou iPod à votre ordinateur comme vous ! le feriez normalement (généralement sur votre clé USB). Ouvrez ensuite l’explorateur de fenêtres. Cliquez sur le lecteur que l’ordinateur lui affecte. Ce lecteur est généralement une lettre au-dessus de votre lecteur le plus haut actuel. Pour la plupart des gens, il s’agit du lecteur D, c’est-à-dire le lecteur CD, de sorte que votre lecteur mp3 apparaîtrait comme lecteur E. Souvent, le nom du lecteur mp3 est également affiché.

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Allez dans le dossier où vous avez enr! egistré votre fichier mp3. Cliquez une fois sur l’enregistr! ement mp3 et faites-le glisser sur votre lecteur « E ». Une boîte grise devrait apparaître indiquant qu’il transfère votre fichier mp3 vers votre lecteur mp3. Maintenant, cliquez sur votre lecteur mp3. Assurez-vous que le fichier que vous avez enregistré est là-dedans.

Tout d’abord, il faut naviguer sur le Web. Tapez dans votre barre d’adresse, « www.mp3mymp3.com ». Cliquez maintenant sur « télécharger ». Ceci devrait vous mener à download.com. Cliquez à nouveau sur le bouton vert qui indique « télécharger ».

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Friday, June 19, 2020

write about entertainment as much as u can...?

Willetta Munhall: Entertainment is an event, performance, or activity designed to give pleasure or relaxation to an audience (although, for example, in the case of a computer game the "audience" may be only one person). The audience may participate in the entertainment passively as in watching opera, or actively as in computer games.

Malcom Fenoff: Entertainment uh...entertains you.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Do you think that the television broadcast has impacted presidential elections positively or negatively?

Walter Scordino: So your saying that tring to get to the bottom the the coruption is a bad thing. For all we know he did buy the seat. But I bet you are part of the Chicago Political Machine.

Madge Voice: Well since middle eastern oil and whores from Europe and Asia control our media except for FOX news, I would say over all it is a negative.

Erica Bottaro: First, we don't know that Obama will get the nomination. Don't count Hillary out. She will do what she has to do to get what she wants.Second, I don't think McCain will necessarily continue all of Bush's policies. If anything, McCain seems to have a need to be liked or approved by the other side, so if he's elected, I think you'll see him "reaching across the aisle" in a way that will drive Republicans and conservatives crazy with frustration.Some people will never accept a black president, but I believe that such people are in the minority. So, if Obama gets the nomination, I think he has an excellent cha! nce of being elected. (Personally, I think his race is irrelevant. I just don't support his policies.)...Show more

James Langmyer: Definitely negatively. The television media can pretty much manipulate anything that they want to get their hands into, and with the general public believing everything they see and watch on TV, they will agree on anything. We will definitely be a better nation if only all of us will take the time to think and rationalize things than to just feed our brains with the junk that we choose to watch.

Oscar Wieland: They absolutley have an effect. First of all Obama was portrayed much more nicely and got more coverage so that helped him. And his overall charm and charisma play into how people looked at him as a candidate. I think these effects can be both positive and negative because a lot of news channels are biased in one direction. If the debates were on the radio I do not believe you would recieve the full effect.

Rickey Vrieze:! They are going to seat Burris in the Senate. The whole deal ! is about Reid's ego. This is what our representatives waste our time on.

Joesph Smithmyer: Burris is qualified and it was done legally. Reid is just another politician..nothing more, nothing less. They all have to play their games or they wouldn't be in congress. I guess you don't realize that though.Elect your favorite poodle next time..

Joellen Zorrilla: No, if Obama wins the nomination then Clinton will shut up. Then the truth about McCain and his mental problems and temper issues will come out. They will replay him swearing at fellow senators til the cows come home. They will also constantly remind us how he's more than happy to continue Bush's failing policies when there is no reason to be at war in Iraq. See, the democrats are going to start explaining that we know where Bin Laden is, we just can't get him because Bush needs him to stay alive. Because most Bush and war supporters believe Bin Laden is from Iraq. He's not. Neither is the rest of Al Q! aida. They are from Saudi Arabia. We're at war with the wrong d*mn country. Neither Obama or Clinton are BFF's with the Saudi Oil people who are getting richer the more we wage war. They invested in our defense programs right before 9/11. Convenient, huh?...Show more

Frank Crummell: Reid is a racist.

