Sunday, August 16, 2020

how to do

German Thal: I went in the US army at 18 and we had to wash our own clothes and I just stood there looking like a dummy because I didn't know how either....I could shoot expert, throw grenades like a champ but that blasted wash machine had me stumped....I checked out your other answerer's...they are good ones go with them.

Conrad Puleio: All whites should be seperate - hot waterLight colors go together - Cold WaterDarks such as Black,Blue,Dark Brown are to be wash in sepeartly - Cold waterBlanket/Towels - Warm Water

Chadwick Schmelz: I checked the other answers and they are all good. Good with those.

May Stands: sort your wash by colors.. for example: 1. whites this is clothes solid whites and towels. 2. light colored clothes this would be white clothes with designs and pinks and lite blues and yellows andsuch. 3. reds. this is all clothes red and dark pink or purple. 4.. jeans everything not lite colored jeans are what goes in this pile. 5. towels, ! all dish towels bath towels, wash clothes, go in this pile. 6. sheets all the bed linens in this pile. 7. dark clothes. this is blacks and grays and dark blue clothing. wash all these clothes in cold water except, towels and whites and sheets, they need to be washed in warm to hot water... also make sure u set the washer on the correct wash setting for example small loads, medium loads and large loads... use anywhere from 1/4 cup of detergent for small loads to a 1 cup for large loads... never mix whites with any colors or it will bleed into the fabric. this is how i do wash and i wash 2 times a week usually....Show more

Rick Duchane: I'm certainly no expert with this, but I think I can help you out a little bit.Sort your colors into Whites, Lights, and Darks. Whites would be (duh) white--T-shirts, socks, whatever. Lights would be more pastel-ish colors. Darks would be bright and dark colors--hot pink, royal blue, black. Get the idea?So once you've divvied everythin! g up you can start a load. NEVER use hot water. It'll shrink y! our stuff and it's not all that good for your clothes even if they don't shrink. Tell the washing machine what temp you want (probably cold-cold or warm-cold, check the labels), how big your load is (if it's just your laundry, probably small), and set the dial to delicate or regular or whatever and push it in or pull it out, depending on your model. It should start to fill the washer. While it's filling up, dump in a cup of detergent or however much the detergent says to use. Start loading your clothes in the washer, and make sure you put them evenly around the post in the middle so it doesn't get all offkilter.Once you've loaded up your clothes, close the lid and let the machine do all the hard work. Once it's stopped transfer everything to the dryer, turn the dial to whatever seems best suited to the load you're doing and push it in. MAKE SURE the filter is clean before you do this. On my dryer the filter is on the top of the dryer, far right corner. On my old dryer, it w! as inside the door. Find it, peel the lint off the screen using your fingers, and slide it back in its slot.Don't use bleach. It could be a disaster, and it's nicer on your clothes if you don't.Hope this helps, and if you get stuck, call your mom; she'll probably be glad that you're taking on responsibility. If not, hopefully she'll be glad that you asked for help instead of accidently flooding the house. ;-)...Show more

Alvaro Oare: Ok. Well sort by color group. Reds[you can add pink]BlueOrange[depending on how many you have I have quite a bit]BlackWhite[you can add the tan]And do jeans in their own load[last since they take longest to dry]Panties and bras separate [they wash in hot/cold cycle]Then you just put them in the wash, depending on what type of soap. I would say 1/2 a cup if liquid or full cup if powerd stuff.Make sure your items of clothing are about 8 inches [for my washer]below the acutal end of the wash machine since the water adds to the amount in ther! e.Set it on normal cycle, with the water set to warm/cold. or you can d! o cold/cold. and there you go.Well after they are done you got the dryer part and you just put them in and turn the normal cycle on. There you go....Show more

Aubrey Tirri: 1. sort the clothes into 2 categories: darks and lights. (It's nothing fancy, just literally--if it's dark in color, put it there. If it's white or faded yellow, put it with the lights). Dump out the dirty clothes from the hamper and put them in laundry baskets. Light, dark. Dark, light. Easy, right? Socks, underwear, and white shirts tend to be lights. Jeans tend to be dark.2. Check the pockets of everything!! That would suck if you had crayons in your favorite pair of jeans, because then they'd get all ruined. And, it would suck to wash your phone ;)3. (this part's optional) Turn your jeans inside-out so they don't get too faded.4. Ok, when you wash the only dump in one load at a time. Lights or darks. Pick one to go first. Put all the dark stuff in the washing machine ! with some laundry soap. (By some, I mean up to the first line on the little green scoopy cup in the laundry soap box). I'm not sure what YOUR washing machine is like, but in mine, you turn the dial so that it points to the type of wash cycle you want. (eg. gentle cycle, regular...) And, there's another dial for temperature. Light clothes, you can wash in warm or hot water. Dark clothes are usually washed in cold water. So, once you've set the temperature and wash cycle, push the button that says start.5. Walk away, and check back in half an hour when it's done.6. When the washing machine is done, put the wet clothes into the dryer. Put fabric softener, if you want to. Just one sheet. Or half. Either or. Turn the little dial-button thingy, and pull it. (well, that's how mine works, anyway).7. Since the washing machine is open, you can put the other load in there while the first one is drying. Do the same thing that you did in step 4.8. When the clothes in the d! ryer are done, fold them and put them away. Then, take the second set ! of clothes--the ones that you just put in the washing machine--and put them in the dryer. It's really easy once you get it :]SUMMARY:Dirty clothes go to be sorted.Sorted clothes go to washing machine.Wet clothes go to dryer.Dry clothes go to closet.All done! :]...Show more

Joaquin Dronko: Just seperate the colors and the whites, wash towels seperately or if they are white throw them with the whites you might want to add alittle bleach not too much or use some arm and hammer baking soda (that makes your whites white)Colors use cold water and whites use hot ( Just make sure nothing that you do want will shrink) And when you dry your clothes make sure you fold them while warm b/c if you wait they will get very wrinklely and then you will have another chore to do (ironing). Just fold what needs to be folding and put away in their place and whatever needs to be hung do so and put away. I hope I helped some what good luck and have fun (turn on the radio and dance while yo! u work so you can get really into it before you know it you are done). Mom will be so proud of you. P.S. If you do not have a washer and dryer I hate to say this but you would have to carry all this to the laundry mat, to make it easy make sure you seperate everything before you go and don't forget the detergent and bleach (baking soda for the whites). Bring your ipod with you it will get kind of boring just waiting for the clothes....Show more

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