Saturday, August 1, 2020

Do you think there are alternative cancer treatment besides traditional medicine/Quemotherapy?

Joey Mekeel: Unfortunately not. A few studies have been done to see what happens to patients who chose alternative therapy instead of conventional treatment. These studies show that the risk of progression/death significantly increases - most notably in those who refuse surgery, but also in those who refuse additional radio-chemotherapy.You can read the summaries of those studies here: On the internet there are many claims of miraculous "natural" cancer cures that are being suppressed. Here some of them are listed, with links to sites explaining what is wrong with them: Cancer is a collective term for approximately 200 different diseases. Every cell type in your body can (in principle) develop into its own type of cancer. On top of that individual cancer cells in every cancer are also different from one another. On top of that, the c! ancer cells interact in very complex ways with the surrounding cells. So it is not all that surprising that we don't have, and most likely won’t find a single cure for all cancers....Show more

Natalya Sydney: Watch "The Beautiful Truth". It will change your life! It is a documentary on Gerson Therapy (sp?) and all the stuff that Doctors can't tell you because it will cost them their license to practice medicine. Doctors have to take an oath stating they won't direct a patient to even the existence of such a therapy or that it has been 100% proven and works. Chemotherapy is the worst thing. My Dad passed 2 years ago in July from Thyroid Cancer. He Started Chemo and within 2 months he was unrecognizable and dead within 6 months. All Chemo does is takes the little time you may have and make it hell. I truly believe if they wouldn't have done the chemo, he would still be here. Unfortunately I didn't watch "the Beautiful Truth" until two months after he passed. So no! w, it is my personal mission to make sure that I tell as many ! people as I can. As for the Answer stating "it's quackery"... That guy or gal needs to eff off! They make soooo much money off of cancer patients, it's no wonder why they don't want people to know there is a cure. I may be in the Medical field (natural), but I am not a greedy brainwashed Doctor....Show more

Kenneth Queener: First of all I would like to let you know that my mother is a cancer survivor of almost 15 years. She was diagnosed at a young age of 44. She went through chemo and it was tough but worth it all. God bless you.Daily Aspirin Reduced Cancer DeathsIn one of the new studies, Rothwell and colleagues analyzed data from 51 trials originally designed to examine the impact of daily aspirin on heart attack and stroke risk.According to the analysis, taking a low-dose aspirin every day reduced the risk of death from cancer by 37% after at least five years of use.Taking a daily aspirin for at least three years reduced cancer incidence by close to 25% in bot! h men and women.In a second study, the researchers examined the impact of daily aspirin therapy on cancer metastasis, or spread, by analyzing newly published data from five other large trials.Among the findings:Over an average follow-up of six-and-a-half years, daily aspirin use was associated with a 36% reduced risk of cancer with distant spread.Colorectal cancer patients with localized disease had a 74% reduced risk for having their disease spread when they took a daily aspirin.Daily aspirin use was associated with a 35% reduction in cancer deaths among patients with solid tumors, but not blood cancers such as leukemia.A third analysis of trials also showed that regular aspirin use seemed to reduce the long-term risk of developing colorectal cancer, as well as cancers of the esophagus and breast.Source(s) more

Oda Mauson: No there is not. While there are numerous treatments that claim to be an alternative cancer treatment or even cure, they a! ll fail rigorous testing. Medicine that works is called medicine - the! re are no "alternatives". Beware the cancer quacks.See: "A Special Message for Cancer Patients Seeking "Alternative" Treatments" @anna - Gerson Therapy (diet and coffee enemas) is 100% quackery and is dangerous. You cannot kill tumors by diet. Please do not promote such pseudoscientific BS here. See: @jamie, can you provide proper science based evidence that Gerson Therapy works as claimed? The Gerson Institute should be able to supply this. Oh wait... they can't. Funny that. They resort to conspiracy theories, like you. Medical doctors are not brainwashed jamie, it's just they are not gullible fools.-------EDIT: @anna - you have a sample size of one. You cannot extrapolate from a sample size of one that a certain therapy "works". For starters you have not allowed for spontaneous remmision/regression, which is defined as an unexpected improv! ement or cure from a disease (you get better regardless of treatment). Here is a study on mammography where it was found that 22% of all breast cancer cases underwent spontaneous regression: am not the one here with the closed mind. I'm prepared to look at all the evidence. And there is no valid data to support Gerson Therapy. Have you looked?...Show more

Adrian Sherlin: Absolutely! We had two friends (in their late 60's) actually die from chemo this week itself:( I have done extensive research on alternative cancer treatments, and I honestly believe it all has to do with diet. If you're interested, I would research 'Gerson Therapy' and Dr. Max Gerson! What they do is very interesting and informative!EDIT: Gary- It's a tad irritating how closed minded you are. Gerson Therapy DOES in fact work. My very own mother was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 years ago. She followed Gerson Therapy, and is 100% healed and he! althy. So yes, it works, and I have living proof....Show more

Boo! ker Warlick: Sorry for the spelling mistake, it is "Chemotherapy"

Perry Deshazior: There are Ayurvedic herbs and also a therapy known as Cow urine therapy, which can help in curing cancer, but only in its first stage. It cannot cure advanced stages of cancer.

Leisa Brodnex: Poor nutrition is probably the origin of many thyroid problems (including low thyroid), and rich nutrition is vital to reversing them, or at least to prevent further decline. Learn here Healthy thyroid function depends on a range of nutrients, especially selenium, folic acid, and iodine. Since most people cannot optimize levels of these nutrients through diet alone, a medicalâ€"grade supplement is vital. Of course, supplements should be used to complement, not substitute, for a balanced diet.Stress in all it’s forms is another key culprit of thyroid dysfunction. Most of us experience a high degree of the most damaging kind â€" unremitting stress. It is important for hypo! thyroid treatment to identify the stressors you face and learn techniques and activities that can help you reduce your stress....Show more

Bruno Galasso: There is at least one that is preparing for its IND (Investigational New Drug) proposal before the FDA to get approval to treat cancer. There initial work was to take the worst cases out there and try to save people by application of a distillate of cannabis. One had skin cancer on the side of her nose, 10 days of self application of their ointment and the cancer was gone. Another had two really bad cancers of the brain, again through self administration of the ointment the cancers were drawn to the surface and slowly killed. The last I heard was that the oncologist stated that it looked like a scab that was about to fall off. This is real research that worked. But in America I know that it's highly unlikely the government will approve it very quickly, if at all since they're afraid of cannabis,...Show more


Katheryn Skrobacki: As to making money, that's not a problem. I mean! , it is not wrong to make money by cancer treatment whatever the method is. No one would waste his or her time doing things for free. Don't you think? It is their job. They deserve to be paid in case their treatment is effective. Don't you think?

Jerald Florence: 1

Miguel Koczela: You might want to look this over...many have been healed ( not a quack)

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