Wally Gower: Of course it is about ego. Reid can't block the seating of Burris unless he can prove that Blago sold him the spot.

Andre Winegar: It is ridiculous but it is not about Reid's ego. It is more about his stupidity and disloyalty. If this had happened to a GOP governor with a GOP majority, there would have been no question of seating the senator. Heck, Harry let Ted Stevens wander around the Senate after he was convicted, and he was a felon.This was a poliltical smear brought by the same GOP shill prosecutor who gave you the Plame Whitewash and the George Ryan delay. Patrick Fitzgerald announced the charge in December, timed to discredit Obam! a, and the Democrats. Then he asked for a 90 day extension to file the! indictment. Reid, the moron fell for it. What happened to the innocent until proven guilty? Where's the money or bribe trail? What did Rod get? Who was he talking to?Alberto Gonzales resigned as Attorney General in the attorney firing scandal. The scandal was that the DOJ was firing GOP appointed prosecutors who refused to bring politically motivated and timed meritless cases against Democratic opponents. If all the prosecutors who refused to bring the bogus cases were fired, who is left? Yeah, that's right!If Harry Reid couldn't see this for what it is from a mile away, he needs to resign. The GOP tied up Clinton for most of his presidency with all these baseless charges, Obama needs to fire all the federal prosecutors on day one. He could hire the ones that Alberto fired if he wants honest ones.

Moises Rupinski: Yeah. I think what will happen is Obama's lack of experience, and his Nafta issue, his holier than campaign that isnt, his brother in law making! sexiest remarks he will pay for that he needs alot of groups and cant afford to alinate them and also He cant win big states like Ohio,Flordia,Texas and New York and in the end he needs those states. The Democractic party needs to look at that. I hope McCain does not win bc he is a hot head he wants to bomb Iran as a prementive strike and is an *** to reporters and is liente on immigration and more than willing to let the depression go on for longer, keep us in Iraq, and doesnt care about NAFTA or health care for ppl....Show more

May Stands: need to be in and out of there as soon as possible cuz I need to get to The Office. Maybe I should camp out and enforce the dress code. What do you think?

Seema Hosfeld: It may be true. Not because he is black but because he doesn't show his experience on his resume. If for the better black person , I would vote for Colin Powell. He is much better than Obama with the experience. I wonder he have the chance to the McCain's! vice-president candidate.

Willa Holte: i say be there at 6 or 6:! 30 am I think the polls will be packed!!!

Donnell Mollo: I dont think it necessarily is the issue that America is not ready for a black President. I think if Obama gets the nomination, he wont be able to defeat McCain in the general election. He wont be tough enough to handle what the Republicans will throw at him. Many Clinton supporters have already stated they will vote for McCain if Obama gets the nomination, and lets face it, thats a large percentage of the Democratic votes at this point. If Obama gets the nomination, McCain will be our President....Show more

Derick Kinnard: big waste of time,wait till you see what a huge waste of time obama will be..

Percy Seiger: everyone but fox news bashed the republicans.

Marcelina Schossow: I think that television and basic news sources showed extreme biasness toward Obama during the election. To answer your question about switching from television to radio, I do actually think that would be a better idea ! since people wouldn't be able to judge character by just how well a person look behind the camera, but by what they're actually saying.

Dorine Nurre: I think it should be solely on the radio, putting it on TV, even though people don't realize it, they are drawn to a person's appearance and the persona they put off, that you can't pick up on, on the radio. Then no one could say about McCain's age and Obama's race.

Libby Berkovitch: reporters are merely ACTORS... they love drama!!

