Tuesday, August 25, 2020

What is a good price to pay a gardener?

Son Ahlers: If he's good, $20/hour. You can afford it. You have "five gardens".

Thomas Riner: Depends on area you live in, area of gardens, required work, types of plants, skill level of desire gardener, etc.

Heidy Fujikake: 20 dolla a day

Cómo hacer huevos revueltos al estilo indio

Cómo hacer huevos revueltos al estilo indio

Retirar del fuego. Una vez que los huevos revueltos estén completamente cocidos, el revuelto estará en su mayor parte seco. En este punto, apague la llama.

Manteniendo la llama o el calor a baja temperatura, revuelva continuamente los ingredientes durante unos 5 a 10 minutos. Los huevos podrían quemarse en el fondo. Para evitar que esto suceda, siga removiendo.

Agregue de 3 a 4 cucharadas de aceite en un wok. Calentar a fuego lento.

Poner los huevos, la cúrcuma y la sal. Ponga un poco de pimienta o chile para darle un toque indio picante.

Añadir un poco de cebolla finamente picada.

Añadir una cucharadita de ajo machacado. Freír el ajo hasta que se dore.

Continúe revolviendo el ajo y la cebolla hasta que el olor crudo de la cebolla desaparezca. Esto tomará de uno a! cuatro minutos.

Agregue un poco de cilantro picado a los huevos revueltos al estilo indio. Servir y disfrutar!

Monday, August 24, 2020

Where is the Garden of Eden?

Mack Ukich: Near bakersfield ca.

Raul Tllo: The Garden of Eden exists in the bible but you will not find such place anywhere on Earth.

Comment arrêter de penser à voix haute

Comment arrêter de penser à voix haute

Essayez de filtrer ce que vous dites. Dire ce que vous pensez peut être difficile si vous avez tendance à dire des choses grossières ou blessantes. Dans ce cas, entraînez-vous à utiliser votre monologue intérieur avec d’autres personnes. Lorsque vous êtes en présence d’autres personnes, dites dans votre tête ce que vous pourriez normalement dire à haute voix et, si ce n’est pas impoli, exprimez cette pensée.

Devenez un auditeur actif. Si vous avez tendance à interrompre, à changer de sujet ou à poser trop de questions, il se peut que vous ayez besoin d’apprendre une autre façon de montrer votre engagement pendant la conversation. Essayez d’établir un contact visuel avec la personne avec qui vous parlez. Hochez la tête pour montrer que vous écoutez. Réfléchissez avec eux pour vérifier que vous compren! ez bien ce qu’ils disent.

Parlez à vous-même lorsque vous effectuez une nouvelle tâche. Les enfants se parlent régulièrement à eux-mêmes lorsqu’ils accomplissent de nouvelles tâches et apprennent de nouvelles choses. En tant qu’adultes, nous continuons à le faire, mais nous intériorisons la voix et ne nous parlons plus. Cependant, si vous parlez à haute voix pendant que vous effectuez une nouvelle tâche, vous aurez plus de chances de vous rappeler comment le faire à nouveau à l’avenir.

Apprenez vos déclencheurs. Identifiez les situations dans lesquelles vous êtes le plus susceptible de vous parler à vous-même ou de vous exprimer à haute voix. Notez ce que vous ressentez : vous pouvez parler à haute voix quand vous êtes anxieux, quand vous essayez d’accomplir quelque chose, ou juste quand vous essayez de comprendre une nouvelle idée.

Complimentez-vous. Une façon de s’engager dans une conversation positive est de se faire d! es compliments tout au long de la journée. Si vous prenez une! bonne décision, dites-vous « Bon travail ! » Ces petits commentaires vous aideront à rehausser votre estime de soi et à vous sentir un peu mieux dans votre peau.

Développez votre monologue intérieur. Lorsque vous vous remarquez en train de penser à haute voix dans une situation inappropriée, arrêtez-vous et concentrez-vous sur l’utilisation de votre monologue intérieur. Au lieu de vocaliser ce sur quoi vous travaillez, essayez de « le dire » dans votre tête. Avec un peu de pratique, avec le temps, vous serez moins enclin à penser à voix haute et plus à l’aise avec votre monologue intérieur.

Limitez les commentaires négatifs. Nous nous engageons tous dans un discours négatif, en nous appelant « Stupides » ou en disant « Espèces d’idiots ! Cependant, trop de négativité peut miner votre estime de soi. Si vous vous sentez sur le point d’exprimer un discours négatif, vous devriez vous arrêter, prendre une grande respiration! et essayer de penser à quelque chose de positif.

Parlez calmement. Si vous avez tendance à vous parler à vous-même sur un ton fort que vous trouvez embarrassant, songez à parler sur un ton plus calme. Chaque fois que vous vous retrouvez en train de parler à voix haute, baissez votre volume à un niveau avec lequel vous êtes à l’aise et qui ne perturbe pas ceux qui vous entourent. Bien que la pensée à haute voix soit bonne pour votre processus de pensée, vous ne voulez pas être un ennui.

Apprenez la communication consciente. La pleine conscience est une façon d’être présent dans votre situation actuelle. Être attentif lorsque vous communiquez avec les gens est une façon d’être curieux, gentil et compatissant. Il peut aussi vous aider à éviter les mensonges, le langage blessant ou agressif verbalement, les ragots et les discours qui divisent. L’utilisation de la communication consciente peut également aider à améliorer vos relations! . Il améliorera votre capacité d’écoute, de réaction et d’engag! ement avec vos amis, votre famille, vos collègues et d’autres personnes.

Notez vos pensées. La tenue d’un journal est une habitude utile dont tout le monde peut bénéficier. Il vous permet de travailler vos pensées d’une manière qui n’est pas gênante ou dérangeante pour les autres. Si vous avez besoin de résoudre un problème ou de mémoriser quelque chose, pensez à écrire ces choses dans un journal ou dans un bloc-notes.

Fixez-vous un objectif. Si vous voulez atteindre un certain but, parler à haute voix de la façon dont vous allez atteindre cet objectif peut vous aider à rester concentré sur celui-ci. Vocaliser votre objectif et les étapes nécessaires pour l’atteindre concentre votre attention sur la tâche et renforce le message que vous essayez de transmettre. Il aide aussi à contrôler vos émotions et filtre les distractions.

Allez là où vous pouvez parler. Dans certains endroits, il n’est pas toujours approprié de pen! ser à voix haute. Par exemple, si vous étudiez dans une bibliothèque tranquille, le fait de parler à voix haute peut vous attirer des regards. Dans ce cas, essayez d’aller quelque part, comme dans un parc, où vous pouvez réfléchir à voix haute.

Demandez l’aide d’un professionnel. Penser à haute voix est une caractéristique normale d’une fonction cognitive humaine saine. Cependant, si vous avez de la difficulté à contrôler ce que vous dites, vous devriez demander l’aide d’un professionnel de la santé mentale. Cette incapacité à contrôler ce que vous dites peut être le signe d’un problème de santé mentale plus complexe.

Vocaliser un problème. Si un problème vous laisse perplexe, en parler à haute voix peut vous aider à trouver la solution. Vous pouvez en parler avec quelqu’un d’autre ou vous parler à vous-même. Parler d’un problème fonctionne parce qu’il force votre esprit à se concentrer sur la tâche, au lieu de ! se laisser aller à d’autres pensées.

Donnez-vous des encourag! ements. Si vous avez besoin d’un peu de motivation pour une tâche, une discussion positive sur vous-même peut vous aider à vous motiver. Il peut s’agir d’un discours plus dramatique, comme se parler à soi-même dans un miroir avant un grand événement, ou d’un discours plus mondain, comme se motiver à accomplir des tâches quotidiennes. Quoi qu’il en soit, un petit discours d’encouragement vous aidera à vous convaincre que vous avez le contrôle et que vous pouvez faire bouger les choses.

Prenez des notes en groupe. Si vous êtes enclin à faire trop de traitement à voix haute en réunion ou en classe, essayez de mettre certaines de vos pensées sur papier. Prenez des notes ou faites des dessins pour vous aider à relier vos idées. Notez vos questions avant de les poser.

Respirez profondément. Lorsque vous remarquez l’envie de parler à voix haute, prenez une grande respiration. Inspirez par le nez et par le ventre. Cela vous aidera à ca! lmer vos envies et à calmer vos craintes de vous mettre dans l’embarras. Pratiquez ceci chaque fois que vous avez envie de penser à voix haute dans des situations embarrassantes ou inappropriées.

Ayez des conversations d’entraînement. Si vous avez de la difficulté à flouter, prenez le temps de vous asseoir avec un ami ou un membre de la famille et entraînez-vous à avoir une conversation. Portez une attention particulière à ce que dit l’autre personne. À divers intervalles au cours de la conversation, arrêtez-vous et donnez un bref résumé de ce que l’autre personne a dit. Cela vous aidera à vous concentrer sur la maîtrise de vous-même et à vous entraîner à ne pas flouter sur l’autre personne.

Utilisez-le pour vous souvenir de choses. Vocalize your thoughts is one of the best ways to memorize things. Dire les noms des choses à haute voix pendant que vous les lisez vous aidera à les mémoriser. Vous pouvez l’utiliser pour étudier ! en vue d’un examen ou pour vous souvenir de votre liste d’épicerie! .

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Comment dessiner votre propre tatouage temporaire

Comment dessiner votre propre tatouage temporaire

p>Les tatouages sont un excellent moyen d’accentuer votre look et peuvent vous aider à exprimer votre créativité et votre individualité. Si vous n’êtes pas prêt pour un tatouage permanent, ne vous inquiétez pas. Essayez un tatouage temporaire pour voir si vous êtes prêt pour l’engagement. Créez un tatouage, puis utilisez du papier calque ou du papier ordinaire pour placer un contour sur votre peau. Remplissez-le de marqueurs ou d’eye-liner et scellez-le avec de la poudre pour bébé et de la laque pour cheveux ou un pansement liquide. Si vous voulez un look plus professionnel, essayez d’utiliser du papier tatouage à la place !

Imprimez un tatouage temporaire avec une imprimante à jet d’encre pour plusieurs tatouages. Achetez du papier tatouage temporaire pour l’imprimante! en ligne ou dans un grand magasin. Créez votre tatouage ou téléchargez une image que vous voulez utiliser. Retournez l’image avant de l’imprimer, car elle se retournera à nouveau lorsque vous la poserez sur votre peau.

Dessinez vos différentes idées. Utilisez un bloc-notes et un stylo pour créer des idées et des formes sur papier. Visualisez ce que vous voulez créer pour votre tatouage temporaire et essayez de le dessiner sur une feuille de papier ordinaire. Si vous foirez, recommencez à côté de votre erreur. Le but n’est pas de tout obtenir parfaitement, mais d’explorer différentes idées, formes et formes que vous pouvez utiliser dans votre tatouage temporaire.

Arrêtez le tatouage. Mettez le film plastique sur le papier tatouage, ce qui facilitera la découpe. Utilisez des ciseaux pour couper autour du tatouage. Vous pouvez laisser un peu d’espace autour des bords, car ça va continuer à s’éclaircir.

