Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Would you be able to get a mental health assessment without your parents knowing?

Freddy Shutler: i honestly don't know. i didn't really research the topic. i am sure you could google.com this and try to answer the question yourself. if you really are mentally ill you would need therapy or medication most likely. and you need transport ion for that. so i don't know how you could permanently keep it a secret. you didn't say what you believed the mental health problems was. most families are ok with taking thier kids to the hospital as long as the issue is legal to deal with. the fact you want to do it with out your parents knowing my guess is that you might be on illegal drugs or have alcoholism problem.s. so something you feel is illegal that is bugging you that might make more sense why you feel this way. you didn't say why your parents refused to the mental health assessment with you or if you asked them you wanted the sessions to be private. assuming you really do have a mental illness or you just want someone to talk to a result of a traumatic even! t or loneliness whatever the reason is i guess it is possible to just ask a hospital some questions. but i think they need insurance. i don't know how the healthcare system in the UK work since i am from USA. but you could again it doesn't hurt to ask. if you want it to be a secret there is the phone you could use. but your parents might have caller id so it is not a guarantee. and you would have to use the phone when you know your parents are not home that still posses a risk since they could listen in walking in with out you knowing randomly. there is also using a pay phone outside like you need actually use money to have its services if you can find any that is another possible option to get a talk session. you can call 211 for hospitals and more specifically mental health clinics to ask if you could know their numbers or you can google.com this and try to find some locally in your area. also it would be best if you had your insurance card. i guess you could go to your s! chool for mental health treatment but i think that would need ! permission from the parent. if the parents are not notified the school won't allow it. again you can ask that is really all you can do. it seems most likely your parents will eventually need to find out if treatment is to be given especially medications cause they are the ones with the money or insurance card so you need to notify your parents. i am not telling you to tell them. i think you tried already to ask and they turned you down. you didn't say if you have health insurance or not. maybe they are cheap and they don't have the money. or they just don't believe your sick and don't trust you in general. not all families go to the host pail check ups once a year like recommended for everyone to do same thing with the dentist. so they may not really be big believers in double checking health. the fact you think this is true means it is probably likely that you are ill. why else would you think about this unless you fit the description? if you keep asking the hospitals or g! et child protective service involved they can make recommendations for you. like if you get a school counselor or teacher involved or local pastor or something like that an authority position. i am sure if you called 911 or whatever the emergency phone number is for your country that like they might speak for you. though again that is not what those jobs are designed for that i mentioned that i said that could speak on your behalf to get attention on the issue. in the end you might have to wait until your 18 and legally an adult to get health insurance free from government or like to take care of yourself and figure your life out if your parents choose to be ignorant. if your school grades are normal like passing and/or like your able to behave well for the most part and look normal your parents legally have a right to ignore your concern that you might be ill. it is usually more so when the behavior of the child is very extreme like if the kid is doing things that are ille! gal so a crime or if the kid is like just very noisy or mean or lazy or! victim of crime legally proven in some way to an extreme unnatural level that there maybe laws forcing the child to take medications. so far you didn't mention reasons why you feel you need mental health treatment or assessment. so i can only guess that you don't really need the treatment at least from a legal stand point. even if you need treatment if your not showing visible signs of being ill that are showing you as somehow dysfunctional or a bad person or like i mentioned already the other possible scenarios that mental illness can lead to they probably won't force or require you to take mental health help or treatment. again getting a free diagnosis i am not sure that is something you can ask. i don't know how you will get transportation for a private sessions to talk to mental health providers on whether you need their help or not. there is walking and the bus if you can find money to do something like that and you need an address and possible appointment. there migh! t be free clinics available if you look around i am not really sure....Show more

Donny Bankson: I'm 13 and from the UK.You can't go without your parents if you go to a hospital for an assessment. Although they don't need to be in the room for part of it if you don't want them to. And the psychiatrist will only tell your parents what you want them to know.If I was you I'd mention your problems to your parents, therefore if you do have problems mentally they can get you the help and support you need.Good luck xx...Show more

Raelene Cunnick: Hi. You are old enough to see your GP without your parents knowing. You must tell the doctor at the beginning of the consultation that you wish it to be kept from your parents. If your doctor feels that it's necessary he will refer you to child and adolescent mental health services [CAMHS] for an assessment and treatment. CAMHS regularly see adolescents without their parents knowing. They would only need to involve them if they! believed that you're a suicide risk or you needed to be hospitalised."! If you're under 16, you have the right to a confidential consultation with a doctor, provided you make it clear that you do not want your parents to be told. However, your doctor can refuse to discuss the matter if they are unwilling to accept your request for confidentiality. If you're aged 16 and above, you have the right to confidential advice and treatment.Consent to medical treatmentIf you're under 16, you can give your own consent to medical treatment provided you fully understand what is involved. If a doctor decides that you don't fully understand what is involved, your parents can give consent on your behalf.If you're under 18 and refuse treatment, your parents or medical staff may go to court. The court can decide whether to give a court order to override your decision to refuse treatment." https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/healthcare/young......Show more

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