Shamika Schools: I don't think anyone can say McCain will win nor do I believe it has anything to do with whether we're ready for a black President (the white votes he was getting 2 weeks+ ago seems to say we are ready),It comes down to what the public really knows about him beyond speeches and campaign promises. Obama does a nice job handling the press - and by that I mean he keeps them away from him. He speaks only when he's trying to deliver a message, not when they have questio! ns. In doing that, he isn't sinking himself by revealing anything. Unfo! rtunately, some of his campaign staffers have recently hurt him and in order to play damage control he's had to make a few more unplanned press appearances which caused other unwanted questions to be asked (aka Rezko issue and all the links to Iraq, corrupt billionaires and other unfavorable characters that come with that).Him walking out on the press when they lunge at him for answers is a perfect example of something that could likely sink him if he's nominated and, I believe, it will sink him. To think the GOP side doesn't have a file of dirt on him would be naive and amateurish. They do have dirt, and if he’s nominated he'll be in the crosshairs of some major controversy which is exactly what they want â€" a popular, respected candidate of “change” who has yet to have his past scrutinized or exposed like McCain or Clinton have.It will get ugly and perhaps more importantly, how do you fight back or deflect it when you've promised a different kind of politics? He's ! having trouble doing that now and his tactic has primarily been trying to spin it toward Clinton by saying she's attempting to cause drama or playing dirty even though most of the controversy he's faced, which has been very mild so far, has been self-inflicted â€" by his own staff speaking to people or his own past blunders. That plan isn't working. He's slipping in polls (he was +9 in head-to-head against McCain, he's now +1 with Clinton +2 according to NewsWeek) and support for him is arguably faltering meanwhile more and more questions from voters and press are stacking up unanswered. His campaign is a time bomb in desperate need of a quick nomination.I know many Obama supporters would disagree with this but I don’t have a candidate I’m supporting so my view is pretty unbiased. To support my thoughts I’d point to opposing the FL results as proof of how he knows the clock is ticking against him at the moment. Why not include the current Florida vote which was forced! upon the state by GOP leaders and tacked onto needed legislation? His ! answer: “he was unknown then”. Wha? This was just over a month ago! He did countless televised debates including a CNN debate the week prior, he ran a national ad campaign that was seen in Florida and received tons of national press prior to that primary. You couldn’t turn on the news and not hear about him or see him making a speech. It’s just kind of sad that someone who positions themselves the way he does would snub the month-old opinion of those voters and want a “do over” because of how he placed back then but I guess that says a lot about how new his politics are.Imagine a Florida revote where he wins on the 2nd attempt. What message does that send to people who did not vote for him the first time around? Will they vote in the general election if he's nominated? It's a can of worms and more fuel for the GOP to use.So to summarize; it's not a fair prediction that McCain will win but it's a highly probable prediction....Show more

Jacinta Moitoso: YES,! I am a democrat that voted for Hillary in our state primary but I WILL NOT vote for obama. McCain will get my vote and the other 5 members of my family as well. Obama has no experience. He just talks a good game.

Germaine Tieken: Have to wonder why Blago was not impeached a while ago.

Lino Cawthorne: Yes and noFOX NEWS = Negative -The Rest = Positive +

Rubye Bonnin: If America is not ready for a Black President, when do you think we will be ready? They have been in this country for well over 200 yrs., They have served in every war since & including the Revolution. They have earned the right to become President of this country! I, however, do not plan to vote for Obama! Not because he is Black, but I just happen to like Clinton better! If it were Colin Powell, I would vote for him any day of the week!

Boyce Gilhooly: You will learn that it has very little to do with Reid's ego and everything to do with covering up involvement in it. They are all! involved, and Rod just has decided that he isn't going down for this o! ne alone.. Yes, he is a criminal...but so are people like Harry Reid. Mousy as he may appear, he is a con man too.

Maurice Breuning: for John McCain it was a bad thing. The poor man was criticized by all the news stations just as much as he tried to mud slap Obama. Although the fake Fox News was almost worshiping him during the course of the election. for Obama, most stations were critical about him. MSNBC downright loved him. Most other stations like CNN and ABC took a slight favor in his views. Although once again, Fox News (Fixed Noise) portrayed him as a terrorist who wasn't an American and had a socialist mind that will destroy America. For most people, The news helped educate them on the candidates and helped them make an educated descision. For the Fox watching Conservatives that were so often misinformed, they voted for McCain. The after affects of Fox News are still seen today (most notably on here)....Show more

Shane Getler: I think the American! media is very biased in both directions. You have very liberal MSNBC, and then you have far right wing FOX. News reporting used to require some level of objectivity from the reporters but now it is based on their personal opinion, agendas, and propaganda. Having presidential elections limited exclusively to radio would not work in today's media climate. Americans have grown to become more visual oriented readers. You don't get the same effects of sincerity, body language, and charts/maps on the radio. We have to see it to believe it....Show more

Dick Baumgarten: Consider that this song is from the early 80's, what has changed...(Bator/James)Video games train the kids for war. Army chic in high-fashionStores. Law and order's done their job. Prisons filled whileThe rich still rob. Assassination politics. Violence rulesWithin' our nation's midst. Well ignorance is their power tool.You'll only know what they want you to know. The televisionCannot lie. Controlling me! dia with smokescreen eyes. NuclearPoliticians picture show. The acting's! lousy but the blind don'tKnow. They scare us all with threats of war. So we forgetJust how bad things are. You taste the fear when you're allAlone. They gonna git'cha when you're on your own. The silenceOf conspiracy. Slaughtered on the altar of apathy. You gottaWake up from your sleep. 'Cause meek inherits earth...six feetDeep.Open your eyes see the lies right in front of ya.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PG6jH5UUlJI

Felicitas Phildor: No, but if Hillary Clinton is the nominee from the Democratic Party, McCain will win in November.