Enfoncez le papier dans v! otre peau, côté crayon vers le bas. Appliquez une débarboui! llette humide sur le papier et maintenez-la pendant quelques secondes. Enlevez un peu de papier pour voir si vous avez une esquisse. Si ce n’est pas le cas, tenez-le encore quelques secondes. Retirez le papier lorsque vous avez un contour.

Vaporisez un pansement liquide sur le dessus du tatouage. Vaporisez le pansement liquide sur le tatouage. Assurez-vous d’obtenir toute la zone, comme le tatouage ne restera pas en place aussi longtemps sans elle. Laissez sécher complètement avant d’essayer de le laver.

Remplir les grandes surfaces avec un marqueur à pointe grasse. Une fois le contour en place, gagnez du temps en utilisant un marqueur à pointe large pour le remplir. Utilisez ce marqueur de taille pour couvrir également une grande surface.

Vaporisez le dessin avec de la laque à cheveux. Tenez la laque à environ 6 pouces (15 cm) du tatouage. Vaporisez une couche solide de fixatif sur le tatouage, en faisant des mouvements de va-et-vient comme v! ous le faites. Assurez-vous de couvrir l’ensemble du tatouage et de créer une couche épaisse.

Téléchargez le dessin sur un site Web de tatouage temporaire pour une impression professionnelle. Pour de nombreux sites de tatouage temporaire, vous pouvez créer votre propre conception et télécharger l’image. Ensuite, achetez ce tatouage de la compagnie, et ils vous l’enverront par la poste.

Appliquez le tatouage temporaire sur votre peau. Enlevez le plastique de la feuille et pressez le tatouage dans votre peau. Ensuite, pressez une débarbouillette humide sur le tatouage jusqu’à ce qu’il soit complètement humide, et tenez-la pendant environ 30 secondes. Enlevez le papier et laissez le tatouage sur votre peau.

Utilisez du papier pour imprimante si vous n’avez pas de papier calque. Vous pouvez utiliser du papier ordinaire, mais vous ne pourrez pas voir aussi bien. Essayez de tracer le dessin légèrement sur un écran éclairé, comme une ta! blette. Pour le transférer de l’autre côté de façon à ce que le ! motif soit retourné, frottez le crayon sur une autre feuille de papier jusqu’à ce que vous ayez un bloc solide. Placez votre motif en haut, à droite vers le haut. Tracez-le à l’aide d’un stylo, puis retournez-le. Vous aurez une légère silhouette au crayon, tirée du gribouillage que vous avez fait.

Ajoutez des détails plus petits et remplissez les couleurs. Une fois que vous avez dessiné le contour, vous pouvez commencer à remplir les détails les plus fins. Faites le tour de l’image et remplissez des détails plus petits. Lorsque vous êtes satisfait de ce que vous avez conçu et dessiné, vous pouvez passer à appliquer le tatouage temporaire sur votre peau.

Dessinez le tatouage avec l’eye-liner. Commencez par tracer le contour du tatouage, pour savoir où sont les bords. Utilisez une pointe fine pour cette pièce. Une fois le contour en place, remplissez le tatouage avec l’eye-liner, en utilisant une pointe plus épaisse si vous en avez u! ne.

Tracez le dessin sur du papier calque pour faciliter l’utilisation. Le papier-calque est mince pour que vous puissiez voir à travers. Utilisez un crayon à mine pour recouvrir le dessin et tracer des lignes épaisses et foncées. Vous devez les rendre épaisses car sinon, elles ne se transféreront pas bien sur votre peau.

Cherchez l’inspiration dans les tatouages d’autres personnes. Trouver des conceptions de tatouage sur les personnes célèbres que vous aimez. Si l’un de vos amis ont des tatouages que vous trouvez esthétiquement agréable, faites une recherche d’images en ligne pour trouver des tatouages dans un style similaire. Obtenez une compréhension de la culture de tatouage de sorte que vous ayez une meilleure compréhension de ce qui peut sembler bon sur vous. Visitez les blogs de tatouage et suivez les passionnés de tatouage sur les médias sociaux.

Ajoutez de l’alcool à friction à votre peau. L’alcool à friction aidera ! à faire adhérer le crayon à votre peau. Frottez-le de haut en bas à! l’endroit où vous voulez placer le tatouage, et assurez-vous que votre peau est encore légèrement humide avec lui lorsque vous mettez le papier dessus.

Testez d’abord le marqueur sur votre peau. Vous pouvez utiliser n’importe quel marqueur permanent, mais n’oubliez pas que certains ne sont pas faits pour être utilisés sur la peau. Toujours tester le marqueur d’abord sur une petite surface de peau. De cette façon, si vous avez une réaction, vous savez qu’il ne faut pas utiliser ce marqueur.

Dessinez le contour à l’aide d’un marqueur fin. Utilisez un stylo à pointe fine pour dessiner l’extérieur de votre dessin. De cette façon, vous pouvez obtenir les détails fins que les marqueurs plus grands ne vous laisseront pas faire. Dessinez un dessin à main levée ou tracez sur un dessin au crayon que vous avez collé à votre peau.

Dessiner sur du papier tatouage temporaire pour un projet simple. Acheter du papier tatouage temporaire ! destiné à une imprimante ou à un dessin. Utilisez des stylos ou des marqueurs permanents pour dessiner votre tatouage, mais n’oubliez pas qu’il se retournera lorsqu’il sera sur votre peau. Cela signifie que tous les mots que vous écrirez seront à l’envers.

Concentrez-vous sur quelque chose de personnel. Pensez à quelque chose de visuel qui se rapporte à une phase ou à un événement important de votre vie. D’autres idées géniales comprennent des images qui vous rappellent votre famille ou vos amis. Pensez à des métaphores que vous pouvez utiliser et qui s’appliquent à votre vie.

Frotter la poudre pour bébé sur le dessin. Saupoudrez la poudre pour bébé sur tout le motif jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit recouverte. Frotter doucement avec le bout des doigts. Quand vous l’avez couvert, secouez doucement et brossez l’excédent de poudre pour l’enlever.

Commencez simplement si vous êtes nouveau au dessin. Créer un dessin simple v! ous aidera à vous acclimater au dessin. Essayez des formes géométriq! ues simples comme des carrés et des triangles avant de passer à des images plus complexes et plus détaillées.

Dessinez d’abord le contour de votre tatouage. Au début, ne vous laissez pas emporter par les moindres détails ou les ombres. Commencez par dessiner le contour extérieur de votre image avant de passer à des parties plus complexes. Essayez de tracer des lignes continues et régulières et évitez de rayer ou de gratter l’image.

Mettez du talc dans votre tatouage. Saupoudrez de poudre pour bébé sur tout le tatouage jusqu’à ce qu’il soit couvert. Utilisez vos doigts pour le frotter doucement dans le tatouage. N’oublie pas de l’appliquer sur tout le truc.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Is there an ideal Fstop ( or a range of Fstops) for taking great landscape photos?

Spencer Heidtbrink: the old timers ,were called F/64 er,s because they used an extremely small f/stop f/64, for out side photos, this allow for very slow exposures ,which gave the black and white film of their time ,very fine grain and sharp details, look up Weston and his photos of Yosemite park

Christy Tirabassi: All lenses have what is called a "sweet spot" in the aperture range. It will always start at about 2 stops down from wide open. Typically though, ANY lens will give it's best sharpness in the f8 to f11 range. With a wide angle lens, which is most typically used for landscapes, even an f11 aperture can give very good depth of field. If you find you are needing more DOF, just start closing down the aperture a stop at a time until you get what you need. Another alternative is to only use the sharpest aperture, such as f8 and use photo "stacking" with the proper software to achieve sharp DOF in the entire photo. You take several photos with your focus point a! t different areas of the scene. The photos are then combined into one with full sharpness from foreground to background. Helicon makes this software. http://www.heliconsoft.com/heliconfocus.htmlsteve...Show more

George Dingeldein: I tend to use f/8 or f/11. If you have a lot of detail in the foreground, try f/22.

Cody Shimko: Well, Ansel Adams was a great fan of f/64 and even started a F-64 club.. However, you won't find many lenses with f/64 these days... Especially on hand held cameras..Different lenses have different "sweet spots" in them. Some are in focus, some are in f/stop range and some are both. This is often discovered 1 of 2 ways. Either you know what your looking for and find it (and can see the difference) and the other is you shoot enuf to notice some pics look better than others and wonder why, and go looking....The focus indicator, whether in feet or meters is just a "scale" and are approximate settings and can not be trusted. F/stops ARE solid ! settings and can be re-produced rather accurately. Not saying ! they are 'true' but at least they usually have click stops and can be re-set to the same setting..Most can't see the difference. Most don't care, and find it too big of a pain to bother..Often, but not always, f/5.6 is a good start. Again, you would need to do a few controlled test shots, using tripod, camera's self timer (to avoid any shake) and your lens. USE manual.. and take a few test shots at different f/stops on a manually focused "item" and check on your screen for subtle changes when home. Change only the shutter speeds and f/stops (to get the proper exposure) and do NOT re-adjust the focus..I know, this is more work than most wanna go thru today. Most everyone want everything just given to them it seems but trial and error with your lens or lenses is the only way to find out. Common logic says a small f/stop (f/16~22) is sharper, but no, it isn't. Focus is STILL the function of the lens.. NOT the f/stop setting. Depth of field (DOF) is controlled by the f/stops..! ...Show more

Want more piercings!!!!!?  

Want more piercings!!!!!?  

answers 0:So, I recently got a navel piercing, and I also have a helix and both lobes pierced, and I have now come to the conclusion that I want MORE. Problem is, I can't decide on one. I thought about a tongue piercing, but I have heard about them causing dental and digestion problems, which I would rather avoid. So I was hoping to get more info on those, as well as some thoughts on tongue web piercings. Also, I'd like to get opinions on other piercings and your guys' personal favorites. I'd rather not get any directly on my face. And I was also thinking about microdermals and hip piercings. Thoughts and suggestions would be much appreciated! Thanks everyone,(:...Show moreanswers 1:It's actually very rare to get digestion/dental problems because of a tongue piercing. I have one

Friday, August 21, 2020

mouth and teeth problems in cats-symptoms?  

mouth and teeth problems in cats-symptoms?  

answers 0:Has anyone had issues with mouth or teeth problems in their cat, what symptoms did they have and what did the vet do for them?My cat is drooling, shaking his head and licking his lips and eating very carefully. The vet could not find anything wrong in exam and lab work.answers 1:Symptoms can vary, but it does sound like your cat might have dental problems. I would see another vet and get a second opinion.Good Luck!

I need some Ideas for own landscaping design, Anyone can help?

Alane Antes: If you are browsing for design concepts through concrete and thorough slides and tutorials that are an effortless to adhere to and apply then this manual https://tr.im/X6tIe will certainly be valuable to you.This guide consists of many methods and methods to inform a structure. Folks can download the e-book simply and find out a lot of valuable items. one of the ideal functions of this guide is that it provides buyers with expertise and designs not just by means of written materials, but also photographs and illustrations to help you effortlessly recognize and comply with.This book is exclusive in contrast to other assets that are currently obtainable on the recent market place. If you significantly want to get benefit from the assortment, then you need to attempt and go for plan rather than wasting time and efforts on useless sources due to the fact Ideas 4 Landscaping is plainly an effective guidebook....Show more

Ruthe Real: Hi. I have had the same q! uestion like you for a long time and I know what it’s all about. But i found something good idea on this landscaping website http://www.landscapebuydesign.com/This website provides a great solution for your concern. Big thanks to this website....Show more

Rosio Pasculli: I like a mix of free-flowing curves and straight, symmetrical lines. It reflects both aspects of the garden: mans rigid control of it and it's own naturally occurring beauty.