Stanton Degregorio: Both. It is a venue that can reach a large amount of people with ease but the theatrics used are f***in' killing us as a nation.

Dana Russian: America is not ready yet for a black president I think....so if Obama gets the Democratic nomination....the people will vote McCain for president, continueing the Bush philiosofy and drving us into a depression, the likes we have not seen since the 30tish......

Emile Midgley: Television helps presidential candidates a lot. I talked to TONS of people throughout to 2008 campaign that said they were voting for Obama because of a speech they saw that was televised. Obama was extremely good at giving public speeches, therefore, when people saw him on TV giving a speech they agreed with everything he said.

Vince Delarge: Hey, let's sit back and watch this! I'm totally enjoying this drama! Barack Obama said Blago should resign and he shouldn't pick a senator. What happens? The totally opposite happens, the one thing Obama didn't want to happen! First Obama was saying Blago should go now he says this Burris matter is a senate matter totally dodging the issue. I hope some reporter asks Obama if Burris should become a senator. Obama is not getting his way and I"m enjoying this drama! Long live Blago hope he continues to be Governor of Illinois for a long time! I'm enjoying the Blago show! We're behind Blago all the way, gov! ernor!

Sol Allphin: No. Obama has a much better chance at beating! McCain than Hilary does.

Lionel Tanen: Considering the behavior of someone like Chris Matthews, I would have to say we are headed downhill.

Jorge Gerrero: Time to tell every lower house rep and a third of the senate to take one last look around and...L E A V E _ _ I T ! ! !Am I serious about that? Yes! "Leave It!"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZV8MPxxgkE

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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

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Susan Rambo: i dont think u can transfer radio from itunes to ur ipod but if u want u can buy the ''ipod radio remote'' that'll add radio 2 ur ipod......they cost around $5o bucs

Eva Lichlyter: There is no way to add internet radio onto your iPod.FM radio? There's no way to add FM radio to the iPod unless you cough up $50.

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Faites preuve de bon sens dans vos habitudes de conduite afin de réduire immédiatement la consommation de carburant, l’usure de votre véhicule, de vos pneus et de vos freins, et donc vos dépenses.

Entretenez votre véhicule. Il est moins coûteux de garder sa voiture en bon état que de payer une réparation majeure.

Songez à faire installer des lubrifiants synthétiques purs dans votre véhicule. Il y a plusieurs bonnes raisons de passer à cette technologie. Cela peut vous faire économiser de l’argent sur les vidanges d’huile et l’entretien. N’oubliez pas que les lubrifiants à base d’esters ont été mis au point pour les moteurs à turbine parce que les huiles de pétrole ne pouvaient tout simplement pas faire l’affaire.

Will you take my research survey?

Kaylee Schmittou: yupp :)

Delora Struzzi: Sure. But you'll get more feedback by posting it in the Polls and Surveys section.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Do you think paid surveys really pay ?

Lana Uliano: That would be doubtful.There are legitimate surveys like "Harris Polls" which reward you with "points". The points can be redeemed later for selected merchandise.Some surveys enter you into a drawing each time you participate. Naturally the odds are not in your favour.And while I have heard of cash-paying surveys, I have never heard of one that offers $80 per survey....Show more

Nedra Oltz: Most of those are scams. Beware.