Dan Seen: You need to google "landscape design ideas." You'll get millions of hits!My favourite landscaping element at the moment is pond-less waterfalls. You install a pump system into a hillside (natural or artificial), and bury it under the usual landscaping rocks and plantings organized so that they make a waterfall path. Normally, a waterfall ends with the water flowing into a small pond; the pump system siphons water into pipes and pumps it back up to the top, to feed the waterfall again and again.In a pond-less! waterfall, the "small pond" at the bottom is just a deep tub,! sunk so its rim sits at ground level, and filled with the siphon parts and a lot of rocks/large pebbles. The waterfall empties into the rocks, but you don't have to worry about keeping fish and water plants alive through winter, or keeping your babies from falling into the water and drowning, or worrying about the neighbour kids sneaking into your yard to play in the water when you're not around, etc.In my little corner of the world, we have a large-ish lake nearby, which supports pelicans. Friends and acquaintances of mine who have had ornamental fish-ponds in their gardens have all had to cover their ponds with metal mesh, because if they don't, the pelicans fly overhead and think they've spotted another free lunch! The blinkin' birds don't even have to dive into the water to get their meal!Really, try google. Start with just looking at landscaping pictures. Draw maps of your garden -- scale maps are best, of course -- and pick out features you find on many sites th! at you would like to have in your yard and garden. Figure your budget, decide how much work you'll do yourself, and how much you'll want to hire help for. Figure how long you want the whole thing to take.But start by looking at pictures. Google is ideal for finding them....Show more

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Bath poll: Bubbles, bath oil, just plain water?

Gennie Shauer: Krispy Kreme donuts!

Rosalba Lingner: Bubbles =]

Asa Soho: Bubbles

Sylvie Snetting: I guess I prefer bubbles or something like rose petals. But, the bath water makes me too hot.

Ervin Laeger: Bath Oil !It leaves you smelling so good afterwards...Ahhhhhhhh :)Haha ! Yahoo always sucks at choosing sections =-=

Adan Alipio: A smile. It's a curve that can straighten out a lot of things (:

Mark Villifana: Shower, I dont feel clean taking a bath.

Dick Ovdenk: Bubbles.

Elvin Mannheimer: My 2 kittehs I love them dearly=^^=

Pattie Vold: Bubbles!!

Miguel Densley: That new Skittles commercial. It's so weird and funny at the same time.This guy is getting fitted by a Thai tailor, when the tailor notices that guy's reflection is eating Skittles and starts arguing with him about it.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m5N3NNuedU

Isaias Badgley: Depends. Bubbles if I have to shave and oil if I don't (cause oil ! will ruin my razor).

David Kuper: Bubbles or a shower usally both

Collin Barter: Lots and lots of bubbles!

Manual Burtis: qualifications? you gotta bare lapdancing for disgusting guys. a stripper makes around 800$ a night. That's what you can expect. I knew this girl that started stripping, she really made a lot of money, but wasted it on stupid stuff like bags, shoes, etc. She also dropped from college and got into porn. But hey, I wish you luck!

Joie Libutti: Yes we all bathe ourselves but some of us prefer a good old fashion shower! Who has time for a relaxing bath these days?

Clemmie Burkleo: Sexy bath.... bubbles.Get clean bath.... just plain water. Don't really like the oils.

Lashawnda Anteby: bubbles!sometimes plain water because it dries out my skin

Dominic Sciancalepore: Snickers

Luis Mellon: A guy can like bubbles too, right?Right?

Byron Fortmann: I'm young and I have a good body (34DD). and i don't mind showi! ng my goods every now and then. a couple of my guy friends off! ered me $1000-5000 to strip for them during a bachelor's party and perform lapdances, so naturally i accepted. i made a lot of quick cash, how much do a stripper usually make? and what's the qualification?

Jonie Lauria: a hot bath

Willa Holte: I am highly allergic to bubble bath and so i either use bath oil or bath beads or epsom salts. But even i don't take baths allot because you can get this weird infection in your...well...you know where. I take showers.

Jed Porada: Bubbles!Oils make my skin soft, but since it floats on top of the water, my back and shoulders usually get way too oily.

Alise Rutgers: Hot baths♥

Wilbert Shellgren: Shower

Willetta Munhall: Bubbles!!

Bryant Pillitteri: Bubbles

Paul Maymi: baking :)Grey's Anatomy (biggest guilty pleasue, next to Glee haha)A really good book, i'm reading Wicked right now, it's fantastic hahatexts from my best friends...Show more

Karl Jantzen: Funny ones:The one for Turbo! Tax where the presidents from dollar bills are all in a room and one of them tells a normal guy what he needs and then another president says "you also need one of these" (and its a dancing Hula figurine) and the guy says, "No, that is not what I need."Or the one for BK's ThreeConomicsA BK worker was like "I should know, I used to work on Wall Street" and another worker said "then why are you here?"HAHAHAHA. Wall Street is loosing jobs as companies declare bancrupcy. (if you needed an interpretation)...Show more

George Dingeldein: Bubbles

Angel Klym: I put disinfictent in my bath. I think it beacuse it what my dad does and i love the smell of it

Arlen Decorte: BUBBLESthey're funand haha you can oh-so-seductively cover yourselfand blowing them out your hands..reminds me of childhood.but bath oil's good for dry skin//just not your hair..but in water, you can dive underwater and open your eyes, that's fun without getting anything in your eyes XDbut, yeah BUB! BLES are my fave...Show more

Tereasa Sorensen: Bubbles

Nell! y Kikuchi: Bubbles

Jammie Taddei: Plain water.

Judie Kise:

Andra Oger: Plain water but why are you ask like question you spend your valuable time after less important subject.

Mark Villifana: I haven't seen it in the last week, but my fav recent commercial is the altel one when the guys bang on the window and yell "Chad, you're still a ding dong!". That's a great commercial.

Fred Caminita: It's not funny, but I love the jazz commercial for Crown Royal. "For every king, an heir. For every king, a crown."

Myron Leftwich: Isn't this the secret to life? A person should be able to find happiness everday through the simple act of just "being." Try reading up on some Zen books, this style of thinking is key to this sort of postitive outlook.

Hilton Paiva: Fashion magazines.

Pamela Meno: Bubbles!!Bath Oil can cause females to get UTIs (painful)Plain Water is just boring!

Libby Berkovitch: "hi my name is Sabir, calling for the ! apartment on Park Street, not avaliable?""hi my name is Tyrone Washington...""hi my name is Amiruud, is gone?""hi my name is Marvin Herring, I use a wheelchair...""hi my name is Graham Wellington, calling about the apartment on Park Street. that still avaliable?" "oh it is?"...Show more

Clifford Riggleman: A bright blue English sky in spring and the scent of new mown grass

Hugo Pittari: Plain water

Marcel Then: Just plain water coming out of the shower head upon my head.

Clay Lipira: I say, if you have the body, flaunt it girl. A jobs a job. If you enjoy it and your earning that much in a night's work. You are in the riches. Top prostitutes earn around a thousand dollars an hour. Not sure how much top strippers earn, but probably more. Stay thin and pretty and your there.

Ardelia Liptow: Usually do it in Plain Water, but once I find a job, Bubble Baths it will be.I don't like taking showers anymore, Only baths. LOL

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Anyone near or in Winston-Salem, NC in the remodeling business willing to hire a female?

Lon Pennington: cool, thanks

Truman Biby: To answer your question as to what I look like I can change like night and day. When I go out I straighten my hair, put on lots of makeup, wear heels and I will admit I get a lot of looks but if I was going to be working on houses all day it'd be pony tail and no makeup. I will admit I can be pretty scary without it so I doubt my looks would be an issue :)

Carmelina Enoch: What do you look like, because some women reading your question might have husbands who own remodeling businesses and they would be skeptical of having their husband hire some good looking chic to come work for them.

Porfirio Cahall: Ugh...wish you were a bit further north!! My brother runs a remodelling business and he loves hiring females!! They have a certain eye for remodelling that most men lack. He's partners with a female and I think both of them together do great work and have a remodelling style like no other. I'll ask if he knows an! yone in your area.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


Rocio Karvis: If you think that it's no nessacary then don't was your money, or your parents money on it.It's not too late to have a sleepover though, why don't you have one for your birthday?

Rayford Speziale: You havent missed out on your childhood by not having sleepovers. Your only 15 , you can still have sleepovers:) I m 16 and I still doo:) Its greatPlus with a decorated room you ll feel older too:)Just make sure you dont do a theme or something you d grow out of quickly. Paint the walls cream and you can change you accesorizes often:)And dont forget to make up for lost time:)xx...Show more

Monday, August 17, 2020

Do black widow spiders like nesting in laundry?

Kenneth Queener: outside mostly

Piedad Bassiti: I read up on them: they like rock ledges, branches & other outdoor things to hang a web on. Not laundry. I think your safe.

Comment rédiger une déclaration personnelle pour les études supérieures

Comment rédiger une déclaration personnelle pour les études supérieures

p>L’énoncé personnel est un élément essentiel de votre demande d’admission aux études supérieures. C’est votre seule occasion de persuader vos futurs conseillers et collègues que vous êtes un bon candidat pour leur programme. Cela leur permet de vous voir comme une vraie personne derrière votre travail administratif. Bien que vous puissiez penser que vous pouvez terminer un brouillon en une après-midi, cela vaudra la peine pour vous de consacrer du temps et des efforts à votre déclaration personnelle.

Faites une pause entre la rédaction et la révision. Et par pause, nous entendons une vraie pause (2-3 jours). Le processus de rédaction de ces documents peut être stressant. Vous devez laisser votre cerveau se reposer pour pouvoir revenir à l’énoncé avec un r! egard neuf et un certain degré d’objectivité.

Révisez de façon obsessionnelle pour déceler les erreurs de grammaire, de ponctuation et d’orthographe. Lorsqu’un comité d’admission doit examiner des centaines de demandes, il cherche une raison de retirer votre demande de la pile. Rien ne les aidera à rejeter votre demande plus rapidement qu’une faute de frappe.

Faites des recherches sur la faculté. En tant qu’étudiant diplômé, vous travaillerez beaucoup plus étroitement avec le corps professoral du département qu’en tant qu’étudiant de premier cycle. Avec quels membres du corps professoral aimeriez-vous travailler au sein du département ? Quel travail admirez-vous ? Comment leurs intérêts de recherche s’harmoniseront-ils avec les vôtres ?

Rédigez une introduction mémorable. Vous devez immédiatement convaincre le comité que vous êtes déterminé à faire des recherches sur leur programme. Y a-t-il une histoire dans vot! re passé que vous pouvez utiliser comme une indication de vot! re intérêt pour le programme ? Y a-t-il eu un moment particulier où vous avez réalisé que vous vouliez étudier ce sujet en profondeur ?

Réfléchissez aux raisons pour lesquelles vous présentez une demande. Avant d’écrire un mot de votre déclaration personnelle, vous devriez vraiment explorer pourquoi vous voulez participer à ce programme.

Supprimer les formulations vagues. Certains mots et expressions reviennent sans cesse dans les déclarations personnelles. Vous devriez les éviter si vous voulez vous démarquer des centaines d’autres candidats :

Donnez votre déclaration personnelle à ceux qui vous recommandent. Une fois que vous disposez d’une version peaufinée de votre déclaration personnelle, vous devriez en fournir une copie aux personnes qui rédigent vos lettres de recommandation pour le programme. Cela leur donnera une idée claire de vos intérêts de recherche et les aidera à rédiger des lettres plus détaillées pour vous! .

Dessinez un contour. La plupart des déclarations personnelles vont de 2 à 3 pages. Puisque les comités d’admission liront des centaines de déclarations, vous devez attirer leur attention très tôt.

Rédigez le reste de votre déclaration personnelle. Prévoyez 2 à 3 heures pour écrire. Ne vous inquiétez pas encore de le rendre parfait. Il suffit d’essayer d’obtenir un projet de travail complet sur papier. Essayez de ne pas vous éditer trop dans cette partie du processus d’écriture.

Améliorer le contenu de l’énoncé. Avez-vous donné au comité une vision réelle et honnête de votre intérêt dans ce domaine ? Assurez-vous que vous n’avez pas simplement répété tout ce que vous avez inclus dans votre curriculum vitae ou CV.

Adaptez l’énoncé pour chaque programme auquel vous présentez une demande. Il se peut que vous utilisiez votre déclaration personnelle comme modèle dans vos demandes d’adhésion à plusieurs pro! grammes. Mais vous devriez adapter votre énoncé aux forces de chaque ! programme.

Révisez votre ton. Vous vous ressemblez dans cette déclaration ? Ou tu as l’air d’une version bizarre et robotique de toi-même ? Si vous avez l’impression que c’est le cas, révisez-le pour qu’il ressemble davantage à un humain. Ne lancez pas du jargon académique simplement parce que vous pensez que ça va vous paraître impressionnant.

Donnez-vous du temps. Idéalement, vous devriez commencer à rédiger votre déclaration personnelle un mois avant la date limite d’inscription. Cela vous donnera amplement le temps de réviser et d’obtenir beaucoup de commentaires de la part des autres lecteurs.

Obtenez des commentaires de l’extérieur. Après avoir terminé au moins une révision complète, demandez l’avis d’autres lecteurs (au moins 2-3 personnes).

Identifier les possibilités d’enseignement. Devrez-vous enseigner à des étudiants de premier cycle ou diriger un laboratoire au cours de ce programme ? Comment y ! parviendrez-vous ? Que pouvez-vous offrir à ce programme en tant qu’enseignant potentiel ?

Explorez d’autres possibilités sur le campus. Vous voulez vous assurer que l’ensemble du campus vous convient, pas seulement le programme individuel. L’université dispose-t-elle d’archives utiles ou d’un excellent centre de recherche interdisciplinaire ? En quoi ces ressources supplémentaires aideront-elles votre recherche ?

Sunday, August 16, 2020

how to do laundry..lol?

German Thal: I went in the US army at 18 and we had to wash our own clothes and I just stood there looking like a dummy because I didn't know how either....I could shoot expert, throw grenades like a champ but that blasted wash machine had me stumped....I checked out your other answerer's...they are good ones go with them.

Conrad Puleio: All whites should be seperate - hot waterLight colors go together - Cold WaterDarks such as Black,Blue,Dark Brown are to be wash in sepeartly - Cold waterBlanket/Towels - Warm Water

Chadwick Schmelz: I checked the other answers and they are all good. Good with those.

May Stands: sort your wash by colors.. for example: 1. whites this is clothes solid whites and towels. 2. light colored clothes this would be white clothes with designs and pinks and lite blues and yellows andsuch. 3. reds. this is all clothes red and dark pink or purple. 4.. jeans everything not lite colored jeans are what goes in this pile. 5. towels, ! all dish towels bath towels, wash clothes, go in this pile. 6. sheets all the bed linens in this pile. 7. dark clothes. this is blacks and grays and dark blue clothing. wash all these clothes in cold water except, towels and whites and sheets, they need to be washed in warm to hot water... also make sure u set the washer on the correct wash setting for example small loads, medium loads and large loads... use anywhere from 1/4 cup of detergent for small loads to a 1 cup for large loads... never mix whites with any colors or it will bleed into the fabric. this is how i do wash and i wash 2 times a week usually....Show more

Rick Duchane: I'm certainly no expert with this, but I think I can help you out a little bit.Sort your colors into Whites, Lights, and Darks. Whites would be (duh) white--T-shirts, socks, whatever. Lights would be more pastel-ish colors. Darks would be bright and dark colors--hot pink, royal blue, black. Get the idea?So once you've divvied everythin! g up you can start a load. NEVER use hot water. It'll shrink y! our stuff and it's not all that good for your clothes even if they don't shrink. Tell the washing machine what temp you want (probably cold-cold or warm-cold, check the labels), how big your load is (if it's just your laundry, probably small), and set the dial to delicate or regular or whatever and push it in or pull it out, depending on your model. It should start to fill the washer. While it's filling up, dump in a cup of detergent or however much the detergent says to use. Start loading your clothes in the washer, and make sure you put them evenly around the post in the middle so it doesn't get all offkilter.Once you've loaded up your clothes, close the lid and let the machine do all the hard work. Once it's stopped transfer everything to the dryer, turn the dial to whatever seems best suited to the load you're doing and push it in. MAKE SURE the filter is clean before you do this. On my dryer the filter is on the top of the dryer, far right corner. On my old dryer, it w! as inside the door. Find it, peel the lint off the screen using your fingers, and slide it back in its slot.Don't use bleach. It could be a disaster, and it's nicer on your clothes if you don't.Hope this helps, and if you get stuck, call your mom; she'll probably be glad that you're taking on responsibility. If not, hopefully she'll be glad that you asked for help instead of accidently flooding the house. ;-)...Show more

Alvaro Oare: Ok. Well sort by color group. Reds[you can add pink]BlueOrange[depending on how many you have I have quite a bit]BlackWhite[you can add the tan]And do jeans in their own load[last since they take longest to dry]Panties and bras separate [they wash in hot/cold cycle]Then you just put them in the wash, depending on what type of soap. I would say 1/2 a cup if liquid or full cup if powerd stuff.Make sure your items of clothing are about 8 inches [for my washer]below the acutal end of the wash machine since the water adds to the amount in ther! e.Set it on normal cycle, with the water set to warm/cold. or you can d! o cold/cold. and there you go.Well after they are done you got the dryer part and you just put them in and turn the normal cycle on. There you go....Show more

Aubrey Tirri: 1. sort the clothes into 2 categories: darks and lights. (It's nothing fancy, just literally--if it's dark in color, put it there. If it's white or faded yellow, put it with the lights). Dump out the dirty clothes from the hamper and put them in laundry baskets. Light, dark. Dark, light. Easy, right? Socks, underwear, and white shirts tend to be lights. Jeans tend to be dark.2. Check the pockets of everything!! That would suck if you had crayons in your favorite pair of jeans, because then they'd get all ruined. And, it would suck to wash your phone ;)3. (this part's optional) Turn your jeans inside-out so they don't get too faded.4. Ok, when you wash the clothes...you only dump in one load at a time. Lights or darks. Pick one to go first. Put all the dark stuff in the washing machine ! with some laundry soap. (By some, I mean up to the first line on the little green scoopy cup in the laundry soap box). I'm not sure what YOUR washing machine is like, but in mine, you turn the dial so that it points to the type of wash cycle you want. (eg. gentle cycle, regular...) And, there's another dial for temperature. Light clothes, you can wash in warm or hot water. Dark clothes are usually washed in cold water. So, once you've set the temperature and wash cycle, push the button that says start.5. Walk away, and check back in half an hour when it's done.6. When the washing machine is done, put the wet clothes into the dryer. Put fabric softener, if you want to. Just one sheet. Or half. Either or. Turn the little dial-button thingy, and pull it. (well, that's how mine works, anyway).7. Since the washing machine is open, you can put the other load in there while the first one is drying. Do the same thing that you did in step 4.8. When the clothes in the d! ryer are done, fold them and put them away. Then, take the second set ! of clothes--the ones that you just put in the washing machine--and put them in the dryer. It's really easy once you get it :]SUMMARY:Dirty clothes go to be sorted.Sorted clothes go to washing machine.Wet clothes go to dryer.Dry clothes go to closet.All done! :]...Show more

Joaquin Dronko: Just seperate the colors and the whites, wash towels seperately or if they are white throw them with the whites you might want to add alittle bleach not too much or use some arm and hammer baking soda (that makes your whites white)Colors use cold water and whites use hot ( Just make sure nothing that you do want will shrink) And when you dry your clothes make sure you fold them while warm b/c if you wait they will get very wrinklely and then you will have another chore to do (ironing). Just fold what needs to be folding and put away in their place and whatever needs to be hung do so and put away. I hope I helped some what good luck and have fun (turn on the radio and dance while yo! u work so you can get really into it before you know it you are done). Mom will be so proud of you. P.S. If you do not have a washer and dryer I hate to say this but you would have to carry all this to the laundry mat, to make it easy make sure you seperate everything before you go and don't forget the detergent and bleach (baking soda for the whites). Bring your ipod with you it will get kind of boring just waiting for the clothes....Show more

Cómo ser como la rareza

Cómo ser como la rareza

Viste de blanco en abundancia. El abrigo de Rarity es blanco, así que ese debe ser el color principal que usas. Por supuesto, Rarity también usa muchos colores diferentes.

Use maquillaje. Sombra de ojos azul claro y pestañas postizas. Si no quieres ponerte pestañas postizas, usa una gran máscara voluminizadora para realzar el color de tus ojos.

Sé una dama. La rareza es una yegua adecuada y sofisticada. Eso significa usar la gramática y la etiqueta adecuadas si quieres llegar a Canterlot.

Obsesionarse con cada pequeño detalle. La rareza siempre se asegura de que todo sea perfecto al 100%.

Sea dramático. No demasiado dramático, como algunos lo encuentran molesto. La rareza utiliza su necesidad de ser dramática como una forma de salirse con la suya. Esto puede funcionar para ella en el mundo de My Little Pony, pero en el mundo real e! sto puede o no funcionar. Así que si te das cuenta de que la gente está empezando a encontrarlo molesto… ¡detente!

Ponte a la moda. Haga ropa con tela como hace Rarity. No sólo te ahorra dinero, sino que te hace destacar en el mundo de la moda.

Sea generoso. La rareza es la portadora del elemento de la generosidad, lo que significa que ser generoso es una necesidad.

Arréglate el pelo. Si quieres no sólo actuar como ella, sino también lucir como ella, entonces querrás teñirte el cabello de púrpura. Pero si no puedes teñirte el cabello, entonces dale un poco de rizo en las puntas o ponte pinzas moradas.

Estar a la moda. Rarity es el fashionista de la ciudad, siempre al día con los últimos estilos, pero no olvides tomar algunos riesgos y establecer algunas tendencias!

can knickknacks be cleaned with a steam cleaner?

Maryland Gareau: You may want to consider paying someone to come in and wash them. Then you won't have to do it. It's just a thought. Good luck.