Lorine Helwick: Take Surveys Earn Money - http://OnlineSurveys.uzaev.com/?wRAA

Alden Sabio: yes i am on one that pays every month they pay on time each month it is one of the best ones out there. just go to the web address below to check it outhttp://www.nxtf.comgl...Show more

Cody Shimko: There are several survey sites that are legit, your not going to get rich doing them though. Do not give anyone your SSN there are lots of sites out there that are legit and they do not need this info from you. Nor do you have t! o pay to join. I am a member of several. The one I have had the most luck with is Lightspeed. They do not pay you cash you get points which can be converted into cash via pay pal. However, they send me the most surveys. And already twice now I have been asked to participate in a more extensive survey in which I was sent a palm pilot in the mail and asked to record certain daily activities. The ones I have completed offered a $50 incentive and that was in the form of a check in addition to the points I received for completing the initial survey. I have also done survey savy which has a great referral program if you know people who will join you get money for surveys they complete. I have also tried American Consumer Opinion. They pay by check in mail for all surveys, but I have not been able to complete many of their surveys. I did a lot of research before joining these. You also need to be a regular email checker because if you don't respond to the survey fast enough they h! ave met their quota. I am pleased with these sites and have re! cently joined some new ones.Pinecone is also great. You have to have an invitation to join though. Right now they are looking for males over 18. Email me if you want the invitation. They send one or two surveys a month. They are great though cause you will have a few days or a week to answer the survey if you don't check your email religiously. Then they send a check in the mail pronto. Most pay a few dollars per survey completed so it is best to use several. If you would like to give me a referral credit use the link in my profile for survey savvy and the other sites are listed there as well. Good Luck!...Show more

Lionel Tanen: I have the same question 2 years ago. And i start registering around 50 paid survey companies. According to the result, I think paid surveys really pay, but not too much. And some paid survey companies won't send out any survey, but they haven't scammed me since I have done anything for them, just wasting the time to register with them. :)

Luke Creitz: Many people these days are making money online with paid surveys. I have found that these paid surveys are especially suitable for students. Since many students are living with a tighthttp://surveyadventure.awardspace.com/http://freepaidsurveys.awardspace.com/These are three of the top reasons that paid surveys are so well suited to students. Students spend a good-->part of their time online already. Paid survey sites place a premium on users between the ages of 13-25 3. Most students can benefit from the extra money earned with paid surveys...Show more

Kristina Brockwell: 1

Newton Fedorko: Survey programs mostly are legit depending on who you deal with. I signed up with the company below. You can make money but you do have to work for it. Surveys take a while to complete, and sometimes you only make $5 for 25 min. survey. I at least average $50 week since signing up last May working about 5-7 hours a week. Not bad I guess. The trick is to sign ! up with at least 20-30 companies and use a separate email address solel! y for survey work. Good luck!Go here: http://www.KineticCorporation.com...Show more

Monday, June 15, 2020

poll and surveys?

Lucrecia Laurito: Poll= something where people vote on what they thinkSurvey= when you're looking for people's thought by asking questions

Hollis Demasters: poll is something u hump and survey is something u take to learn bout sex =]

Cómo programar una copia de seguridad automática de archivos en un Mac

Cómo programar una copia de seguridad automática de archivos en un Mac

Inicie el Automator desde la carpeta de aplicaciones. â'  Haga clic en iCal Alarm en el menú emergente y â'¡ elija.

â'  Haga clic en el menú desplegable junto a A:, y â'¡ elija Otro. A continuación, seleccione la carpeta de destino para indicar a Automator dónde colocar los archivos cuando se copien los archivos.

Cambie el tiempo predeterminado a cuando desee que se inicie la copia de seguridad. Haga clic en el menú desplegable que aparece a continuación para repetir si desea que la copia de seguridad se ejecute periódicamente, como todos los días, todas las semanas u otros.

â'  Escribe «Get Specified Finder Items», y pulsa dos veces la tecla Return.

Presione Cmd S en el teclado para programar la hora a la que desea realizar la copia de seguridad.!

Escriba «Copy Finder Items», y pulse la tecla Return dos veces (tenga en cuenta que estamos copiando sin mover estos archivos).

Compruebe â'¢ Sustituir archivos existentes para que no tenga que hacer clic en Sustituir cada vez que se ejecute el script.

Haga clic en el botón Ejecutar ▶ en la parte superior derecha de la ventana de la aplicación para probar el script de Automator. Vea la marca verde al lado de cada paso si su ejecución de prueba es satisfactoria. Vuelva a repasar los pasos para ver dónde podría haber cometido un error de otra manera.

â'¡ Haga clic en el botón Agregar y seleccione los archivos o carpetas de los que desea realizar una copia de seguridad. A continuación, haga clic en Agregar (Repita este proceso para agregar archivos o carpetas adicionales).

â'  Ponga un nombre a su script (tenga en cuenta que este nombre es el título que aparece en su iCal Alarm), y â'¡ haga clic en Guardar.

Aparecerá iCal. Busc! a el nombre que has creado y haz doble clic en él para editar! lo.