Cletus Crotts: hard situation. check out in bing and yahoo. just that may help!

Fritz Sisomphou: I don't know about steam cleaner,but for your precious knickknacks,I suggest you use the professional tools.I find the Ultrasonic Cleaner occasionally at online store,It is said it can clean mang things such as jewellery, lenses optical parts, coins, watches, dental and surgical instruments, fountain pens, industrial parts and electronic equipment ect.Just have a try,maybe you will save a lot of work.One not expensive sold in b2c-support.comhttp://www.b2c-support.com/ultrasonic-jewellery-ri......Show more

Andra Oger: A steam cleaner will clean them insofar as to make them bacteria free. A steam cleaner will not remove dust or grime unless you clean each pieces with a soft rag by hand after applying the steam.

Gaylord Barragan: You can try it but if they are in need of a good cleaning, they should be dipped in a tub of warm soapy water and gently wiped with a soft cloth. I don;t know if the steam might remove any paint or decoration depending on what kind of ornaments you have. I usually just wipe mine down with a damp J-cloth and then dry with a soft towel. Good luck! :)

Javier Holsonback: It depends on what they are made of firstly, a combination of heat and steam may degrade some water soluble materials faster than just wiping with a damp cloth. And secondly, I couldn't imagine it doing much besides getting the dust wet, then it would dry on and look worse and be harder to clean than before. No one like cleaning, but unfortunately, if you want Knick knacks, you have to dust them.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

What can you do with a Bachelors degree in Health Services Administration...?

Julieta Suleiman: Sounds like a Nurse Administrator minus the nurse part. Work in a hospital. They take public health administrators any day, and health service administration sounds like a derivative of that, if not better.

Want more piercings!!!!!?  

Want more piercings!!!!!?  

answers 0:So, I recently got a navel piercing, and I also have a helix and both lobes pierced, and I have now come to the conclusion that I want MORE. Problem is, I can't decide on one. I thought about a tongue piercing, but I have heard about them causing dental and digestion problems, which I would rather avoid. So I was hoping to get more info on those, as well as some thoughts on tongue web piercings. Also, I'd like to get opinions on other piercings and your guys' personal favorites. I'd rather not get any directly on my face. And I was also thinking about microdermals and hip piercings. Thoughts and suggestions would be much appreciated! Thanks everyone,(:...Show moreanswers 1:It's actually very rare to get digestion/dental problems because of a tongue piercing. I have one

Friday, August 14, 2020

what is a health disparity in simple terms?

Bailey Lares: A health disparity is a difference in a certain measure of health (for example, lifespan, or rates of lung cancer) between two different populations. The populations are usually different racial groups or lgbt versus straight people -- groups whose differences from each other don't directly have anything to do with health.For example, it's been found that people with lower income tend to have worse health than people with higher income -- that's a health disparity, because being poor by itself does not directly make you sicker. It only indirectly affects health because our system makes it harder for them to access health care, and because unhealthy foods are cheaper than healthy foods.People who smoke also tend to die sooner than nonsmokers, but this is not a health disparity because smoking directly causes disease....Show more

Comment faire des Sims Conjoints sur les Sims 2

Comment faire des Sims Conjoints sur les Sims 2

Tournez le jeu en mode achat.

Cliquez sur le Sim que vous voulez attacher à un autre Sim, et faites-le glisser vers ce Sim.

Vous avez maintenant des sims conjointes !

Sélectionnez votre victime. Il peut s’agir d’un autre membre de la famille, d’un facteur, d’un visiteur, d’un pompier, d’un policier ou d’un livreur de pizzas.

Si vous voulez plus que ça, faites de même avec les autres Sims.

Cliquez sur cette sim, tout en maintenant la touche ctrl

Thursday, August 13, 2020

women's sexual health?

Nicolasa Henke: "Frigid," but it's mostly a myth. Women do NOT usually have much of a sex drive, contrary to what liberals and egghead sexologists say and think.PLEASE READ:http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/445051/do......Show more

Dick Maisenbacher: That is called hormonal imbalance

Elsie Resner: It's a possibility that it could be a hormone imbalance. It would b a good idea, regardless of age, to have a complete gynecological exam, including a comprehensive evaluation of your blood, including hormone levels.Many women discover their sexual feeling through masturbation, but I suspect this has already been tried. I would highly recommend buying and using a powerful electric vibrator. Remember, your focus should be on your clitoris.One thing that was not clear in your question was the level of desire felt. In what is called the "sexual response cycle", the first step is desire. This is Libido. This is feeling horny. This is the motivational part of the c! ycle. The next step is the arousal . . . getting turned on, getting wet, feeling excited. Then, if the stimulation is right, the orgasm comes, or the climax.When the statement is, “I feel no pleasure”, I wonder about desire. Is there desire to feel pleasure? Is there desire but your genitals feel numb, i.e. no pleasure when touched "down there"? I also wonder where the touch is. If there is vagina stimulation but no clitoral stimulation, then arousal might not occur. Does the lack of pleasure refer to the pleasure of orgasm? If everything feels good but there is no orgasm, this is a different kind of problem than not feeling anything at all.When anyone, man or woman, consults a professional about a sexual concern, it is important to be specific about the problem or problems. ...Show more

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Comment récolter le blé

Comment récolter le blé

p>La récolte du blé est un processus très difficile qui exige une bonne préparation et un bon timing. Si le blé sec reste trop longtemps dans le champ, les vents et les tempêtes peuvent détruire la culture. La qualité du blé peut diminuer si le blé reçoit de la pluie et sèche à nouveau. La récolte du blé nécessite également l’utilisation d’une moissonneuse-batteuse â€" une machine lourde qui exige de la formation et un travail minutieux. Une seule personne peut effectuer l’entretien et faire fonctionner une moissonneuse-batteuse, mais une grande récolte de blé nécessite souvent une équipe qui exploite plusieurs moissonneuses-batteuses et plusieurs camions.

Ajustez la vitesse de l’enrouleur par rapport à la vitesse d’avancement. Il est important de le faire afin de ne pas perdre de blé dans le processus. Aller trop vite, c’est soit abattre le blé,! soit le couper mal. Une vitesse trop lente peut faire tomber le blé au sol ou le faire entrer dans la moissonneuse-batteuse de façon incorrecte.

Réglez le contre-batteur à la position la plus large possible pour faciliter la séparation. Le réglage de la vitesse de rotation du rotor ou du cylindre permet également d’éviter toute perte de grain due à la séparation.

Soyez attentif aux conditions qui vous entourent. Pour que la récolte soit réussie, vous devez savoir comment la machine interagit avec le blé. Soyez prêt à modifier les paramètres, tels que la vitesse du ventilateur, au fur et à mesure.

Réglez le régime du rotor ou du cylindre au niveau minimum pour un bon battage. Cela réduira au minimum les dommages aux semences. Cela devra être ajusté au fur et à mesure que les cultures de blé changent. C’est dans ce processus que le grain est séparé de la paille.

Mesurer le taux d’humidité du blé. Le taux d’humidité! déterminera le moment où le blé est prêt à être récolt! é. Le blé est récolté pendant les mois d’été, après avoir été récolté au printemps ou en hiver. La teneur en humidité du blé est le facteur le plus important pour déterminer quand votre blé est prêt pour la récolte.

Inspectez votre équipement chaque fois que vous l’utilisez. En prenant l’habitude de vérifier votre équipement, vous risquez moins de rater quelque chose.

Videz le grain. Lorsque la moissonneuse-batteuse est pleine, videz le grain dans un camion à l’aide du déchargeur de la moissonneuse-batteuse. Le fonctionnement spécifique dépendra du modèle de votre moissonneuse-batteuse. En cas de doute, consultez le manuel du propriétaire. Vous ou quelqu’un d’autre pouvez conduire le camion jusqu’à votre entrepôt. Là, il peut vider le camion en le déversant dans un silo à grain, où il peut être transporté par tapis roulant jusqu’à l’entrepôt.

Régler le ventilateur. Assurez-vous qu’il n’est pas trop! bas, sinon le blé n’arrivera jamais à l’arrière de la hachoir pour qu’il tombe à travers. Si vous réglez le ventilateur à un niveau trop élevé, le blé léger sera tout simplement expulsé de la chaussure.

Inspectez la mangeoire de la moissonneuse-batteuse pour vous assurer qu’elle fonctionne correctement. Il peut sembler durable, mais il peut se briser s’il n’est pas correctement entretenu.

Ajustez l’en-tête de la moissonneuse-batteuse. L’en-tête de la moissonneuse-batteuse devra être ajusté en fonction de la hauteur du blé à couper. L’en-tête doit être réglé pour obtenir le plus de blé possible avec le moins de paille possible.

Maintenir une température de 5 C à 15 C à l’endroit où le grain est entreposé. Plus la température est élevée, plus le grain se gâtera rapidement.

Nettoyez votre entrepôt. Afin d’éviter la détérioration de votre grain, assurez-vous que l’aire d’entreposage est propre! . Nettoyez votre entrepôt avant et après chaque utilisation.

SÃ! ©chez le blé. Vous devrez sécher votre grain après la récolte pour vous assurer qu’il peut être entreposé en toute sécurité.

Effectuez l’entretien nécessaire sur votre moissonneuse-batteuse. Cela permettra d’assurer des performances optimales. Utilisez le manuel du propriétaire pour vous assurer des exigences spécifiques de votre moissonneuse-batteuse.

Régler le patin de nettoyage. Le sabot de nettoyage se compose d’un tamis de nettoyage et d’un tamis de nettoyage. Réglez-le de manière à ce qu’il ne soit ni trop étroit ni trop large. Consultez le manuel du propriétaire pour connaître les réglages du fabricant.

optical audio cable from my cable box to my tv?

Jasper Mangel: Optical audio is the way to go. The red and white will not give you 5.1.

Armanda Hertel: my tv doesnt have an optical audio output thats why im trying to connected from my cable HD box to my Home theater system and my home theater system does support 5.1 dolby sound.

Marcel Then: you at the instant are not likely to word any distinction in sound high quality. Your television speaker at the instant are not the suited audio equipment in any respect to start with. HDMI cable can carry as much as 7.one million audio sign, collectively as the optical in basic terms a 5.one million. wish this could assist you out.

Tijuana Tatsak: http://www.forum.easeli.com/register.php

Angel Klym: Connect the optical cable directly from the Comcast receiver to the optical input on the home theater amp. That will give you 5.1 surround sound. The red/white RCA cables will give you only a stereo or a simulated 4-channel surround sound.The fact that your ca! ble box is HD is irrelevant as far as the audio is concerned. 5.1 audio encoding can be present with HD as well as SD video.FWIW, I've used the 2 RCA cables with my home theater system for years, and the 4-channel effect is pretty good. But optical is the way to go if you can do it. Again, directly from the cable box to the amp, not through the TV....Show more

Dick Ovdenk: If your Home Theater Receiver can decode Dolby 5.1 Surround Sound, then you might hear an improvement. Optical will support 5.1 where the red / white will only do stereo. Also, you can't get hum with an optical cable where you can with copper cables (not saying you have hum now, though).

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Would you be able to get a mental health assessment without your parents knowing?

Freddy Shutler: i honestly don't know. i didn't really research the topic. i am sure you could google.com this and try to answer the question yourself. if you really are mentally ill you would need therapy or medication most likely. and you need transport ion for that. so i don't know how you could permanently keep it a secret. you didn't say what you believed the mental health problems was. most families are ok with taking thier kids to the hospital as long as the issue is legal to deal with. the fact you want to do it with out your parents knowing my guess is that you might be on illegal drugs or have alcoholism problem.s. so something you feel is illegal that is bugging you that might make more sense why you feel this way. you didn't say why your parents refused to the mental health assessment with you or if you asked them you wanted the sessions to be private. assuming you really do have a mental illness or you just want someone to talk to a result of a traumatic even! t or loneliness whatever the reason is i guess it is possible to just ask a hospital some questions. but i think they need insurance. i don't know how the healthcare system in the UK work since i am from USA. but you could again it doesn't hurt to ask. if you want it to be a secret there is the phone you could use. but your parents might have caller id so it is not a guarantee. and you would have to use the phone when you know your parents are not home that still posses a risk since they could listen in walking in with out you knowing randomly. there is also using a pay phone outside like you need actually use money to have its services if you can find any that is another possible option to get a talk session. you can call 211 for hospitals and more specifically mental health clinics to ask if you could know their numbers or you can google.com this and try to find some locally in your area. also it would be best if you had your insurance card. i guess you could go to your s! chool for mental health treatment but i think that would need ! permission from the parent. if the parents are not notified the school won't allow it. again you can ask that is really all you can do. it seems most likely your parents will eventually need to find out if treatment is to be given especially medications cause they are the ones with the money or insurance card so you need to notify your parents. i am not telling you to tell them. i think you tried already to ask and they turned you down. you didn't say if you have health insurance or not. maybe they are cheap and they don't have the money. or they just don't believe your sick and don't trust you in general. not all families go to the host pail check ups once a year like recommended for everyone to do same thing with the dentist. so they may not really be big believers in double checking health. the fact you think this is true means it is probably likely that you are ill. why else would you think about this unless you fit the description? if you keep asking the hospitals or g! et child protective service involved they can make recommendations for you. like if you get a school counselor or teacher involved or local pastor or something like that an authority position. i am sure if you called 911 or whatever the emergency phone number is for your country that like they might speak for you. though again that is not what those jobs are designed for that i mentioned that i said that could speak on your behalf to get attention on the issue. in the end you might have to wait until your 18 and legally an adult to get health insurance free from government or like to take care of yourself and figure your life out if your parents choose to be ignorant. if your school grades are normal like passing and/or like your able to behave well for the most part and look normal your parents legally have a right to ignore your concern that you might be ill. it is usually more so when the behavior of the child is very extreme like if the kid is doing things that are ille! gal so a crime or if the kid is like just very noisy or mean or lazy or! victim of crime legally proven in some way to an extreme unnatural level that there maybe laws forcing the child to take medications. so far you didn't mention reasons why you feel you need mental health treatment or assessment. so i can only guess that you don't really need the treatment at least from a legal stand point. even if you need treatment if your not showing visible signs of being ill that are showing you as somehow dysfunctional or a bad person or like i mentioned already the other possible scenarios that mental illness can lead to they probably won't force or require you to take mental health help or treatment. again getting a free diagnosis i am not sure that is something you can ask. i don't know how you will get transportation for a private sessions to talk to mental health providers on whether you need their help or not. there is walking and the bus if you can find money to do something like that and you need an address and possible appointment. there migh! t be free clinics available if you look around i am not really sure....Show more

Donny Bankson: I'm 13 and from the UK.You can't go without your parents if you go to a hospital for an assessment. Although they don't need to be in the room for part of it if you don't want them to. And the psychiatrist will only tell your parents what you want them to know.If I was you I'd mention your problems to your parents, therefore if you do have problems mentally they can get you the help and support you need.Good luck xx...Show more

Raelene Cunnick: Hi. You are old enough to see your GP without your parents knowing. You must tell the doctor at the beginning of the consultation that you wish it to be kept from your parents. If your doctor feels that it's necessary he will refer you to child and adolescent mental health services [CAMHS] for an assessment and treatment. CAMHS regularly see adolescents without their parents knowing. They would only need to involve them if they! believed that you're a suicide risk or you needed to be hospitalised."! If you're under 16, you have the right to a confidential consultation with a doctor, provided you make it clear that you do not want your parents to be told. However, your doctor can refuse to discuss the matter if they are unwilling to accept your request for confidentiality. If you're aged 16 and above, you have the right to confidential advice and treatment.Consent to medical treatmentIf you're under 16, you can give your own consent to medical treatment provided you fully understand what is involved. If a doctor decides that you don't fully understand what is involved, your parents can give consent on your behalf.If you're under 18 and refuse treatment, your parents or medical staff may go to court. The court can decide whether to give a court order to override your decision to refuse treatment." https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/healthcare/young......Show more

Money and the Army?  

Money and the Army?  

answers 0:How is money in the Army? I've heard several different opinions.Some say if you're looking for money, don't join the Army.I've also heard some people say the Army has helped them get rich, or helped them get financially secured.Any opinions? Personal experiences?I'll be leaving for BCT at the end of March and I will be broke when I leave but I'll have just enough to pay off my bills during BCT....Show moreanswers 1:Morian,You will not get rich in the army. Your uncle is the exception. Most people here will tell you that military skills do not transfer to civilian life. In other words, an organization whose purpose is weaponry and war is not going to teach you how to run your own business. There is no medical school, so they will not teach you nursing. That is not to say you can't learn something, but generally, the military does not teach you marketable skills. People might ! learn some discipline, but those people have started in a hole and are climbing just to be on equal footing.If you want to know more, then please check the comments for my longer answer....answers 2:OMG so your going to make about 1200 amonthanswers 3:fdaanswers 4:For some yes they became financially secure while in because they actually budgeted and saved money while in. Which is very possible to do if you are smart. Buy a used car not a new one; have money going into savings each money that you do not touch; have fun but not outrageous amount; take courses at college using the TA; and do not give money to friends and family just because you have it-giving a bit fine but you also have to think of yourself and realize you will never get it back....answers 5:In the army you can make money in a few ways. First is pretty much everything you make is bonus money, as they will provide everything you need. you can save/invest/blow whatever you got left, it's up to you. Second, you! will save big money on college. While in you will only have t! o pay for books, and if you apply your self, there is no reason you can't have at least your associates after your first enlistment. When you get out you will have your GI bill to pay for any other degrees you want. All these posters here must be in high school still, because jobs are not easy to come by, and an E-1 base pay is 1599.90, not counting any benefits (lodging, food, medical/dental,paid leave,etc). An average minimum wage earner gets $1160.00 without the benefits. So unless your school is paid for, Army is a good way to go....answers 6:The army pay benefits will cover your basic needs, continued education, and a little bit left over for whatever you want. You will not live luxuriously. You will not get rich. You do have the opportunity to become financially secure if you and your spouse don't do stupid things with your paycheck.answers 7:If you're too dumb for college, join the armyanswers 8:I've also heard some people say the Army has helped them get rich, or! helped them get financially secured. LOL - have you looked @ the Army's pay scale?? I don't know how anyone's supposed to get rich on military pay. Otoh, you get a steady paycheck while you're in, free health care, as well as 3 hots

Monday, August 10, 2020

is there any way to make you dick bigger without pills or surgery?

Bell Pasco: Hang weights off of it....

Armando Somes: Try getting an erection

Angel Klym: just be happy with whatever god has given you. I think women who like big *****, well that statement is a complete myth. when ure making love to a women she is not gonna stare down ure dick she will be looking in your eyes.

Adan Alipio: For the best answers, search on this site https://smarturl.im/aDG3pdo penial exercises ... i cant do them though, i wind up jacking off after 2 sets lol

Felipa Nosis: No. And even with pills and surgery, you usually won't get any results.

Clare Hoard: get aroused

Coleman Petropoulos: The only way is surgery and i would check the possible problems from surgery before considering it,

Rachell Meese: 1

Mel Crapo: Three Times Bigger Penis - http://LongPenis.uzaev.com/?OErN

Jene Licausi: Increase Penis Size Naturally

Zora Mazzie: #1 Natural Penis Enlargement Exercise - http://LatestPenisEnlargeme! nt.com/?TWMY

Tomeka Hameen: There are absolutely NO exercises, pills, herbs, rings, toys, devices, liquids, drinks, or drugs that you can do to make your Penis larger ....Hopefully; the following info will help you as there is NO real "Average" for teens ....Penis size is determined by genetics .... ... There have been numerous studies done to determine what the "Average" size of the male penis is and NOT any two of those studies gave the same results ....Back in 1990 Men's Health did a study on the Average size of the Adult male penis and decided that it was just at 6 Inches ...Just six years later ... The Journal of Urology did their survey and came up with an Average of 5.08 Inches for the Adult Male Penis ..Then in 2000 ; The Journal for Impotency Research did their study and found Average to be 5.35 Inches .... while that same year, Lifestyles Condoms did a study that came up with 5.9 Inches ....Cool Nurse in 2007 said that 6.1 Inches to 6.5 inches. However; they! even admits that they feel that the participants LIED as they! measured their own penises without a monitor etc ... so their results need to be discounted to a certain degreee ....Some say the Lifestyles study is WRONG because they only used 500 men ; while the other studies did at least 5,000.NOTE: That until the age of 20-22 ; MOST males and their penis will continue to grow .... However ... a penis can stop growing at any age as can your height .. they both don't have to stop and / or continue at the same time. With all things considered ... Most Authorities now say that the AVERAGE Male "ADULT" Penis is 5.2 to 5.5 Inches when fully erect .......Show more

Coleman Deliberato: sorry buddy no help for your little pee-pee

Cody Shimko: no not really if anyone tells you diffenrt and you follow what they say your dick will fall off and your balls will turn orange and shrivel up into your asshole

Jonelle Eligio: Tug on it and stretch it out every day in the shower.

Spencer Heidtbrink: ancient chinese secret is to r! ub oyster sauce mixed with sesame oil on your dick. also your suppose to eat 3 bulls penises a day for about 3 weeks and you'll be set

Teodoro Lamond: get more powerful erections - develop 'rock hard' erections, each and every time no matter your age!

Hilton Paiva: Ejaculate further - Fire off like a cannon!

Cómo habilitar RAID o AHCI sin reinstalar Windows (para controladores AMD SB85 o SB8XX)

Cómo habilitar RAID o AHCI sin reinstalar Windows (para controladores AMD SB85 o SB8XX)

Abra una terminal Linux y escriba el siguiente comando: lspci -vvvnn | less. Enumerará todos los dispositivos PCI que haya instalado y que podrá explorar utilizando las teclas PageUp y PageDown. Si no funciona como se espera, intente hacer lo mismo que root usando el siguiente comando: sudo lspci -vvvnn | less (tendrá que proporcionar la contraseña de root).

Abre el archivo *.INF allí, en mi caso ahcix64s.inf, con cualquier editor de texto, como Windows Notepad (o Notepad si quieres algo mejor) y busca la sección[ATI.ntamd64] ([ATI] para la versión de 32 bits). Aquí puede ver si los controladores que descargó coinciden con su controlador RAID comprobando si hay una línea en esta sección que tenga su combinación de VENdor y DEVICE IDs.! Deje este archivo abierto para que pueda hacer referencia a esta línea. Si hay una entrada para sus identificaciones, está listo para salir. Si no, debería volver a comprobar si su controlador RAID es realmente un SB8xx y si ha descargado los controladores correctos.

Copia el archivo *.SYS que encuentres en la misma carpeta, la mía era ahcix64s.sys, de ahí a la carpeta c:windowssystem32drivers

Reinicie el equipo, ingrese a la BIOS y cambie la configuración a RAID o AHCI.

Reinicie de nuevo, vuelva a la configuración de la BIOS y regrese al modo SATA a IDE.

Copie el texto del registro a continuación en un nuevo archivo en su editor de texto y llámelo someFileName.reg:

Las copias de seguridad siempre son buenas, así que haga una copia de seguridad de sus datos importantes.

Observe la carga de Windows utilizando su nuevo sistema preparado para RAID! Pero… Si tienes de nuevo un BSOD más y un reinicio, no te preocupes! Ingrese al ! BIOS, regrese a IDE, arranque normalmente en Windows.

Ex! traiga el archivo ZIP con los controladores RAID de AMD que descargó (como se indicó en la sección anterior) y navegue hasta la carpeta con los controladores para su versión de Windows.

Haga una copia de seguridad de su registro! Nos vamos a meter un poco en líos y puede que quieras hacerlo. Es probable que sólo tenga que usar Restaurar sistema de Windows para crear un nuevo punto de restauración antes de comenzar. ¡Y eso significa ahora! ¡Hazlo!

Guarde el archivo con sus modificaciones!

Reinicie el equipo e ingrese al BIOS. Busque la sección «Configuración de almacenamiento» y cambie el modo SATA a su elección final de AHCI o RAID (debería ofrecer tres opciones: IDE, AHCI y RAID).

Haga doble clic en el archivo someFileName.reg y acepte que se fusione con su registro. No tienes que preocuparte por eso, después de todo hiciste la copia de seguridad del registro, ¿verdad?

Arranque en Linux usando su propia instalación o un CD de! Linux de arranque. Si se le ocurrió arrancar en Windows en este punto por error, probablemente obtendrá un BSOD y un reinicio automático. No te desesperes! No es gran cosa. Sólo tienes que moverte y elegir ventanas normales de arranque la próxima vez que lo cargues….

Busque la referencia a su controlador AMD SB850 SATA RAID (busque una entrada con estas palabras en ella) y anote la siguiente información: ID de proveedor: un número de 4 dígitos, ID de dispositivo: un número de 4 dígitos, ID de subsistema: y un número de 8 dígitos dividido por punto y coma («:»:»)

Vuelva a comprobar todos los pasos anteriores, especialmente la parte de edición de archivos de registro complicados.

Arrancar en ventanas (eligiendo «arrancar normalmente» si se solicita)

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Should health care only be available to the rich?

Erica Bottaro: Since when do poor people pay for health care? Most get medicade

Idell Mulliniks: Get a grip! No matter what Obama decrees, illegals will NOT become U.S. Citizens for years. They will get Green Cards and Work Permits, but no Citizenship. Even Supreme Leader Obama can't grant Citizenship that easily.

Mario Stricklan: No, not at all. I have a preexisting condition and it makes it very difficult and expensive to get health insurance. It's sad that in such a great country many people have to go bankrupt because they became ill through no fault of their own.

Marcellus Yoshimori: lazy unhealthy people will never listen

Roxane Leathers: no individual is a great deal shocked. black everybody is slaves to liberal ideologists. they are brainwashed to equate conservative values and concepts (precisely what they favor the most) as being "racist". someone like mlk jr. may be considered a "promote out" immediately. that obama replaced into "b! lack" almost garanteed the black vote because of race. thats it. doesnt do not forget that black human beings will be harmed with suggestions from liberal guidelines, doesnt do not forget that obama did even a lot less for black human beings in his first time period than even bush. compared to each and each and every election to have taken position considering that black human beings might want to vote... this very last election addressed black subject matters the LEAST. black peoples liberal masters were loose to spotlight catering to different particular pastimes communities fullyyt. @sarah no... those human beings you describe contained in the south were DEMOCRATS. black human beings were in truth REPUBLICANS. you're able to comprehend that because the civil rights era... its Liberal ideologists that co-opted both the democratic AND black agenda. **to the fool who despatched a rage mail then blocked me lol sure Martin Luther King jr. replaced right into a Social CONSERVA! TIVE you twit. @lee i comprehend that you're a present day day! black slave. notwithstanding the liberal ideologies that are eroding this u . s . a . are NEW, their theories have worked NO the position contained in the international. they have been whispering countless substances those very previous few a lengthy time period... and prefer a reliable slave, you're blaming others on your own masters mess ups. what YOUR leaders on the time needed, replaced into the "glory" days... they in basic terms needed a honest shot. immediately that concept scares you demise...you may't conceive of living without a liberal state, the position you're cared for and offered for. thats why damaged and defeated black human beings vote democrat. liberals flow money from A to B. thats it, as long as you're area of B. you supply them each and everything.

Darwin Ecton: Stop by skipping the hyperbole. When you claim that the advertising makes it "just as addictive as drugs," you've just lost most of the people who were reading or listening to your arg! ument.

Arlen Decorte: Keep in mind, Obama has white heritage in him as well. It is the "white half" I dislike. By the way, I'm white.(This is a joke, so take it that way, please.)Truthfully, people disapprove of Obama because of his policies, not his skin color. I know several people, who a few years ago, would have voted for Colon Powell for President, but would never and will never vote for Obama.I do know, and the statistics bear out the fact that 90% of register blacks voted for Obama in 2008. I also know that the vast majority of Obama's critics, before the election and today, were not racists, but simply right. They know Obama was and is wrong for this country.

Cyndy Grimes: In the US - yes, health care should only be for the rich.In 1st world countries - Health care is a right for everyone, not a privilege.

Jammie Taddei: I voted for Obama, because he was the most prominent left-wing candidate that would win. I still would of voted for Obama if he ! was white or yellow. Also, Democrats ruining the country? Coming from ! the imperialist rightists who created a $9.2 trillion debt in this country.

Bethanie Menden: You're perpetuating the misconception that a reasonable person would conclude that a criticsm of Obama is automatically race-based. You guys like to claim that, but it has little basis in reality.

Wilfred Santacruce: Government caused all the problems in our healthcare systemthe democrats "great society" turned into a massive fail

Launa Weingarten: I think so! They said some where around August so lets hope so!!

Gennie Shauer: Very often that person making $30,000/year could afford health care if they cut a few luxuries and made the choice to pay for their health care. Buy a cheaper house and car, pass on the iPhone for a while. I'm sure they could do without 500 channels from cable T.V. and the Public Library has internet access for free. If everybody who "can't" afford health care would get their priorities straight, most could afford health insurance. If! they limited their visits to the doctor or hospital only to the big things, insurance costs wouldn't be so much. If you see your doctor for a cold, pay for it out of pocket. Insurance is meant to be for the big things that you can't afford to pay out of pocket. Too many people abuse it. That's what happens when you give people stuff for free. If they actually had to pay for it themselves they wouldn't do it.Under a government health care system the child who had cancer may not be considered cost effective and may not be covered. Government run health care drives up the cost, it has an unfair advantage over the private sector because the government makes the rules, and it's NOT free. The government will just confiscate more of OUR hard earned money, reducing our buying power....Show more

Michal Semple: Why would you think this as almost everyone has access to health care at this point. Just not always insurance. If the manager at BK is being paid $30,000 a year, guess! what he can afford to buy insurance, he just needs to stop living beyo! nd his means. the single mother who is living below poverty, already has access to health care through the state and federal government for not only herself but her child. the only one of the three you mention that would be strapped for health care would be the individual who is in remission form childhood cancer under the current system and only then if they are a middle class wage earner. No one is refused care under the current system, they are merely refused to seek assistance at specific medical facilities without insurance....Show more

Corey Rohleder: Actually, most blacks voted for him because is black. And that is not a racist statement. It is the truth. I remember seeing on the news where this old woman who was close to 70 years old and black and had NEVER voted in an election before. But she voted in this one. And she voted for Obama. How do I know? She told us all on tv when the interviewed her. I know of several blacks who had never ever voted befo! re but they registered and voted in this election and they voted for obama.I am curious if the change they got and are going to get is what they were hoping for?

Fritz Sisomphou: there was a time in this country when people understood the idea of personal responsibility. I know it is an alien concept now, but I get health care through my work, it costs me 100 bucks a month taken right out of my pay check. I could use that money to go out to dinner more, or to buy more fun stuff. But if i get sick i am screwed. The fact is that most people are simply not willing to do what it takes to get health care. My neighbor works a full time job, which has health care coverage. However it does not leave her much money at the end of the day after all bills are paid. She is not willing to fore go health care coverage SO SHE GOT A PART TIME JOB TO MAKE UP THE DIFFERENCE. I know what a concept. OMG she is taking responsibility for making sure she has coverage AND all her bills paid. ! And if there is something extra she wants to do. She works more shifts.! at one job or the other. her kids are fine, they still have a mother and they are learning the value of hard work....Show more

Wilfred Santacruce: And, of course, the flip side..Should the "poor" have to put off buying that new flat screen TV to pay for health insurance?Should the "poor" really cut back on the hundreds spent on smokes and beer, and use that money on health insurance?Should we really expect "the poor" to waste all that time and hassle getting up every day and going to school?Should we really have expected that single mother to think before hopping into bed with every random guy that came along without bothering with birth control?Is it really fair for anybody to expect "the poor" to use sound fiscal judgement and common sense when we could instead just steal more money from other people to cover their stupidity?...Show more

Justin Casten: Should the indigent use the police power of government to usurp wealth from productive men in order to pay f! or their health care? Do we owe a portion of our lives just because they ignored their education and/or popped out a few F trophies a little too soon? How much money do I owe them personally? How many man hours a year should I spend in service to the poor? How many of my heart beats should be stolen from me BY FORCE by our benevolent government and given away at every street corner? HOW MANY?!? BTW - I was able to afford adequate health coverage when I was making 18k a year and paying for university. You don't have to have coverage for every bump and bruise - just the really important stuff. Get over your entitlement mindset and make a living for yourself like an adult. Recognize your wealth envy and get rid of it. Stop whining about how much the world owes you - because it doesn't owe you a thin red pubic hair....Show more

Foster Padgette: Here's a recent example. It's also proof that the 0bama administration continues to lie to the American people. Unemployment ! at .09 percent. Dollars toi donuts the GOA will come out in a week or! two with revised numbers, and they're always higher. The recent report that 36,000 jobs were created in January would have no affect on the % change for unemployment, and a 1/2 % point takes a whole bunch more jobs than that.

Cyndy Grimes: Case in point, if a person who works as a shift manager at burger king for 30,000 a year, who cannot afford health insurance, be denied health care because he is too poor to afford it?I had a choice to make when I was earning $25K/year. Health care or bigger apartment/higher standard of living/party. I chose health care and paid the premiums. I maintain that a person earning $30K a year could have health coverage if they really wanted it badly enough.Should a child, who once had cancer at an early age but is now 100% cured, be refused health care for the rest of his or her life because the health care company decided that they could not make profit on them?I'm iffy on this one. Perhaps the child should be accepted, but with a ! slightly increased premium due to their predisposition for cancer and the expensive treatments that the company may end up on the hook for.Should a working single mother who is below the poverty line be refused health care for herself or her child just because she is poor?If she's living below poverty level then she can get Medicaid already. She and her child will receive health care. If she REALLY wants a good life for her child, she'll get off her butt and make a better life for herself. I did it... as a single mother of two.Should health care just be for the rich?It's not. That's a bleeding heart propaganda line. We have programs for the needy in which they're provided health care. Anyone with an emergency will be seen in an ER. Anyone not living in poverty can make it work so that they have health coverage. I've done it, and I've seen people around me opt not to have it saying they "can't afford it". These same people manage to "afford" a standard of living tha! t's higher than my own. I have an acquaintence now who whines about no! t being able to afford a $550/month premium for insurance. This same person pays $700/month for her car and $500/month for her husband's car. I won't go into their other ridiculous spending. Simply put, the high numbers of uninsured in the US often comes down to a matter of personal choice. I won't be forced into feeling guilt because people have made poor life decisions....Show more

Long Woltjer: NO ...that's not what we've been saying ...our health care needs reform no doubt ; but i don't like your way nor obama's wayhere is the deal-the tax treatment of health insurance is a big problem , Equalizing the tax treatment and financing of health care is the first step we need to take in realigning the incentives in the system to provide consumers with better quality care at lower cost. - we need to expand coverage options for Americans by promoting competition in the insurance market and partnering with states to develop solutions for those who are hard to insure.so! i wanna insist on some points ;1.we need Equal tax treatment for health coverage.2.some Federal assistance to the states to cover vul­nerable populations would be fine..3.during campaign, McCain suggested Creating a Universal Tax Credit for Health Insurance...Show more

Antonia Quinnett: By being a role model who eats healthy and stays away from junk food. Been doin' that for close to 20 years now.

Cornelius Thornborrow: I've tried to explain to people what their food choices were doing to them. They look at me as if I've lost my mind, and say "But it TASTES good!" We have become a pleasure first society (thanks, liberals). And diseases 'just happen to unlucky people'. They are victims. They are heroes. And never ever to blame for making themselves sick.Go out to some public place and look at the people. See if you can even count two out of ten that aren't chewing or slurping on something. It's like everyone needs to stay in a constant state of orgasm....Show m! ore

Morris Olexy: As long as people keep buying their junk food, ! they'll keep selling it. A thousand people who think like you could march against them, and as long as mainstream America continues it's junk food addiction and keeps coming back as customers, that's what counts to a business. There's not much you can do to change other people's behaviors. I know you don't like government outright banning anything, but have you considered other options instead. The only real solution is going to be a political one. We've had great success cutting down smoking rates - the government has managed to cut smoking rates in half from what they were decades ago. And cigarettes were never made illegal.Maybe there should just be plain packaging and warning labels required on junk foods. Is that really a threat to anyone's freedom in any way?...Show more

Blair Abdi: Health care should be available to whoever can pay for it!

Clark Lachowski: Yes

Silvia Stclair: Human beings are not illegal, they may or may not have a visa or a residen! cy permit. The legislation is not in. If all goes well it will take up to three to five years.

Annabell Bevier: I want to start a massive campaign to get us to send a message to those places of filth like bk chikfila mcdonalds wendys dq taco bell etc that we won't poison our bodies with their food that is stuffed chock full of glutamates which are as addictive as cocaine.But how? I don't wanna force the govt to do stuff about it cuz thats unconstitutional. I wanna persuade people to take their consumer money elsewhwere so those places close off or change...Show more

Abby Herwood: None over 21 at any rate.

Shad Bushweller: Health is one of the few things you can't buy. So whether you can afford the services or not is irrelevant. I have insurance, and I'm still sick. Some people don't, and they're extremely healthy....Show more

Jannette Kotz: Health care is available to everyone. The poor get it through our tax dollar.They claim that there are 47 mil! lion people that are uninsured. Many of those are illegal aliens and pe! ople that CHOOSE not to get coverage because they don't want to pay for it!Obama's scheme is wrong, wasteful and expensive....Show more

Toby Caswell: I know, most of you are not racist. Racial comments are often made on here, but this is a very poor sampling (not to mention breeding ground for trolls), and virtually every conservative I know personally never says anything about Obama's race.I have to disagree with you though that you disagree with what any Democrat does that ruins the country ("you" as in conservatives in general, not you specifically). It seems to be split between "as a matter of principle" and "ruining our country" as reasons.

Lynn Hollars: start with soft drink companies

Ellis Cellar: Nobody is denied health care. By law they have to treat you in the ER. The poor have access to more and better health care than the middle class and rich via medicaid and SCHIP programs. Learn the facts.

Karl Samiec: RICH PEOPLE GET SICK?!!Oh yea! h, thanks for reminding Ted.

Terrell Lawman: I'm certainly not rich and I have health care.

Bell Pasco: Better idea, mind your own business and stop spreading lies

Jesusita Dykhoff: Absolutely agree with you. The state of American healthcare is one of the most disgusting things about the country. Some of the other people answering this don't know what they're talking about.15% of people have no insurance coverage whatsoever.Healthcare is a right, not a privilege, the notion that your right to life or a good standard of living should be denied to you because of your income is absurd. As is the idea of it being tied to your job. In fact the very notion that you should hesitate about sinking treatment, risking your life, because of monetary concerns is wrong.Not only is the US healthcare system unfair, but it is also inefficient in terms of both costs and outcomes. American healthcare costs twice as much as European counterparts. Its administrative costs are ! huge. And yet it has one of the lowest life expectancies in the industr! ialised world, and an infant mortality half that of Sweden and less than Cuba's.The American people agree with us, 76% want a public option.The best healthcare systems in the world have mandated, universal health-insurance at a single price, with full coverage for everyone; for example Holland and France. The best healthcare system in the world for the resources at hand, Cuba, is entirely free. The US must follow their example....Show more

Joaquin Dronko: Should taxpayers pay for the health care of someone who refuses to budget for caring for their own family? Someone who works for 30,000 CAN get insurance. It might not be the best plan and it might mean sacrifices elsewhere, but that leads into my question above. If someone has cell phone service, internet service, cable TV or satellite, eats out regularly, spends money on alcohol or cigarettes, etc... but doesn't think it important enough to set aside money to pay for a health insurance plan, why should taxpay! ers be forced to pay for their care? It's obviously not important enough to them.The only way to get the best quality care is to allow profits. Therefore health care must cost money. There is no magic to it and personally I prefer the system that allows me full freedom in choosing where I want to get care and what types of services I want. If my insurance doesn't want to cover it, I always have the option to pay for it myself. With government systems, that choice is completely thrown out the window. And don't be fooled into thinking that with a government system everyone gets equal care. All of us common folk will get the mediocre care while the ruling elite get all of the special care and at our expense. At least when the rich get the best care they are paying for it. At taxpayer expense, no less. They certainly aren't paying more to get that better care....Show more

Brock Anwar: OK, no doubt some blacks voted for him for that reason, but I don't think you fin! d much difference between voting percentages vs Clinton OR if Hillary r! uns again...Everyone tends to vote for their party, it's just that Liberals show their dishonesty by calling us racists when we are not and THEY KNOW IT......Show more

Nannie Kasee: It's up to you to decide what to put in your mouth.

Kenneth Thuesen: Maybe you should go back and see what caused health care costs to jump so high in the first place -- government intervention, and frivolous lawsuits.

Gaston Edgcomb: No.There Never were any Honest Liberal or Democrat Politicians."Never trust a Democrat, politician or voter." They just want what you have worked for.

Kris Bozelle: Here's the bottom line, and it's a harsh one. Ready?SOMEONE IS GOING TO DIE.No society has enough resources to provide unlimited medical assitance to all of its members. If such a thing ever happens, it's not going to be for a long time.So the question before us is NOT whether we are going to consciously allow some people to die. We HAVE TO. Every system does this.-The only! question is what BASIS we are going to use to determine who lives and who dies.-Now, the free-market solution does let people die through no fault of their own. A person who falls on hard times and is hit by a truck will bleed out instead of getting the care he needs, even if his economic hardship was short term. But since most people who work hard and spend wisely usually manage to store away at least a few resources, it does tend to keep those hard workers alive.But yes. If I were designing a health care system, I wouldn't design it that way. I would provide the least expensive health care universally - any person could at least stop by a doctor from time to time and get assistance maintaining their health. For most people in most circumstances that would be all they needed.Beyond that, more serious interventions would be rationed out first to those who were productive citizens and had actively worked to maintain their health. People who don't meet society half-way! get nothing more. The most rare and expensive processes probably woul! d be left to private insurance for those who wanted it (as well as coverage for slackers who are otherwise denied all but the most minimal of care).But that's me. Your mileage may vary....Show more

Luke Kosch: no

Ollie Desalvo: Ok well u can keep all the other restaurants besides Chikfila it is life

Elden Dedon: by telling them of your delusion

Donita Desjardin: I think you're the one not being honest with yourself. If you think tons of people didn't go and vote McCain simply because a black man was running, you are lying to yourself.Sweeping generalizations aren't worth the time it takes to type this sentence.

Idell Syed: Democrat...Not because he's Black, do you agree?OK, then why can't you accept the fact that Conservatives and Republicans don't like Obama because he's a Democrat and not because he's Black?Why don't you understand that we would be just as opposed to ANY Democrat(or anyone)that's ruining the country no matter WHAT COLOR THE! Y ARE?....Show more

Catheryn Small: Illegal immigrants cannot become US citizens. Illegal immigrants must first adjust to legal status and become legal permanent residents. Then, live and work as legal permanent residents for at least five years (three for those who serve in the military or are married to US citizens) and then apply for naturalization (fulfill all other requirements) to be granted US citizenship.The President's proposal to legalize the several million undocumented who qualified must be approved by Congress and then signed into law before anything in my first paragraph can happen....Show more

Alonso Crehan: As soon as Congress rejects amnesty for illegal aliens, Obama will issue an Executive Order to give them citizienship. Yes, illegal aliens are more hardworking than Americans, it was only because of all the illegal aliens in the military that America defeated Germany and Japan.

Hollis Demasters: Well Republicans can be the bad ! guys if they want to about Health care for the poor . But that certainl! y will not get Republicans elected any time soon as in the next 8 years or more .Money has it's rewards But Health Life and death situations should not fall into the reward category and should be available to all -especially children .ANY one who does not think so is Just plain evil .

Rosio Pasculli: There is an ASTOUNDING coincidence between the protesting about 'Obama ruining the country' by out of control spending, being a socialist, and blah, blah, blah that was terribly, terribly quiet during the Bush years with out of control spending, 'socialist spending' on Medicare, and blah, blah, blah. When you look at the differences between Bush and Obama, and you hear Republicans whining about 'the direction of the country' under Obama, but not Bush ... you've REALLY got to wonder. The direction of the country hasn't changed a speck in the past 4 years ... but you only hear the whining about the last 2. What exactly IS the difference between Bush and Obama that you'r! e complaining about? In the absence of other sources of variation, it's pretty natural to observe that the obvious difference is skin color.

Ileen Oshell: When will Obama help make them citizens? do you think it will happen this year or so? they deserve citizenship especially since they're more hardworking than the average american